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The World is Englishing 世界正在英语化       ★★★ 【字体:

The World is Englishing 世界正在英语化

作者:admin    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-11-3     


  The World is Englishing

  Alongside the cross-country ski tack in this mountainvillageextends a wide piste where very fit people on long narrowskispursue an activity known in French as “le skating.” Needlesstosay, like so many –ing words disseminated across the globe,“leskating” bears absolutely no relationship to what is meantinEnglish by the word “skating”.Somewhere in the modern humanpsychelies an urge to create trendy and interesting words of this–ingtype, in grammatical terms known as gerunds, or verbal nouns.Let’scall this creative process “gerunding.”Yes, I know thewordgerunding doesn’t exist, but since when did such a concerndeterthose who go gerunding? The whole point is to make up wordswhichsound and look English. It matters not a bit that they areforeigninventions, often inventions, often unrecognizable to anativeEnglish speaker.Smoking, footing, bronzing, shapmpooing,pressing,lifting, mobbing, standing-these are just a few of thewords thathave found their way across Europe in curious distortionsof theiroriginal sense.Take the strange history of the word“pressing.” Inits British context, pressing was a service providedfor those whowore a uniform or smart clothing. “Shall I have yourtrouserspressed, Sir?” the butler might say, before going off tosee to thedamp ironing of the garment. Building on thisassociation, aroundthe 1930s “un pressing” entered the Frenchlanguage in the sense ofa dry-cleaning service, and has remained onthe French street eversince-if never in the Dictionnaire de l’Academie Francaise. Butnowadays “pressing has been given acompletely new life in soccercommentaries on radio and televisionaround Europe, referring toone team “putting pressure” on theother. The only country wherewon’t hear such a gerund isBritain.Where does this kind ofneologism come from? And how dies itarise and become widespreadwithout any relationship to standardEnglish? By what mysteriousprocess did European properties for salecome to have “standing”- aquality which British English associateswith people orinstitutions, but certainly not with housesorbuildings?Inconsistencies abound. Perfectly good Englishgerundslike boxing and surfing get ignored in favor of Europeanforms like“boxe” and “surf.” Equally strange, the term “sparring”has come torefer not to the activity of sparring but to thesparringpartner.No native English speaker ever went “footing,” butthisword has been around in Europe since the end of the 19thcenturywhen it entered Spanish, for example, in the sense ofhiking,.Nowadays it substitutes for “jogging,” a word which isoften harderfro non-native speakers to pronounce.It must be saidthat nativespeakers of English are as guilty as the rest when itcomes togerunding. Grammatically the gerund is verbal noun, therefore itsroot should be a verb, as in walking, eating, running andso on.But in modern (and especially American) English we findanincreasing use of gerund-type words generated form nouns, awrongusage severely frowned upon by purists.Go beyond Europe, arecenteditorial in our own IHT brought to our attention theword“bunkering,” a “quaint term Nigerians use to describeoutcenterstealing of crude oil by mrs of the armed forces or thegovernment”(“Nigeria’s dashed hopes,”).Bunkering can hardly becalled anEnglish cultural export. But I wonder how long it will bebefore“beasting “ and “monstering” find their way around the world.Theseunsavory words are slang terms for interrogation methodsemployedby the U.S. military, made public by court proceedingsrelated toabuses at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq..What other pleasantculturalexports can we find? I was interested to see the word“bullying” inthe Spanish newspaper El Mundo, over an article aboutyoungstersbeing haraseed by other children at school. While glossedin thetext as “el acoso, “ a general term for being aggressive, theword“bullying” referred t the emotional and physical variantfoundwidely in the British school environment.“Why is that inEnglish” Iasked a Spanish friend. The answer came, “We’ve neverneeded a wordfor that before in Spain.” Here, as ever, language isour clearestliving indicator of social change. (接下页)





  Smoking, footing, bronzing, shampooing, pressing,lifting,mobbing,standing——这些只不过是这类词中的一小部分,它们奇怪地改变了原本的意思而在欧洲流行开来。



  这种相互不一致的情形比比皆是。英语中很地道的动名词, 如 boxing 和surfing,在欧洲大陆却被人忽视,让位于“boxe” 和 “surf” 这些欧洲大陆的语言形式。同样奇怪的是, “sparring”一词变得不指拳击格斗这一活动,而是指拳击格斗中的对手。


  必须指出,当谈到动名词化问题时,母语为英语的人和其他人一样有过错。从语法角度说,动名词是动词性名词,因此,它的词根应该是动词,就像walking,eating,running 等等。但是,在现代英语(特别是美国英语)中,我们可以发现人们越来越多地使用由名词派生而来的动名词类的词,这是令语言纯粹主义者极为不满的一种错误用法。


  Bunkering 一词很难说是英语文化的输出。不过,我想知道的是,“ beasting” 和“monstering”两个词需要多长时间才会通行全球。这些令人厌恶的词是一些俚语用词,指美国军方使用的审讯方法,伴随着对伊拉克阿布·格莱布监狱虐囚事件的审判而为公众所了解。

  我们还可以找出其他什么令人愉快的文化输出例子吗?当我在西班牙《世界报》上看到“bullying”一词的时候,我感到很有趣。当时,我是在读一篇关于学校里边小学生被其他孩子欺负的文章。尽管“bullying” 一词在文内被解释为“el acoso”,是表示“具有攻击性”的一个普遍用词,但它却是原指英国学校中普遍存在的情感和身体上欺凌弱小者的种种行为。


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文章录入:admin    责任编辑:admin 

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