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综合英语二下册语法及课后翻译          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-9-9     

1 多年以前,帮助人们解决各种难题使我深信:如果人们相互之间以礼相待,一个个的困难就会迎刃而解或者根本不会出现。
2 以礼待人,有礼貌,有良好的举止——不管你怎样称呼它,其供应似乎总是小于需求。一位泪眼朦胧的妻子吐露:“并不是因为我丈夫说了些什么使我难过,而是他说话的方式。为什么他总是冲我吼呢?”一位面孔铁青的办公室职员嘟囔说:“我讨厌我的老板,他对任何事都不满意。”一位焦虑的家长说:“我们的青少年给人的感觉总是郁郁寡欢。”
3 这些抱怨不仅仅出自于坐在我的书房里聊天的人们之口。人们在任何地方都渴望受到礼遇。拉夫.沃尔多.爱默生说:“良好的礼节是做事的愉快方式。反之亦然。不讲礼貌会毁了一天的情绪甚至友谊。”
4 具有良好举止的基本要素是什么呢?当然其一就是具有强烈的公正感;以礼待人只不过是告诉发展的公正意识。一位朋友曾对我谈起他在一条未铺过的单行路上开车的经历。前面那辆车掀起来呛人的灰尘,到最近的柏油公路还有一段很长的距离。突然,在一个较宽阔的地方,前边的汽车停了下来。我的朋友以为车主的发动机出现了问题,于是便停车询问汽车是否有了故障。对方司机说:“没有,只不过你们在我后边忍受掀起的尘土这么久,余下的路程该我吃你们的尘土了。”这是一个有礼貌的人,一个天生具有公共道德意识的人。
5 有礼貌的另一个要素就是要具有同情心,即能使人深入他人心扉的品质,来了解他人的痛苦或不幸,并尽力使之得到减轻。最近在我读的一本书中,讲述了发生在一个著名连锁饭店的故事。
6 一个独自进餐的人正试图打开番茄酱的瓶盖,但其手指因关节炎导致严重的残疾无法打开它。于是他叫一个年轻的服务员来帮忙。年轻人拿起瓶子,立即转过身去,毫不费力地把瓶盖拧松。然后他又把瓶盖拧紧。他转过身去,装作使出了很大力气也没有打开。最后他把瓶子拿进厨房,不一会走出来说他用一把钳子才拧松了瓶盖,是什么使这个年轻人不厌其烦地这样做以体谅一个陌生人的情感呢?是礼貌,是出于同情心的礼貌。
10 一个很难做到但却非常重要的事情就是要记住不要对他人无礼的举止予以还击报复。我记得有位年轻人曾讲过这样一件事,一天夜里当他和父亲驾车行驶时,前面开来一辆车的司机没把车的前灯调暗。“爸,对着他也把前灯打开!”年轻人恼怒地催促父亲。父亲答到:“孩子,那个司机当然很无礼、愚蠢,但是如果我把大灯打开,他不单单无礼、愚蠢还看不到路,这三者加在一起,我可不愿意惹这个麻烦。”
11 改善你的行为举止的第二个要求就是用对人有礼貌的方式去思维。从长远看来,你成为何种人是你以往20年或30年思想发展变化的结果。如果你的思想总是以自我为中心,那么你就会成为一个没有礼貌的人。相反,如果你培养自己为他人着想,养成理解他人的问题、希望、忧虑的习惯,那么你就会自然而然地形成良好的行为举止。
12 理性的礼貌在婚姻中所起的作用比在其他任何方面都要强。加重的亲密无间的环境使得一方很容易把自己的失意、挫折或愤怒发泄于最亲近的人,那个人通常是丈夫或妻子。
13 我经常对已婚夫妇说:“如果你感到不能控制自己的愤怒情绪时,在接下来的十分钟内强迫自己把你的伴侣当作家里来的客人。”我知道如果他们能够在十分钟内强迫自己对人有礼貌,那么最糟糕的暴风雨就会随之即去。
14 最后,要培养良好的举止还包括能够接受他人对你的文明行为,受到礼遇后很高兴,当它要降临时要以愉快的心情表示欢迎。奇怪的是,有些人对别人的热情招待持着怀疑的态度,他们怀疑他人有什么别有用心的企图。
15 但是生活中一些最为珍贵的礼物的增与是不求回报的,要想有个好天气不是通过你个人的努力就会有的。用金钱是买不到夕阳西下的美景,甚至玫瑰的芳香。所有这些都是大自然用爱心赋予我们的恩惠,并且是不求奖赏或回报的。良好的行为举止也是如此,或者说应该如此。
16 最后,良好的举止最终归结于你是怎样看待这个问题的。不仅仅从一般意义上而言,而是如何看待具体的个人。生活中充满了小小的烦恼、麻烦和不公平的事情。惟一能经常地、每天都使用的有效的方法就是以礼待人这个行为规范。我想如果允许我在《圣经》八福词中,作为补充再加上一条福的话,那该是:“有礼貌的人有福气。”
1 佛泽林盖知道30岁时才相信奇迹。政党他断然否认奇迹的可能性时,他发现了自己的特异功能。当时他正在一个酒吧喝酒。托德.比米什对他说的每一句单调却又起作用的话反对:“这可是你说的。”这使他无法忍受。
2 “比米什先生,看这儿,”佛泽林盖说,“我们要弄清奇迹是什么。奇迹是违反自然规律,通过意志力产生的事物。”
3 “这可是你说的”,比米什先生说。
4 佛泽林盖先生说:“比如说这里会发生奇迹。在通常自然规律情况下,那盏灯倒过来不会燃烧,是不是,比米什?”
5 “你说他不会”,比米什说。
6 “那你说呢?”佛泽林盖先生说,“难道你的意思是说。。。。。。?”
7 “不, 不,它不会。”比米什迟疑地说。
8 “很好”,佛泽林盖先生说,“那么现在来了一个人,也许是我,站在这,对那盏灯说,也许我酒会集中意志去这样做——‘倒过来,不准摔碎,不准熄灭,然后——哎呀!”
9 这足以使每个人都说“哎呀!”了。大家亲眼看到这令人难以置信的事情发生了。那盏灯悬浮于空中,火苗朝下,缓慢地燃烧着。
10 佛泽林盖先生站在那里,伸出一个手指,面露忧虑之色,好象怕油灯摔下来似的。一个紧挨着油灯的骑车人连忙闪开,跳出了酒吧。将近三秒钟的时间,那盏灯在原处一动不动。佛泽林盖精神疲惫地轻轻喊出来:“我再也无法支撑它了。”她步履蹒跚地向后退,这时,油灯突然摔到了地上。
11 幸好油灯有个铁容器,肉则整个地方都会起火。店主科可斯先生首先开口,他的话大意就是说佛泽林盖当众出丑了。佛泽林盖对眼前所发生的事非常震惊。接下来的谈话也没有弄清这到底是怎么一回事,大家都指责说是佛泽林盖搞的鬼把戏。佛泽林盖本人也相当迷惑不解,他甚至也同意他们的说法。
12 他面红耳赤地回到家,心情烦躁。只有当他一个人呆在自己狭小的卧室里时,他才能清楚地想想并问自己,“这究竟是怎么回事?”
13 他拖掉上衣和靴子,坐在床上,双手放在口袋里。他正第17次重复那句话,“我并没有想要把那盏灯倒过来,”这是他猛然意识到在他说出那句命令的话的一瞬间,他已经凭意志里实现了所说的事情。当他看到油灯悬在半空中时,他感到那盏灯是由他决定才悬于半空中的。可是他并不清楚他是怎么才使那盏灯保持那种状态的。他决定再做依次试验。
14 虽然他觉得自己是在做一件傻事,但他还是用手指着蜡烛集中注意力说:“浮起来”,蜡烛浮了起来,在空中悬浮了一会,然后衰落在桌子上,屋子里顿时一片漆黑。
15 有一会工夫,佛泽林盖一动不动地坐在那儿,“此事确实发生了”,他说,“那么我该如何解释这种现象?我不知道。”他沉重地叹了口气,并开始在口袋中摸索火柴。他一根火柴也没找到,于是暗中摸索桌子。“我希望有根火柴”,他说。他又在上衣口袋里找,也没有,然后他意识到也许用创造奇迹的方法可以弄些湖柴。他伸出一只手。“把火柴放在那只手上”,他说。他感到有个很轻的东西落在他的手掌上,手重握着的东西就是火柴。
16 试了几次他都没有把蜡烛点燃,于是他把蜡烛放下,忽然他意识到可以凭遗志力把蜡烛点燃,他这样做了,随之他看到蜡烛在桌子上燃烧。他急忙把蜡烛拿起来,可是蜡烛却熄灭了。他对奇迹发生的可能性的认识扩大了,他摸索着把蜡烛放回烛台中。“听着!燃烧起来”,佛泽林盖先生说,立刻蜡烛开始燃烧,他凝视蜡烛片刻,然后抬起头来,在镜子中他看到了自己凝视的目光。
17 “现在你对奇迹这个问题是怎么认识的呢?”佛泽林盖对着镜子中的自己说道。
18 佛泽林盖被随之迩来的想法弄糊涂了。据他看来,只要表达出意愿,他就能把事情办成。在经历了最初的几次体验之后,他要非常小心谨慎地做些试验。不过他还是把一张纸抬了起来,把一杯谁变成了粉红色,再变成绿色,还为自己弄了一把牙刷。在凌晨的这几个小时里,他意识到他的遗志力一定是非凡的、强大的。首次发现自己能创造奇迹的恐惧感现在已经融入了自豪感和优越感。他听到教堂的钟声已敲响一点时,就决定睡觉,不再拖延了。当他很费劲地把衬衣从头上脱下的时候,他突然想起了一个绝妙的办法。“让我到床上睡觉吧,”他说,他真地发现自己躺在床上了。“脱下衣服”,他又说道;感到被子很冷时,他急忙说到:“把睡衣给我穿上——不,我要穿柔软的毛料睡衣。啊!太舒服了!”他异常兴奋地说。“现在我要舒舒服服地睡一觉。。。。。。”
19 第二天早晨他正点醒来,在吃早饭的时候,他一直在沉思默想。他琢磨着经历的那些事是不是在梦中发生的呢。最后他又想谨慎地做些试验。比如说早餐他有三个蛋:其中两个是房东太太提供的,吃起来还不错,但是是从商店买回的,另一个是味道很好的新鲜额蛋,是他凭超凡的遗志力生出来、煮熟,然后放在餐桌上的。他急忙去上班,情绪高涨,但又不露声色。整整一天都因为这种令人难以置信的奇迹而无法工作,不过这并没有给他带来不便,因为在他下班前的10分钟,他奇迹般地把工作都做完了。
20 随着这一天的结束,他的思想情绪已经由惊讶变成了喜悦。除其他事情外,他计划用创造之举来增加其私人财产,并果真创造了几件不错的东西,但是他明白,对这个天赋,他必须小心谨慎,并保持警惕。
21 有一天晚饭后,他出去在煤气厂附近悄悄地试着创造几个奇迹。他用手杖击地面,并命令这个干枯的木头开花。空气中顿时弥漫着玫瑰的芳香。他划了根火柴,看到着美丽的奇迹果真被创造出来了。他的这种满足感被前面传来的脚步声打断了。惟恐别人会发现他这个能力,于是他赶忙对手杖说:“回去。”他的意思是“变回去”;但是他的手杖却以相当快的速度向后退,于是朝这边走的人愤怒地喊到:“你在向谁扔玫瑰树丛,你这个蠢货?”
22 “对不起,”佛泽林盖说。他看到警察温锲正向他走来。
23 “你到底是什么意思?”温锲问道。“啊!是你呀1你就是那个使酒吧的灯摔碎的人!你为什么要这么做呢?难道你不知道木棍会伤人么?”
24 好一会佛泽林盖一句话都说不出来。他的沉默似乎激怒了温锲先生:“年轻人,这一次你可是在攻击一位警察。”
25 “你看,温锲先生,”佛泽林盖懊恼地、不知所措地说。“实在对不起,事实是……”
26 “什么?”
27 他想不出别的说法,只好实话实说。“我正在创造奇迹。”他尽量随随便便地说。
28 “创造……!别胡说八道了。真的是在创造奇迹!这真是太可笑了!你可是个不相信奇迹的人……事实是这又是你搞的愚蠢的把戏。现在我告诉你。。。。。。”
29 但佛泽林盖先生再也听不到温锲先生要说什么了。他意识到自己露了馅。他已变的极其愤怒。他快速转身面对这位警察,愤怒地说:“听着,我已经受够了。那么我就给你表演一下愚蠢的把戏,你给我到阴曹地府去吧!”
30 警察不见了!
31 那天夜晚,佛泽林盖没有再创造奇迹,也没费神去看看他那开花的手杖。他回到家,精神紧张,静静地呆着。“啊!”他说,“这可真实个了不起的天赋。我真的没有想到我又这么大的能力。确实没有。阴曹地府会是什么样呢?”
32 他坐在床上,把鞋脱掉。突然他有了满意的想法,把那个警察打发到了旧金山,然后他就上床睡觉了。
33 第二天早晨,佛泽林盖听到了两条有趣的消息:一条是有人在煤气厂附近种了一只美丽的攀缘而上的玫瑰;另一条是人们都在寻找警察温锲。
损伤关系 to impair the relationship between…   减缓痛苦  to reduce pain 减轻负疚(感) bo lessen one’s guilt   施加压力  to put pressure 作出贡献 to make one’s contribution   重新做人 to turn over a new leaf 作出决定 to make decisions 拒绝要求  to refuse one’s request 发现原因 to find reasons 兼职工作  part-time job 全职工作  full-time job 周围世界 surrounding world 世纪之交  the torn or the century  成就感 a sense of achievement 责任感  a sense of responsibility 幽默感  a sense of homour
use the “useful expressions”
With the labor market being increasingly competitive, many people do not take their present jobs for granted.
Paul has a family of four people to support, so he knows clearly that he has to try his best to hold down his job.
After the brutal long-drawn-out tribal war, the common people living in the area are all yearning for peace and security.
Standing up to the great pressure from the doctor and relatives, my mother insisted on teaching me reading and writing.
Since neither side gave in to the other, the war had been going on for more than a decade.
As long as you keep at it, finally you will sure be successful in writing.
If you believe in that money can help you clear away all the difficulties in your life, you are bound to be greatly disappointed.
If the book is published , it would be harmful to the fame of the publishing house.
I felt very guilty about my such ignorance of the Chinese calligraphy.
When others say that you will be constantly showered with good fortunes, don’t take it seriously.
Use give, feel, begin, and expect.
We invited professor Li to give us music lessons.
The concert begins at 7 o’clock. We’d better hurry up.
The candle went out, and the man felt in his pocket to search for a match.
They all expect the dean to hold a party on the occasion of the Moon Festival.
Children always expect parents to give them whatever they want.
I feel that it is not reasonable to require a three-years-old child to learn such a long poem by heart.
Meeting these energetic young people five this old man great joy.
When she felt someone following her, she began to worry.
She was not surprised when her boss dismissed her, for she never expected her boss to be kind to her.
You expected me to be grateful for you so-called help. Listen, I don’t appreciate your kindness at all.
Dear honored guests, please arrive at the reception party half an hour before the time when the party begins.
You can not expect great improvement in oral English within one or two weeks.
I have so many things to do that I even don’t know which one to begin with.
Please give me a chance to try.
We expected Hanlei to be the first in the speech contest.
Translate the following into English, using imperative sentences.
Let’s clean the classroom this afternoon.
Please tell your sister to give me a phone call this evening
Be sure not to believe what re reported in that local newspaper.
“Keep it out of the reach of children.”
Don’t put too much salt in the soup.
Let’s not bother him. He is very busy.
Don’t criticize him any more. He has been feeling awfully bad about it.
Please stay one metre away from the counter.
Don come to my birthday party next Friday evening.
Do keep clam when you find yourself in such a situation.
Translate the following passage into English.
Studying abroad greatly appeals to young people. It is really a brand-new experience which provides us with the opportunities to discover new things. But we have to be mentally prepared for the problems with which we may be confronted. Owing to the differences in social system, belief, values and way of life, we may suffer from culture shock and it is hard for us to be adapted to the new environment.
Usually, we need to go through four stages to get accustomed to a new place. The four stages are honeymoon, crisis, recovery and adjustment. On arriving in a foreign country, we may feel very excited, and everything appears wonderful. But when we enter the second stage, we feel that things are not so good as we have expected. We begin to miss our homes and tend to give it up. However, as long as we stick with it, we can overcome this culture shock, be adapted to and finally get benefit from this new culture.
Translate the following sentences into English
Use the verb+ noun or adj. + noun collocation
移植器官 to transplant organs 接受邀请 to accept an invitation拒绝邀请 to refuse an invitation认真看待 to take something seriously建立关系 to establish relationship坚持原则  to stick to the principle更换恋人 to change romantic partners兑换钱币 to convert moeny社交约会 social engagements良好看法 positive regard面部表情 facial expressions职业病 occupational diseases违约 to violate one’s contract
use the  “useful expressions”.
1 医生说病人的病源于孤独和压抑。
The doctor said that the patient’s illness was caused by solitude and depression
2 自从中国实施改革开放政策以来,这个城市的面貌焕然一新。
Since China adopted the reform and opening-up to the outside world policy, this city has taken on a entirely newlook.
3 萨拉对18世纪的西班牙音乐并不熟悉。
Sarah is not familiar with the Spanish music of the 18th century.
4 感受文化震荡的外国人常常采取与世隔绝的态度。
The foreigners who are suffering from culture shock often cut themselves off from the rest of the world
5 在头几个月,许多新生难以适应大学生活。
For the first few months, may freshmen are hardly adapted themselves to the college life.
6 芳芳上个月才到达澳大利亚,已经很快适应了新的环境。
Although Fangfang got to Australia only last month, she had already adjusted to the new environment.
7 在实验中,马丁严格遵守导师定下的规则。
During the experiment, Martin strictly stuck to the rules set by his tutor.
8 只要你努力工作,虚心向别人学习,新上任的压力会逐步消除的。
As long as you work hard and learn modestly from others, the pressure of taking up the new post will wear off.
9 生物学家决定试用那套昂贵的设备。
Biologists decided to try out that set of expensive equipment.
Use concern, notice and take.
1 我注意到她从国外回来以后举止有了很大的改进。
I noticed that she had greatly improved her behaviors since she returned from abroad.
2 第二个问题与孩子们的安全有直接关系。必须立即解决。
The second question directly concerns children’s safety, so it should be solved at once.
3 你注意到林教授的新套服没有?穿上这套衣服他看起来很帅吧?
Have you noticed professor Lin’s new suit? Doesn’t he look very smart in the suit?
4 我想我会接受你的劝告,尽快去看医生。
I think I will take your advice and go to see the doctor soon.
5 越来越多的中国人关心环保问题。
More and more Chinese people begin to concern themselves with environmental protection.
6 她受伤的那条腿疼的厉害,她只好吃了一片止疼药。
Her injured leg was so painful that she had to take a pain-killer.
7 我看见他匆匆地离开了晚会。
I noticed him leaving the party in a hurry.
8 为了能在早上8点以前到达办公室,他只好乘出租车。
In order to arrive at the office before 8 o’clock in the morning, he had to take a taxi.
9 你有没有注意小王是什么时候离开的?
Have you noticed when Xiaowang left?
10 奥林匹克运动会每4年举行一次。
The Olympic Games take place once every four years.
11 带上伞,天看起来要下雨。
Take the umbrella with you, for it seems to rain.
12 修理这台电视机花了他两个小时的时间。
It took him two hours to fix this TV set.
Translate the following sentences into English.
1 有什么可担心的?我们有足够的粮食和水。
Is there anything to worry about? We have sufficient food and water
2 谁不知道大名鼎鼎的吉姆老爷?
Who doesn’t know the well-known Master Jim?
3 你不能再检查一遍你的试卷吗?
Can’t you look over your examination exercises again?
4 难道你没听说吗?乔治已经考上大学了。
Haven’t you heard of it? George has been admitted to a college.
5 你没去过北京图书馆?我真不相信!
Haven’t you really been to Beijing Library? I can’t really believe it.
6 你不想进来喝杯茶吗?谢谢
won’t you come in and have a cup of tea?
7 要是他愿去,我能有什么办法?当然,你不能强迫他。
If he is willing to go, what can I do with it.
Of course, you can’t force him to.
8 难道雨还没停?已经下了3个小时了。看样子要下个没完。
Hasn’t the rain stopped? It has been raining for 3 hours.
It doesn’t seen to stop.
Now that it has happened, what’s the use of crying?
10 难道你还不明白他的意图吗?
Haven’t you understand his intention?

Translate the following.
实现美梦 to realize beautiful dreams 大发脾气 to lose one’s temper失去记忆 to lose one’s memory寻求安慰 to seek comfort来根香烟 to give sb. a cigarette保持安静  to keep quiet怜悯某人 to pity sb.统治世界 to rule the world证券交易 stock exchange transactions等身画像 life-size portrait手工劳动 manual work恶意的玩笑 practical jokes忧伤的表情 sad expressions 褴褛的衣衫 torn clothes淡淡的笑容  a faint smile**  to make money股市 stock markets股东 shareholder

use the “useful expressions”.
1 模范护士海伦工作既讲效率又有耐心,严格却富有爱心,深受小病人们的喜爱。
Helen, the model nurse, is efficient but patient, strict but caring, and is very popular with her young patients.
2 部队断了粮,只能靠野果和树皮充饥。
Running our of grain, the army had to live on wild fruit and tree bark.
3 因售后服务好,奇迹牌洗衣机销路很旺。
The Legend washing machine has a great sale on account of its after-sale service.
4 由于那部电影大获成功,它的插曲也很受欢迎。
Since that film scores a great success, its interlude songs are also much sought after.
5 杨教授搬家时,把许多书给了学生。
When Professor Yang was moving house, he gave away many of his books to his students.
6 乔治喜欢把自己的过失归咎于别人。
George likes blaming others for anything be himself has done wrong.
7 仅仅过了半年,他就厌倦了公司职员的工作。
Only after half a year, he was tired of working as a clerk in the company.
8 我的教授不许我在圣诞节期间在实验室工作。
My professor would not hear of my working in the laboratory during Chiristmas.
9 我现在不能作出任何承担,但是我会考虑这件事的。
I cannot give any commitment at the moment, but I will see about it.
10 他破产了,只得求助于朋友的资助。
He went bankrupt and had to go to his friends for financial help.
Use find, talk and get
1 在我桌上我发现了一个寻呼机。是你的吗?
I found a beeper on my desk. Is that yours?
2 平安到达后请给我来个电话。
Please gibe me a phone call when you get to the place safe.
3 我已经替你找到了一套带有家具的公寓。
I have already found a furnished apartment for you
4 关于如何改善雇员的工作条件,他们谈了几个小时。
They talked for hours about how to improve the employees’ working conditions
5 你去超市时能把我买两个柯达胶卷吗?
Would you please get two Kodak roll films for me when you go to the supermarket?
6 我发现住在乡下是一种很有趣的经历。
I find that living in the countryside is an interesting experience.
7 你得想办法找人把漏水的龙头修好。
You have to find someone who can fix the dripping tap.
8 我到家,发现爷爷在自言自语。
When I got home, I found my grandpa was talking to himself.
9 老师告诉他他儿子在考试中作弊,他很生气。
When the teacher told him that his son cheated at the exam, he was very angry.
10 同事门到达之前,他就把一切都准备好了。
Before his colleague arrived, he had got everything ready.
Doctor find that those who drink a little very day are more healthy than those who never drink.
There is no point in talking, so let’s go into action!
Translate the following sentences into English ,using object complement.
1 我今天必须让人给我修电脑。
I have to have my computer repaired today.
2 你为什么劝她去做那件事?
Why did you persuade her to do that thing?
3 妈妈发现孩子在自行车上熟睡着。
The mother found her child sleeping soundly on the bike
4 我没注意到他在大厅等我  。
I didn’t notice him waiting for me in the hall.
5 他们把我们当贵宾招待。
They treated me as a distinguished guest.
6 他自我介绍说他是从英国来的音乐家。
He introduced himself to me as a musician from Britain.
7 孩子们总是把他们的父母看成是世界上最了不起的人。
Children always consider their parents are the greatest people in the world.
8 他努力想说明自己的观点。
He tried to make his ideas clear.
Translate the following sentences into English, using noun clauses.
1 没有人问我们谁该来干这个工作。
Nobody asked us which one of us should do this work.
2 他最喜欢的事情就是跟人家开玩笑。
What he enjoys most is making fun of others.
3 家就是你的家人和朋友在的地方。
Your home is where your family had friends are.
4 你最喜欢那个候选人就投哪个候选人的票。
You may vote whichever of the candidates you like best.
5 不管是谁跟你说的这件事,都是在撒谎。
Whoever told you this was lying
Whether I take part in the discussion or not is another matter.
点燃香烟 to light a cigarette 装上镜框 to frame a picture一堆旧衣 a heap of old clothes变成碎片to fall in bits 情绪饱满 to be in high spirits自言自语 to say to oneself支付利息 to pay the interest捧腹大笑 to shake one’s sides with laughter真诚道歉 sincere apologies满脸通红 one’s face flushed bright red发表演说 to make a speech搓手 to rub one’s hands together私事private affairs
1 愿意和我一起步行上山吗?
Would you care for a walk up the hill with me?
2 在地震中,我心爱的瓷瓶从橱柜里掉下来,摔的粉碎。
During the earthquake, my favourite china bottle fell from the cupboard, breaking to bits.
3 德国人入侵以后,我的老师死也不肯再教德文了。
Since the invasion of the German, my teacher would never teach German for anything.
4 在他们父亲的葬礼上,兄弟两个人为死者的钱财争论不休,当众出丑。
At their father’s funeral, the two brothers kept arguing with each other about the dead man’s money, thus making fools of themselves.
5 这份报告第一论点不明确,第二论据也不充分。
To begin with, the argument of this report is not clear, and second, the grounds of the argument are not sufficient.
Although Jimmy was very weak in his last days, he was still in high spirits.
7 汤母无意伤害你,他只是实话实说罢了。
Tom did not mean to hurt you; he was just telling the truth.
When the three internationally known tenors appeared on the stage, the entire concert hall burst into applause.
During his stay at Oxford University as a visiting scholar, he had the honour to meet quite many great scientists.
10 休吉叫了起来:“我绝对没有想到那老模特是个百万富翁。
Hughie cried:“It never entered my mind that the old model was a millionaire.”
1 我看了看四周,但在黑暗里我什么也看不见。
I looked around, but I could see nothing in the darkness.
2 他把这些年来所搜集的珍贵邮票拿给朋友看。
He showed his friends the precious stamps which he has collected these years.
3 我不明白你是什么意思。你为什么不告诉我真相?
I don’t understand what you meant. Why didn’t you tell me the truth?
4 她教了我好几次怎样使用这台新洗衣机,可我总记不住。
She showed me how to use this new washing-machine for several times, but I still can not remember.
5 他告诉我他第二天不能来开会,他要照顾生病的母亲。
He told me that he couldn’t attend the meeting the next day because he would have to look after his sick mother.
6 这家人刚搬到这个镇子上来的时候,那位母亲叫孩子们天黑以后不要外出。
When this family first moved to the town, the mother told her children not to go outdoors after dark.
7 他坚持把我送到公共汽车总站。
He insisted on seeing me to the bus tenminal
8 下星期天这部电影还要在电视上重播。
This film will be shown on TV next Sunday.
9 老师可以看得出吉母对他的分数不是很高兴。
The teacher may see Jim quite unhappy about his score.
10 导游把客人领去看鲁迅出生的那个房间。
The guide showed the tourists to the room where Luxun was born.
11 许多城里人分不清水稻苗和杂草。
Many urban people can not tell rice seedling from weeds.
12 他摇了摇头,公开表示了他与经理的观点不同。                                                                                                                                                                     
He shook his head, openly showing his different point of view from his mananer.
1 他太急于求成。
He was too impatient for success.
2 人们普遍认为许多下岗妇女的最大弱点就是缺少信心。
It is generally believed that the greatest shortcoming of many unemployed women is the lack of confidence.
3 大家高兴地发现,一切都很正常。
To everybody’s delight, everything is normal.
4 这就是我对他投了反对票的原因。
That is why I voted against him.
5 我们认为这是一个危险的步骤。
We believe that this is a dangerous step.
6 玛力的问题就是她从不愿自立独立做事情。
Mary’s problem is that she is never willing to do things independently.
7 我的位置在中国,那里正处在现代化过程中,急需有决心、有知识的人。
My position is in China which is undergoing modernization and is badly in need of determined and well-educated persons.
8 这就是我在西藏的所见所闻,令人深受鼓舞。
This is what I saw and heard in Tibet, and it’s very inspiring.
9 伽利略不体面地离开家乡,多年以后他回来时是一位倍受敬仰的科学家。
Galileo left his hometown in disgrace, any many years later when he returned, he was a much respected scientist.
10 克里斯的母亲坚信,她的儿子生子生来残疾,但不是生来白痴。
Christ’s mother firmly believed that her son was born disabled, but not an idiot.
Use the verb + noun or adj. + noun collocation.
取消航班 to cancel the flight得到许可 to get permission值得一试 to be worth a try缓和紧张 to relieve the tension以身冒险 to tempt fate盖上印章 to put a seal on 如释重负 to feel relief送报/牛奶 to deliver newspaper/ milk 扣押某物 to seize something入境签证 entrance visa出境签证 exit visa交通堵塞 traffic jam个人物品 personal belongings冲马桶 to flush the toilet
use the “useful expression”.
1 一场隧道大火使进城的交通中断了近一个星期。
The traffic to the city had been held up for nearly one week by a big tunnel fire.
2 我把地图摊在地上,查找去拉萨的路线。
I laid out the map on the ground to find out the route to Lhasa.
3 通过仔细研究报纸上的广告,小bob察觉出一个大盗窃阴谋。
Through careful study of the advertisements in the newspaper, little Bob smelled out a big stealing plot.
4 一座桥的倒塌引起地方官员的警觉,并促使他们决定视察所有正在兴建的桥梁。
The collapse of a bridge make the local government officials sit up and take notice. It also urged them to make the decision to inspect all the bridges being built.
5 沿路直至山顶,都可以看到美丽的粉红色杜鹃花在盛开。
All the way up to the top of the mountain, beautiful pink azaleas are seen in full bloom.
6 每个人都在关注那个地区形式,看其如何发展。
Everyone is concerned with the situation in that area, expecting to see how it will work out.
7 工人们对工厂的糟糕管理和低效率难以忍受。
The workers could hardly put up with the terrible management and the low efficiency in that factory.
8 此楼的内装修只准在白天进行。
The interior finishing of this building is limited to daytime only.
9 他费力地想弄清楚名首字母N.E.指的是什么。
He tried hard to figure out what the initials N.E. stood for.
10 我来到游泳池,没想到却同一个粗鲁的年轻人争吵起来。
I came to the swimming pool only to get myself into a quarrel with a rude young man.
Use put, hold, and pick.
1 只要付钱,游客们可以在这个公园里自由采摘水果。
As long as they pay, tourists may pick fruits at their pleasure in this park.
2 那位白人妇女右臂抱着一个婴儿,左手提着一个旅行袋。
The white woman held a baby in her right arm and a traveling bag in her left hand.
3 如果你设身处地为他想想,你就会理解他的选择了。
If you put yourself in his position, you would understand his choice.
4 她因为太激动了,无法把自己的思绪用言语表达出来。
She was too excited to put her thoughts into words.
5 我们要挑选12位高中生参加下一届奥林匹克数学竞赛。
We intend to pick out twelve high school students to take part in the next International Maths Olympic.
6 要求所有考生都把自己的编号而不是姓名写在答案纸上。
It required that every examinee put down his/ her serial number rather than name on the answer sheet.
I’ve been holding this position for five years, and I won’t resign whatever happens.
8 昨天咱们买的那些书你放到哪儿了?
Where did you put the books we bought yesterday?
9 我觉得一条船容纳不下我们这些人,还是租两条吧。
I don’t think one boat can hold us all. Let’s rent two.
10 这是你的错,你怎么能把责任推到别人身上。
It’s your fault. How can you put the blame on others?
11 这次全国图书展销会将在10个城市举行。
Use the verb+ noun or adj. + noun collocation.
扮演角色 to play a role积累经验 to accumulate experiences熨烫衣物 to iron clothes身负重担 to bear a heavy burden卸下重担 to unload a heavy burden作出牺牲 to make sacrifices缝补衣物 to mend clothes物归原主 to return the property to its rightful owner承担任务 to undertake a task 坚强的意志 strong will不屈的意志  indomitable will粗糙的手指  rough fingers深陷的双眼 sunken eyes寒冷的冬天 severe winter
use the “useful expressions”.
1 我祖母少有的善良和慷慨使所有认识她的人都敬爱她。
The rare kindness and generosity with which my grandmother have been blessed make her respected by those who know her.
2 在长达一周的夏季反攻中,士兵们用尽了弹药。
During the summer counterattack that lasted for one week, the soldiers had used up all the ammunition.
3 恐怕你的要求超越了他的权限。
I’m afraid your request is beyond the limits of his power.
4 轮船剧烈地左右晃动,许多乘客都晕船了。
The ship rocked violently from side to side, causing many passengers to feel seasickness.
5 老人在丛林里生活多年,与外界极少来往。
The old man has been living in the jungle for many years, having little contact with the outside world.
6 她年轻时得过癌症,后来康复了,一直活到高龄。
She had cancer when she was young, but recovered later and lived to be an advanced age.
7 广场中心的雕像表达了人民对将军的敬重和自豪之情。
The statue standing in the center of the square speaks of the respect and pride people feel for the general.
8 我把消息告诉了码力以后,她看上去好象要晕倒。
After I told Mary the news, she looked as if she was about to faint.
9 她不顾父母的强烈反对,决定去上夜校。
She decided to go to the evening school regardless of her parents’ strong objection.
10 为帮助艾丽丝准备参加网球比赛,她母亲请来了本地最好的教练。
To help Alice prepare for the tennis match, her mother sent for the best local coach.
Use cover, fall and pass.
1 我从梯子上掉了下来,伤了左胳膊。
I fell off the ladder and hurt my left arm.
2 在大学我们至少需要300元来支付伙食费。
At university we need at least 300 yuan to cover the board expenses.
3 唐山遭受地震以来二十多年已经过去了。
Twenty years has passed since Tangshan was hit by earthquake.
4 这个课程涉及到二战以来美国历史的各个方面。
This course covers every aspect of American history since World War Ⅱ.
5 雪一直缓缓地下着。
The snow kept falling steadily.
6 这本书挺难,我一小时只读了10页。
The book is rather difficult, and I covered only ten pages in one hour.
7 那个期间他三次经过自己的家都没有进去。
He passed his house without entering three times during that period.
8 这次高考入学考试他没能通过,他决心明年再试一次。
He has failed to pass this year’s college Entrance Examination and he’s determined to have another try next year.
9 那个小男孩问他的父母为什么树在秋天掉叶子。
That little boy asked his parents why the leaves fall from the trees in autumn.
10 你们看完了这份报纸以后,把它传给三班。
After reading the newspaper, pass it to Class Three.
Translate the following sentences into English, using attributive clauses.
1 明天要新来一个老师,他将取代Smith先生教我们英语
A new teacher will come tomorrow, who will replace Mr. Smith to teach us English.
2 他给我画了一张有关这个城市的图,使我们对这个城市的大小有了一点概念。
He drew me a map of this city, which gave me a general idea of the size of the city.
3 我肯定总有一天你会后悔拒绝了他的要求。
I’m sure the day will come when you will regret having turned down his requests.
4 你读了墙上“禁止抽烟”的告示了吗?
Have you read the sign on the wall which says “No Smoking”?
5 在大厅里我看到一个坐在轮椅里的男孩,他正在读一本杂志。
I say a boy who was sitting in a wheelchair in the hall reading a magazine.
6 银行里留下的钱足够送他的三个儿子上大学。
The money which was left in the bank is enough to send his three sons to university.
7 这就是那本19世纪80年代出版的书,它极大地影响了人们对世界的看法。
This is the book published in 1880s, which greatly influenced people’s view about the world.
8 他是我所认识的唯一能在如此短的时间里把这些数学题做完的人。
He is the only person I know who can solve these maths problems in such a short time.
Translate the following sentences using appositive clauses.
1 中方表达了希望核武器控制的会谈在近期开始的愿望。
China expressed the hope that the talks about unclear weapons control should be held recently.
2 劳心者治人而劳力者治于人的观点是错误的。
The view is not correct that those who work their brains rule and those who work with their brawn are ruled.
3 传来消息说这一切都是假的。
There comes the news that everything is false.
4 他犯有谋杀罪这个事实是不容否认的。
There is no denying the fact that he is guilty of murder.
5 他进旅店时有一种幻觉,认为看门人是一个侦探。
He had an illusion when he entered the hotel that the gatekeeper was a detective.
6 连长接到参谋部的命令说他的连队要开往前线。
The company commander has received order from the General Staff that his company would move to the front.
Use the verb+ noun or adj. + noun collocation
养家糊口 to be a breadwinner吸取教训 to draw a lesson赡养家庭 to support the family提供材料 to supply the material驱动机器 to drive the machinery缓解痛苦 to relieve somebody of pain记录帐目 to keep accounts消除贫穷 to abolish poverty教训某人 to teach somebody a lesson家庭会议 family council职业女性 professional woman珍贵财富 precious fortune
use the “useful expressions”.
1 眼见敌人的导弹把村庄炸成一片废墟,村民们都气炸了肺。
Seeing the enemy’s missiles blowing the village to pieces, all the villagers were burning with anger.
2 他注意到那个中年人给一家电视公司开了一张150英镑的支票。
He noticed that the middle-aged man made out a 150-pound check for a television company.
3 他从一生经历中体会到,友谊和爱比金钱重要的多。
He has leant from his life time experience that friendship and love count for much more than money.
4 去年夏天,他在一所乡间村舍住了一个月,远离城市的喧闹。
Last summer, he had been living in a countryside cottage for one month, free from the noise and excitement in the city.
5 为了保护大自然这一共同利益,许多政府联起手来清除化学工业带来的有毒污染。
In the common interest of protecting the nature, a lot of  governments have been united to abolish the poisonous pollution caused by chemical industry.
6 委员会决定明年的会议在西安举行。
The committee has resolved that the next year’s conference be held in Xi’an.
7 天亮时,他发现自己躺在一个山谷底处。
At dawn, he found himself lying at the bottom of a valley.
8 许多人为“希望工程”捐款,是因为他们深切同情农村里上不起学的孩子们。
Many people make donation for the Project Hope, because they deeply sympathize with the children in the rural areas who can’t afford to go to school.
9 高考来临之际,考生家长们都在尽力减轻孩子的精神负担。
With the coming of College Entrance Examination, the parents of the examinees are trying their best to relieve their children of the mental burden.
Use serve, bear and work.
1 他已经为这个广告公司工作6年了。
He has served this advertising company for six years.
2 电梯现在不运行,他只好爬上11层楼。
The lift is not working at the moment, and he has to climb up to the 11th floor.
3 看来他的阿谀奉承这次不能奏效了。
It seems that his flattery won’t work this time.
4 我80岁的爷爷无法忍受北方的严冬。
My 80-year-old grandfather can not bear the severe winter in the North.
5 他父亲在10年前是中国驻英国的大使。
His father served as Chinese ambassador to Britain ten years ago.
6 在屋子的角落里有一张矮桌子当电视架使用。
There is a low table in the corner of the room which can serve for a TV rack.
7 那家名流聚集的餐馆的饭菜很一般。
The celebrity-packed restaurant serves mediocre food.
8 这部移动电话看起来不时髦,可能满足我的需要。
The mobile phone doesn’t look fashionable, but it serves me very well.
9 如果出了问题,你就得承担责任。
If there is anything wrong, you have to bear the responsibility.
10 我不忍心看到老人受到他们亲生子女的虐待。
I can’t bear to see old people being maltreated by their own children.
11 我们多年的努力现在终于开花结果了。
Our years of effort has finally borne fruit now.
12 如果这种药没有效果,那么你只好动手术了。
If this kind of medicine doesn’t work, you will have to have an peration.
Translate the following sentences into English, using adjectives or adjective phrases.
1 你见过比这更拥挤的超市吗?
Have you ever seen a supermarket more crowded than this one?
2 我认为你最好跟有关人事谈谈这个问题。
I think you’d better talk about this matter to the person concerned.
3 那些在事故中受伤的人都已送往医院。
Those injured in the accident have already been sent to the hospital.
4 我从来没碰到过你这样不讲道理的人。
I’ve never met such an unreasonable person as you.
5 在场的每一个人都认为这是个好建议。
Everyone present regards it as a good proposition.
Translate the following sentences into English, using each, every, many, much, some, and any.
1 每一个想获得证书的同学都必须通过这个考试
Every student who wants to get a certificate must pass the exam.
2 你看电视太多,花在运动上面的时间太少。
You spend too much time watching TV and too little time doing exercises.
3 他所说的大部分同意,但不是都同意
I agree with much of what he said, but not all.
4 饭店里还有三个经济房间,每一个都有卫生间。
There are three economy rooms in the hotel, each having its own toilet.
5 在英国的变化无常的天气是一个谈论得很多的话题。
In England, the changeable weather is a topic which is much talked about.
6 我们的同胞在受苦受难我们怎么能坐这里什么也不干?
How can we sit here doing nothing while our brothers and sisters are suffering so much?
7 只要下午5点钟之前把这活干完,你怎么干都行。
As long as you finish this work before 5 o’clock, you many do it any way you like.
8 在我们镇里,他的菜园长出的西红柿比谁家的都甜。
In our town, the tomatoes grown out of his garden are sweeter than those from any other garden.
Use the verb+ noun or adj. +noun collocation
砍伐森林 to cut down the forests筑坝拦河 to dam the streams发出警告 to sound a warning受到表扬 to receive praise激起热情 to fire one’s imagination激发想象 to finish college大学毕业 to finish college政府干预 government intervention人造卫星 man-made satellite学术报告 academic reports 强烈反对 fierce opposition热心读者 avid reader严酷事实 farsh facts上……课 to take a course in…连续10天ten consecutive days新华社 Xinhua News Agency畅销书 best-seller环保 environmental protection
use the “useful expression”.
1 尽管年纪小,没经验,这位小演员同一起工作的明星们却能无拘无束地相处。
Though young and lacking in experience, the young actor is at ease with the film stars with whom he is working.
2 没过一会儿,巴德先生就发现他的顾客是警察通缉的那个人。
Not long after, Mr. Budd found out that his customer was the man on the police’s wanted list.
3 在完全了解自己严重病情的情况下,吉姆在生命最后几个月里作出许多勇敢的选择。
Fully aware of his serious illness, Jim made many courageous choices in the last few months in his life.
4 1998年中国的水灾向中国人民发出了严重警告。
The flood in China in 1998 sounded a serious warning to people all over the country.
5 怎样培养好独生子女在中国印发了许多辩论。
How to bring up the only child properly has stired up much controversy in China.
6 詹姆斯是在牛津时接触到莎士比亚的著作的。
James got acquainted with Shakespeare’s works when he was at Oxford.
7 当我发现那位著名画家竟与我家有亲戚关系时,感到十分惊讶。
I was very surprised to find that the famous painter was connected to our family.
8 人在剧烈活动时,肌肉中的蛋白质会分解的更快。
Muscle protein will break down more quickly when one is doing strenuous exercises.
9 那个少年使琼斯太太回想起她自己在过去的困难日子里的痛苦经历。
That young boy remained Mrs Jones of her bitter experiences in the difficult days in the past.
10 这个村子一定是遭受了龙卷风的袭击,我们看到到处都是被破坏的房屋和被吹倒的树木。
This village must have been hit by hurricane, for we saw the ruined houses and the fallen trees all over the places.
11 尽管有风险,他们还是坚持把实验做完。
In spite of the risks, they persisted in finishing the experiment.
12 我知道有这么一位艺术家,但没有见过面。
I know of such an artist, but I’ve never met him.
Use break, reach and start.
1 不知道我们的请柬是否已经到达他那里。
I don’t know whether our invitation card has already reached him.
2 任何违反交通规则的司机都将被罚款。
Any driver who breaks the traffic rules will be fined.
3 他到的时候,我们正要出发。
We were about to start when he arrived.
4 她把药放在了儿子够不找的最上面的架子上。
She put the medicine on the top shelf beyond the reach of her son.
5 在争吵的过程中她将一面镜子摔到地上,把它摔碎了。
During their quarrel, she threw a mirror on the ground and broke it into pieces.
6 足球比赛刚刚进入高潮,突然下起雨来。
Hardly had the football match gone into climax when it started to rain.
7 我们谁也不敢把这坏消息告诉他。
None of us dares to break the bad news to him.
8 去查问一下庆祝活动几点钟开始。
Go to check what time the celebration starts.
9 天气预报说今天的最高温度将预计达到摄氏38度。
Weather report says today’s highest temperature is expected to reach 38℃.
10 他没法开动割草机,跑去找他父亲帮忙。
Unable to start the lawn mower, he rushes toward his father for help.
Translate the following sentences into English, using both, either or neither.
1 你能告诉我该读哪本书吗?我认为你两本都该读。
Can you tell me which book I should read? I think you should read both.
2 我的两个最好的朋友都没来参加我的婚礼。
Neither of my two best friends has come to attend my wedding.
3 你想喝点什么?茶和咖啡都行。
What would you like to drink? Either tea or coffee.
4 这两个国家都不支持这种做法。
Neither of the two countries supports this practice.
5 我当然祝愿你们两个都好。
Of course I wish both of you well.
6 他们俩谁都不知道这个秘密。
Neither of them knows the secret.
7 你要么给他打个电话,要么给他写封信。
You either call him or write him.
8 我既不认识他也不想认识他。
I neither know him or want to know him.
Use the verb + noun or adj. + noun collocation
准备晚餐 to prepare dinner切断电源 to cut off the power切断供水 to cut off the water supply发射导弹 to launch missiles发动进攻 to launch an attack交换意见 to exchange opinion交流经验 to exchange experience面如死灰 ashen face首要问题 primary problem核武器 nuclear weapons核电站 nuclear power station核能 unclear energy闩门 to latch the door.
use the “useful expressions”.
1 请今晚注意收听重要新闻
Please keep your radios tuned for important news tonight.
2 当琼斯太太抓住那个男孩时,他不敢正视她。
When Mrs. Jones caught that boy, he didn’t dare to look her in the eye.
3 科布教授讲课的特征是讲的飞快。
It is typical of professor Kirpu to teach very fast.
4 你不能按审计的要求计帐,就不能算是一个好会计。
You can’t call yourself a good accountant if you can’t keep account according to the auditors’ instructions.
5 在边远地区,还有大批学龄儿童不能上学。
In remote areas, a great number of school-age children are not squared away for school.
6 警察向司机明确指出,他必须确切地描述事故发生的过程。
The policeman made it plain to the driver that he must give an exact account of the process of the accident.
7 已经告诫本地农民,今年有可能发生水灾。
Local peasants have been warned of the possible fold this year.
8 法庭认为没有必要传讯更多的证人,打算在近期结案。
Seeing no need for summoning more witnesses for interrogation, the court intends to close the case soon.
9 她既耐心又坚定地作出努力,要拆除挡在她儿子和其他孩子们之间的那堵墙。
She has made patient and firm effort to break down the wall between her son and other children.
10 怀特一家人担心要是他们不付房租,房东就会把他们轰出来。
The Wrights worry that if they don’t pay the rent, the landlord will turn them out.
Use leave, send and turn.
1 当我给他打电话时,他已经离开办公室了。
He had left the office when I phoned him.
2 空袭警报使人们纷纷往自己的家跑去了。
Air-raid alarm sent people dashing toward their home.
3 为了帮父母养家,他15岁的时候就辍学了。
In order to help his parents support the family, he left school when he was fifteen.
4 现在许多人不在邮寄圣诞卡,而是通过电子邮件向朋友们表示问候。
Nowadays many people no longer send Christmas card. Instead, they express their greetings to their friends by email.
5 在我的挎包里找不到钥匙,一定是忘在办公室里了。
I can’t find the key in my bag. I must have left it in my office.
6 她转过身来,看见儿子眼里充满了泪水。
She turn around and found her son’s eyes full of tears.
7 今年春节你打算给你的笔友寄点什么?
What do you intend to send your pen-friends this Spring Festival?
8 你最好把窗户开一会儿,让新鲜空气进来。
You’d better leave the windows open for a while to let the fresh air in.
9 他们决定把防空洞改造成储藏室。
They decided to turn their shelter into a storeroom.
10 奥塞罗的头发一夜之间全变白了。
Othello’s hair turned white overnight.
Use affirmative form to translate the following sentences.
1 我根本不想见他。
He is the last person I want to see.
2 那个地方太热了,我根本不想到那里去。
That place is too hot for me to go to.
3 我最不愿意做的事情就是让你不高兴。
The last thing I want to do is to make you unhappy.
4 我才不放在心上呢。
Who cares?
5 我决不再邀请这些人到我家来了。
Catch me inviting these people to my home again!
Translate the following sentences , using negative structures or negative words.
1 谁都知道他是大名鼎鼎的作家。
There isn’t anyone who doesn’t known he is a famous writer.
2 他真是位善良的人。
He can’t be more kindhearted.
3 考试时越细心越好。
You can’t be too careful in exams.
4  真让人吃惊,他在这么短的时间里就学会了开车。
It’s hardly believable that he can learn how to drive in such a short time.
5 对于他来说,吃完晚饭之后的最大享受就是抽一根雪茄。
To him, there’s nothing better than a cigar after dinner.
Use the verb + noun/ adj. Or adj. + noun collocation
改变主意 to change one’s mind参加葬礼 to attend the funeral喃喃自语 to mutter to oneself自言自语 to talk to oneself认养孩子 to adopt a child发起进攻 to launch an attack刺骨寒风 biting wind倒毙在地 to drop dead砰然关门 to crash the door shut 干瘦的身躯 skinny body褪色牛仔裤 faded jeans智商与情商 I.Q. and E.Q.
use the “ useful expressions”.
1 音乐突然停止,播音员几乎是叫了起来:“警报!注意隐蔽!”
The music stopped short, and the announcer almost shouted: “Alert! Take cover !”
2 火车突然刹车,杯子和盘子都滚落在地上。
The train come to a sudden stop, and all glasses and plates dropped to the floor.
3 身为主任,他的任务是组织实验室的工作,他很少亲自做实验。
As a chief, his task is to organize the work in the lab. He seldom does experiment in person.
4 许多年以后,他仍能回想起飞机失事时的惨景。
Many years later, he could still see the terrible scene of the air crash in his mind’s eye.
5 我当小学徒上四,压力大,工作很辛苦,但我从不把这些告诉父母。
When I was a young apprentice, I worked very hard and under great strain, but I said nothing about it to my parents.
6 搬进新办公楼那天,我们搞了一次庆祝活动。
The day when we moved in the new office building we had a celebration.
7 晚饭后克里夫把书本摊在面前开始复习功课。
After supper, Cliff spread out his books before him to start reviewing his lessons.
8 就我所知,彼得的父亲在遗嘱中给彼得留下了至少2.5万英镑。
As far as I know, Peter’s father left Peter at least 250,000 in his will.
9 鲍勃发现几则广告很怪,他就在报纸档案堆进行调查。
Bob found several advertisements very strange and went about investigating in the newspaper files.
10 医生指出,此种药物对婴儿有害。
Doctors point out that medicine of this type is harmful to babies.
Use drive, forget and drop.
1 我忘了带我的字典了。我能用一下你的吗?
I forgot to bring my dictionary. May I use yours?
2 电话突然响了,他吓了一跳,书也掉到地上。
The telephone suddenly rang. He was frightened and dropped the book on the floor.
3 不要老是想你和班上其他同学的肤,就记住你和他们一样的聪明。
Forget that you are different in complexion from the other students in your class. Just remember you are as clever as them.
4 对金钱和权利的欲望使相当一些人走上犯罪的道路。
The lust for money and power drives quite a number of people to commit crimes.
5 一再的失败使他几乎丧失了理智。
Repeated failures have driven him out of his mind.
6 我永远不会忘记我们在大学度过的那些愉快的日子。
I will never forget those happy days we spent together at college.
7 这个国家的人口出生率已经降至0。3%。
the birthrate in this country has dropped to 0.3 percent.
8 如果他不开车送我去车站的话,我昨晚就赶不上火车了。
If he didn’t drive me the station, I would not have been able to catch the train last night.
9 很抱歉,我忘了这些学生是穆斯林。
I’m sorry I forgot these students are Muslims.
10 他们听到有人走过来,就压低了嗓子。
When they heard someone approaching, they dropped their voice.
Translate the following sentences into English using words in brackets.
1 你跟我想象的完全一样。
You are like what I imagined.
2 这个地区的建筑都一个样,没有什么特色。
All buildings in this region are alike without any distinguishing features.
3 我昨天过的糟糕透了,把什么事都搞的乱糟糟的。
I had a hell of a time yesterday, making everything into a mess.
4 这块肉放了好长时间了,好象坏了。
This piece of meat has been kept for a long time, as if it has gone bad.
5 出什么事了,你今天对项目的态度跟昨天完全不一样。
What’s wrong? Your attitude to the project today are not at all the same as yesterday.
6 出门旅行不要带太多东西,带上那些你必须带的东西就行了。
Don’t carry too many things with you when you go traveling. Just take such things as you need.
7 他那种人是很危险的。
Such people as him are dangerous.
8 跟他说话就象是对牛弹琴。
Talking to him is like player the lute to a cow.
Use the verb + noun or adj. + noun collocation.
交通原则 to make adaptation to principles批准项目 to approve of a project贿赂某人 to bribe somebody颠覆政府 to overthrow the government开发潜能 to develop one’s potential抵制诱惑 to resist temptation施加压力 to put pressure on行为检点 strict conduct索要贿赂 to seek bribes军火交易 arms deal实施法律 to impose law制定法律 to make law海外市场 overseas market行为准则 code of conduct职业道德 professional ethics进口许可证 import licence撤军 to withdraw the troops撤诉 to withdraw allegation受贿 to take bribes
use the “useful expressions.”
1 她很想再吃一份,尽管知道这对她并不好。
She attempted to have another helping, although knowing it would do her no good.
2 私立学校正在中国的大城市里兴起。
Private schools are no the increase in big cities in China.
3 警察把非法闯入政府的军事网络的年轻人抓了起来。
The police has caught the young man who had illegally broken into the military web of the government.
4 在任何情况下我们都应该信守诺言。
We should stand by our promises under any circumstances.
5 在一个案件中,几个政府官员被控犯有贪污和受贿罪。
In a court case, several government officials were accused of embezzlement and taking bribes.
6 双方之间的谈判几年以来一直在秘密进行。
Negotiation between the two parties has been going on in private in the past few years.
7 委员会由资深教授和杰出的科学家组成。
The committee consists of senior professors and remarkable scientists.
8 政府正加速国营企业的改革。
The government is speeding up the reform in state-owned enterprises.
9 他们在试验了几个办法之后才偶然找到了一个解决办法。
They hit upon a solution after trying several methods.
Use pay, offer and favor.
1 父母亲不能太偏爱自己的任何一个孩子。
Parents can not favor any of their children too much.
2 北京电视台已经开始有选择地提供一些国外的节目。
Beijing TV station has begin to offer selectively some foreign programs.
3 你能帮我一个忙,给我讲讲国际互联网是怎样运做的吗?
Will you do me a favor and tell me how the Internet works?
4 销售经理没有告诉任何人他为了使货物顺利通过(海关)支付了多少钱。
The sales manager didn’t tell anybody how much he had paid to clear cargoes at the customs.
5 做这个工作,他们愿向他提供5万元的年薪。
They are willing to offer him an annual salary of ¥50,000 to do the job.
6 这家旅店早餐免费吗?
Does this hotel offer free breakfast?
7 大学向青年人提供了许多开阔思路的机遇。
University offers young people many opportunities to broaden their mind.
8 新的税法似乎有利低收入家庭。
The new tax law seems to favor low-income families.
9 为了获得一项重要合同,那家公司提出资助部长的儿子在国外学习。
In order to secure an important contract, that company offers to finance the minister’s son to study abroad.
10 对孩子的教育进行投资是有好处的。
It pays to invest in children’s education.
Translate the following sentences into English using more and most.
1 他不可能超过五十多岁。
He can not be more than fifty.
2 在那个地区,妇女的嫁妆不仅仅是财富的象征,还是权利的象征。
In that area, women’s dowry is more than a symbol of wealth, it is also a symbol of power.
3 你有什么事请随时来找我,我会非常乐意帮助你的。
Come to me whenever you need help. I’ll be more than pleased to help you.
A whale is no more a fish than a horse.
5 与其说他很节省,不如说他很小气。
He is more miserly than economical.
6 你真是太好了,亲自到机场来送我。
It’s most kind of you to come to the airport in person to see me off.
7 我们很有可能不会再有这样的机会了,所以一定要充分利用它。
It’s most likely that we can’t have such opportunities as this, so you must make the most of it.
8 与其说他是凭技术得到了那份工作,还不如说是靠运气。
He got that job more by skill than by chance.
Use the verb +noun or adj.+ noun collocation.
面对事实 to face the face收到请柬 to get an invitation接受邀请 to accept an invitation举办聚会 to give a party找出办法 to find a way食物中毒 food poisoning穿上衣服 to get into a dress抚养孩子 to raise a child发酸的牛奶 变rotten milk质的鸡蛋 rotten eggs名人 famous person腐肉 rotten meat
use the “useful expression”.
1 电脑问世以来,世界发生、了巨大变化。
Since computers came on the scene, the world has changed greatly.
2 为了本国儿童的利益,她愿做任何事情。
She is willing to do anything in the interests of the children in her country.
3 我的事业对我来说十分宝贵
my career means much to me.
4 玛丽16岁就开始当护士。
Mary started out as a nurse when she was sixteen
5 清洁工努力同在他工作区居住的人们搞好关系。
The cleaner tries to get on well with the people living in his working area.
6 年轻姑娘不化妆时才显得最美。
A young girl looks her best when she doesn’t make up.
7 这个电视节目风格活泼,很受年轻人的欢迎。
This TV program has a lively style and appeals to young people.
8 部队一接到命令,立即开始行动。
The troops jumped into action as soon as they got the order.
9 巴德先生找到了一个好办法,能让警察轻易识别出那个通缉犯——把他的头发染成绿色。
Mr. Budd has found a way for the police to recognize the wanted criminal easily-to dye his hair green.
10 我要是能不去参加那个乏味的晚宴就好了。
It’s be good if I can get out of that boring evening banquet.
Use face, call and lie.
1 那所学校面对着一个美丽的公园。
The school is facing a beautiful garden.
2 我们发现他坐在椅子上打盹,他大腿上有一本书敞开着。
We found him dozing in a chair, with a book lying open on his laps.
3 那个国家的政府面临着高失业率要应付。
The government of that country is now faced with a high unemployment rate.
4 我正在看一封家信,突然听到有人从外面叫我。
When I was reading a letter from home, suddenly I heard someone calling me from outside.
5 我决不会把那种事称为英雄行为。
We’ll never call that a heroic deed.
6 我们的国家男子足球队必须面对再次被挤出奥运会的现实。
Our national football team has to face the fact that they have been pushed out the Olympic Games again.
7 不管在何处,他每周都至少要给父母亲打一次电话。
Where, ver he is, he will can his parents at least once a week.
8 我觉得把一位值得尊敬的教授称为“老科布尔”不太好。
I don’t think it proper to call a respectable professor “Old Kobul”.
9 他们不幸的婚姻的症结在于互相缺乏信任。
The crucial reason of their unfortunate marriage lies in the lack of mutual trust between them.
10 他们的武器工厂坐落在群山峻岭之中。
Their arms factory lies in range of high mountains.
Translate the following sentences into English.
1 浪费时间就等于浪费生命。
Wasting time is as good as wasting life.
2 保护与我们同在地球上的生灵在某种程度上就是保持生态平衡。
To protect the other creatures living on the earth like us is , in a way, to keep the balance of nature.
3 所有家长都希望自己的孩子成为对社会有用的成员。
All parents hope that their children can become contributing members to the society.
4 那些年他所做的一切就是找出治愈那个怪病的办法。
All he did in those years was to find a way to cure that strange disease.
5 你尽快把你的坏牙拔掉,越快对你的健康越有利。
Have your bad tooth pulled out as soon as possible; the sooner, the better it will do to your health.
6 他觉的什么东西落到了他头上,后来发生了什么事就不知道了。
He felt something falling on his head, and then he knew nothing about what happened later.
7 只要你在,请随时向我报告那个国家所发生的一切。
As long as you are there, please inform us of what is happening in that country at all times.
8 你怎么能要求一个6岁的孩子一上午坐在计算机旁学习也不休息一下?
How can you expect a six-year-old child to sit by the computer studying the whole morning without a break?
9 我警告过你别卷入这种事情对吗?
I have warned you not to get involved in such matters, haven’t I?
10 我的梦想就是有朝一日去西藏看看。
My dream is to visit Tibet someday.
Translate the following sentences into English using more or most.
1 你别在意他的话,那不过是一个玩笑罢了。
Don’t mind what he said; it’s no more than a joke.
2 校长的这次欧洲之行不光是观光渡假。
The principal’s trip to Europe this time involves more than sightseeing.
3 他不是银行家,也不是商人,他是一位经济学家。
He is no more a banker than a businessman; he is an economist.
4 上海最近几年完全变了样,这座城市给我的印象好极了。
Shanghai has changed completely in recent years. The city leaves me a most good impression.
5 看到他现在这个样子,与其说我难过,还不如说我生气。
Seeing what he is like now, I am more angry than sad.
6 看到自己的国家强盛起来是最让人高兴的。
It is most happy to see one’s own country becoming stronger.

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