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[图文]Fed up 受够了       ★★★ 【字体:

Fed up 受够了

作者:soosun    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2009-9-24     

Jean: Hello, welcome to Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Jean.

William: And I’m William.

Jean: What’s wrong William? You sound really fed up.

William: I am fed up. I’m fed up of this terrible weather.

Jean: 不过你早就应该适应英国的天气了吧,你本来就是个土生土长的英国人嘛。

William: Well I might be used to it, Jean, but it still makes me miserable.

Jean: William said he is fed up of the terrible weather. Fed up: F E D. U P.

William: That’s right, I’m fed up. It means that I’ve had enough of this terrible weather. I can’t take it any more!

Fed up 受够了

No wonder Gordon Brown looks fed up with the economy in crisis

Jean: William 她说她感到非常的 fed up,就是说她对某事实在是受够了,已经是有点忍无可忍了。

William: But I’m not the only one who gets irritated and feels fed up because of the weather.

Jean: 让我们听听下面这几个人给我们解释一下为什么他们也都感到这么的 fed up.


It seems like it’s been raining forever. I’m so fed up. I mean, when are we going to get some summer weather?

I’ve got lots of cute summer dresses but it’s just too cold to wear them. I’m so fed up. I just want it to be sunny.

Jean: 我听明白了。Those people were fed up.

William: Yes they were both feeling very fed up.

Jean: 看来不光是 William,刚才说话的这两个人也是因为英国糟糕的天气而 feeling fed up.

William: Yeah, in fact, you know what? I’m so fed up I’m just ending today’s programme right here.

Jean: 你现在就要结束今天的节目了?Why?

William: Well, I’m going to go and book myself a holiday. Somewhere sunny, I think.

Jean: William! 你到哪儿去,怎么跑了? So William has just left… to go and book a holiday. I guess I should just remind everyone that they can visit our website for more Authentic Real English programmes. Bye.

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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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