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[图文]I wasn't born yesterday 我可不傻       ★★★ 【字体:

I wasn't born yesterday 我可不傻

作者:soosun    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2009-9-24     


LL: So, Lihua, I know you said that you didn't want me to buy a Valentine's Day gift for you, but I wasn't born yesterday. I can tell you're expecting something romantic.

LH: 我情人节唯一的愿望就是能跟你一起渡过!我们可以一起做晚饭,然后去看电影。你刚才说自己wasn't born yesterday是什么意思啊?

I wasn't born yesterday 我可不傻

LL: Saying someone was born yesterday, means that they are very easy to fool. I said that I wasn't "born yesterday" because you can't fool me.

LH: 我知道了,说什么人was born yesterday意思就是说这个人容易受骗,有点象中文里说的“三岁小孩。”

LL: That's right. Even though you won't admit it, I think you would love to receive some flowers or chocolates for Valentine's Day.

LH: 你心真细!不过,我确实不想要什么礼物,跟你在一起就足够了。不过你别生气,我可不是说你傻。

LL: No, you didn't call me foolish. In the US, stating that you "weren't born yesterday" is a way to joke around with friends. If you say that you "weren't born yesterday," you're expressing that you aren't gullible.

LH: 我明白了,you said you weren't born yesterday ,是因为你觉得我肯定想要你送情人节礼物给我。

LL: We both know I wasn't really born yesterday. What I meant was that I have known you for so long that I can tell you are looking forward to a romantic Valentine's Day gift.

LH: 你可真够固执的。那你说,born yesterday什么时候才会带有贬义呢?

LL: If you are speaking with someone, for example one of your students, who don't know who Zhang Ziyi is, and you say 'Were you born yesterday? She's a famous Chinese movie star!

LH: 那别人肯定会不高兴。这就等于是说,你怎么连这都不知道!

LL: That's right. Asking someone if they were "born yesterday" implies that they misunderstood a subject that is rather simple to understand or that is common knowledge.

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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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