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Lesson 220 May Holiday Review            【字体:
Lesson 220 May Holiday Review
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Y: We’ve been playing a May holiday getaway this week on Chinese Studio. Welcome along for the ride. Wo shi Y.
B: Da jia hao, wo shi co-pilot B. The weekend is here at last, and time for us to review what we’ve learned during the week.

Sentences of the week
May Day Holiday“五一”节,What are you planning? 你有什么计划?I want to travel to the desert. 我想去沙漠看看 I’m taking the train.我打算坐火车All in today’s Chinese Studio

B: May Day Holiday is very soon Yajie,
Y: Let’s review how to say it
B: Okay.
Y: it’s wu3 yi1 jie2. 
B: Let me try that. wu5 yi1 jie2. 
Y: wu3 means May,
B: wu3,
Y: yi1 means 1st,
B: yi1,
Y: wu3 yi1 May 1st, 
B: wu3 yi1
Y: jie2 means holiday,
B: jie2,
Y: wu3 yi1 jie2. 
B: wu3 yi1 jie2.  May Day Holiday

Conversation 1
A: 五一节你休息几天?
B: 七天。你呢?
A: 我得加班,所以只能休息三天。

Y: Brendan, What are you planning 你有什么计划??
B: Run that past me again.
Y: Okay. “你有什么计划?”
B: ni2 you3 shen2me ji4 hua4.
Y: ni3 means you,
B: ni3,
Y: you3 means have,
B: you3,
Y: shen2me means what,
B: shen2me,
Y: ji4 hua4 means plan,
B: ji4 hua4.
Y: ni2 you3 shen2me ji4 hua4 What are you planning?
B: ni2 you3 shen2me ji4 hua4

Conversation 2
A: 五一节快到了,你有什么计划?
B: 我打算去草原看看。

Y: 你有什么计划?Brendan, do you still want to travel to the desert?
B: Sure. how do I say that again?
 Y: it’s wo2 xiang3 qu4 sha1 mo4 kan4kan,
B: wo2 xiang3 qu4 sha1 mo4 kan4kan,
Y: wo3 means I,
B: wo3,
Y: xiang3 qu4 means want to go somewhere, 
B: xiang3 qu4.
Y: sha1 mo4 is desert,
B: sha1 mo4,
Y: kan4kan means have a look,
B: kan4kan,
Y: wo2 xiang3 qu4 sha1 mo4 kan4kan
B: wo2 xiang3 qu4 sha1 mo4 kan4kan I want to travel to the desert.

Conversation 3
A: 五一你有什么计划?
B: 我想去沙漠看看。

Y: Then are you flying?
B: Well actually I’m thinking of taking the train. How do I say that in Chinese Yajie?
Y: it’s 我打算坐火车
B: wo3 da3 suan4 zuo4 huo3 che1.
Y: wo3 means I,
B: wo3
Y: da3 suan4 means plan to do sth,
B: da3 suan4.
Y: zuo4 means take,
B: zuo4.
Y: huo3 che1, train,
B: huo3 che1.
Y: wo3 da3 suan4 zuo4 huo3 che1
B: wo3 da3 suan4 zuo4 huo3 che1 I’m thinking of taking the train. 

A: 你坐飞机去吗?

Sentences of the week
May Day Holiday“五一”节,What are you planning? 你有什么计划?I want to travel to the desert. 我想去沙漠看看 I’m taking the train.我打算坐火车All in today’s Chinese Studio

Y: I can already feel the festive atmosphere. B. There’s nothing like a change of scenery to charge the batteries.
B: Never a truer word Y. I’ve got the question of the day, just to bring us back down to earth. How do we say “ I’m thinking of taking the train” ?
Y: Send us your email answer to
B: And a prize is up for grabs. Don’t delay. Have a good weekend. Zhou1mo4 yu2 kuai4.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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