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Lesson 247 Soccer/Football III            【字体:
Lesson 247 Soccer/Football III
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Y: It’s soccer mania this week on Chinese Studio, and welcome in everyone. Wo shi Y.
B: Da jia hao, wo shi B. Can we learn a bit a bit more about the world’s most popular game?
Y: Dangran le. Let’s start with key words of the day.

Key words of the day
Referee 裁判Linesmen 边裁Free kick 任意球Penalty 点球,Yellow card 黄牌
Red card 红牌Who’s taking the penalty kick? 谁去罚点球?All in today’s Chinese Studio

B: Football’s not just about watching the players, there’s also that important guy usually dressed in black who runs round with a whistle in his mouth, the referee.
Y: We call him cai2 pan4.
B: cai2 pan4.
Y: both cai2 and pan4 have the meaning of judging, cai2 pan4.
B:  cai2 pan4. referee. And how about the linesmen?
Y: you can call them: bian1 cai2.
B:  bian1 cai2.
Y: bian1 means line of the soccer pitch,
B: bian1,
Y: and cai2 means referee,
B: cai2.
Y: bian1 cai2.
B: bian1 cai2.  linesmen.

Conversation 1
A: 裁判是哪个国家的?
B: 德国的。
A: 边裁呢,边裁是哪个国家的?
B: 英国的。

B: Sometimes play gets pretty rough and there’s lots of free kicks. What do we call those Y?
Y: In Chinese you can say: 任意球.
B: ren4 yi4 qiu2. 
Y: As ren4 yi4 means free
B: ren4 yi4
Y: qiu2 means soccer, 
B: qiu2
Y: ren4 yi4 qiu2
B: ren4 yi4 qiu2. free kicks. And then there’s a penalty.
Y: You mean dian3 qiu2.
B: dian3 qiu2. penalty.

A: 点球!点球!
B: 不对,刚才那只是个任意球。

B: Hey that’s a foul ref, how about a yellow card?
Y: Don’t get too excited B, you’ll have a heart attack. Anyway you should be talking about huang2 pai2.
B: huang2 pai2.
Y: yellow in Chinese is huang2,
B: huang2,
Y: pai2 means card,
B: pai2, 
Y:  huang2 pai2.
B: huang2 pai2.  yellow card, and I guess a red card is hong2 pai2, right?
Y: 不错。As red in Chinese is hong2. hong2 pai2, red card,
B: hong2 pai2. red card.

Conversation 3
A: 刚才有一名队员被红牌罚下了。
B: 是嘛。我以为只给了一张黄牌。 

B Let’s say it’s the final minute of the World Cup final, and your team gets a penalty Y, who’s gonna take the penalty?
Y: No idea, but I know how to ask the question in Chinese, like this 谁去罚点球?
B: shei2 qu4 fa2 dian3 qiu2?
Y: shei2 means who,
B: shei2,
Y: qu4 means be going to do something,
B: qu4,
Y: fa2 means to take,
B:  fa2,
Y: dian3 qiu2, penalty kick,
B: dian3 qiu2,
Y:  shei2 qu4 fa2 dian3 qiu2?
B:  shei2 qu4 fa2 dian3 qiu2?  Who’s taking the penalty kick?

Conversation 4
A: 谁去罚点球?
B: 不管是谁去,一定得罚中。

Key words reminder
Referee 裁判Linesmen 边裁Free kick 任意球Penalty 点球,Yellow card 黄牌
Red card 红牌Who’s taking the penalty kick? 谁去罚点球?All in today’s Chinese Studio

B: Time we went and practised our penalty kicks Y. Question time first.
Y: Yes, how do you say, “yellow card” in Chinese?
B: Send us an answer to Remember, the correct answer and you could win yourself a prize. Mingtian jian.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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