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Lesson 276 --- Review Lesson            【字体:
Lesson 276 --- Review Lesson
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Y: It’s been a juicy, fruity week on Chinese Studio. Wo shi Y.
B: Da jia hao, wo shi B. I’ve recovered from yesterday’s tummy upset and just as well it’s the weekend to allow us to relax a bit. We can also review what we’ve learned during the week.

Sentences of the week 
What’s your favorite fruit? 你最喜欢吃哪种水果? Are these grapes sweet or not?  甜不甜?They’re not in season. 还不到季节. All in today’s Chinese Studio.

B: Let’s be logical and start at the beginning, what is the word for fruit Y?
Y:  it’s shui2 guo3
B: shui2 guo3.
Y: shui3 literally means water,
B: shui3,
Y: guo3 means fruit,
B: guo3,
Y: shui2 guo3,
B: shui2 guo3, fruit. And let’s adapt a sentence we’ve already learned, and ask, what’s your favorite fruit?
Y: Yes, I remember us looking at that not so long ago, ni3 zui4 xi3 huan1 chi1 na2 zhong3 shui2 guo3?
B:   ni3 zui4 xi3 huan1 chi1 na2 zhong3 shui2 guo3?
Y:  ni3 zui4 xi3 huan1, your favorite,
B:   ni3 zui4 xi3 huan1
Y: chi1 means eat,
B: chi1,
Y: na2 zhong3 shui2 guo3 which kind of fruit, 
B:  na2 zhong3 shui2 guo3
Y: ni3 zui4 xi3 huan1 chi1 na2 zhong3 shui2 guo3?
B: ni3 zui4 xi3 huan1 chi1 na2 zhong3 shui2 guo3? What’s your favorite fruit? 

Conversation 1
A: 你最喜欢吃哪种水果?
B:  我最喜欢吃苹果。

B: I’d like to buy some pu2 tao, grapes,  But I don’t know if they are sweet or not. 
Y: You may ask the seller: tian2 bu4 tian2.
B:  tian2 bu4 tian2.
Y: tian2 means sweet,
B: tian2, 
Y: bu4 means not,
B: bu4,
Y:  tian2 bu4 tian2.
B: tian2 bu4 tian2, Are these grapes sweet or not?  I tasted some and I found it very sweet. How do I say that in Chinese.
Y: You may say-- hen3 tian2, very sweet.
B: hen3 tian2.
Y: hen3 means very much,
B: hen3,
Y: tian2 means sweet,
B: tian2,
Y: hen3 tian2
B: hen3 tian2, very sweet,

A: 葡萄怎么卖?
B: 三块钱一斤。
A: 甜不甜?
B: 放心,绝对甜。

B: Gee, these grapes are not in season.
Y: You mean: 还不到季节
B: hai2 bu2 dao4 ji4 jie2.
Y: bu4 means not,
B: bu4,
Y: dao4 means to be in season,
B: dao4,
Y: hai2 bu2 dao4 means not yet in season
B: hai2 bu2 dao4
Y: ji4 jie2, season,
B: ji4 jie2.
Y: hai2 bu2 dao4 ji4 jie2
B: hai2 bu2 dao4 ji4 jie2 They are not in season.

A: 怎么没有卖草莓的?
B: 还不到季节呢。

Sentences of the week 
What’s your favorite fruit? 你最喜欢吃哪种水果? Are these grapes sweet or not?  甜不甜?They’re not in season. 还不到季节.All in today’s Chinese Studio.

B: So, Y, did you prefer this week’s shui2 guo3, this week’s fruit, to last week’s shu1 cai4, last week’s veggie?
Y: You know B, all the food’s been great these last couple of weeks, and maybe we can even find something else for the taste buds next week.
B: It goes to show, no matter the language, two stomaches think alike. And I think I can also read your mind Y, it’s time for today’s question, isn’t it?
Y: dui, you’re right, and here it is, remind us how to say “                           “
B: Bombard us with your email answers, write to And as always, there’s a prize up for grabs. Could be yours. Zhoumo yukuai.
Y: Xia zhou jian, see you next week.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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