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Lesson 269 Cooking Vegetables I            【字体:
Lesson 269 Cooking Vegetables I
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Y: it’s another brand new week on Chinese Studio. da jiaohao woshi Y.
B: And, wo shi B. Last week we headed down to the cai4 shi4 chang3, the veggie market, and we’ve got a swag of fresh veggies to take to the chufang, the kitchen. How about a cooking lesson this week Y?
Y: That’s a tasty idea, and I’ve got just the right key words to throw into the mix.

Keywords of the day
stir fry 炒, very delicious 很好吃Let’s wash these veggies first.  先把菜洗干净Wok炒锅Knife 刀Let’s cut the veggies into small pieces 把菜切一下。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

B: Cooking is not my strong point Y, so it’ll probably take me the whole week to learn one recipe.
Y: It’s not a race, so… mei wenti, no problem. What would you like to cook?
B: How about stir-frying a vegetable?
Y: That’s a good one, chao3 cai4.  
B: chao3 cai4. 
Y: chao3 means to stir fry, 
B: chao3,
Y: cai4 means vegetable,
B: cai4,
Y: chao3 cai4, 
B: chao3 cai4, stir fry a vegetable,  
Y: And you’ll find it very delicious, hen hao chi.
B: hen2 hao3 chi1.
Y: hen3 means very much,
B: hen3,
Y: hao3 chi1 literally means good eat, here it means delicious,
B: hao3 chi1, 
Y: hen2 hao3 chi1.
B: hen2 hao3 chi1.  Very delicious,

Conversation 1
A: 你会炒菜吗?
B: 当然会了。我炒得菜很好吃。

B: First up, let’s wash these veggies.
Y: Good idea, and here’s how to say it in Chinese先把菜洗干净。
B:  xian1 ba3 cai4 xi3 gan1 jing4.
Y: xian1 means first up,
B:  xian1,
Y:  ba3 is often put before the object,
B: ba3,
Y: cai4 means vegetables,
B: cai4,
Y: xi3 means wash,
B: xi3,
Y: gan1jing4 means clean,
B: gan1 jing4.
Y: xian1 ba3 cai4 xi3 gan1 jing4.
B: xian1 ba3 cai4 xi3 gan1 jing4. Let’s wash these veggies first. 

Conversation 2
A: 先把菜洗干净。
B: 好的。

B: Now, where’s the wok, the frying pan, and a decent knife too?
Y: We don’t use the word wok, instead we say:  chao3 guo1,
B: chao3 guo1,
Y: as chao3 means stir fry, and guo1 means pan,
B: got it. chao3 guo1, wok. And I see one over there. And what’s a knife Y?
Y: That’s dao1,
B:  dao1. knife.  next, let’s cut the veggies into small pieces.
Y: hao de. Ba3 cai4 qie1 yi2 xia4. 
B: ba3 cai4 qie1 yi2 xia4.
Y: cai4 means vegetable,
B: cai4,
Y: qie1 yi2 xia4 means cut into small pieces,
B: qie1 yi2 xia4,
Y: Ba3 cai4 qie1 yi2 xia4
B: Ba3 cai4 qie1 yi2 xia4 Let’s cut the veggies into small pieces.

Conversation 3
A: 都洗干净了。然后呢?
B: 把菜切一下。

Keywords reminder
stir fry 炒, very delicious 很好吃Let’s wash these veggies first.  先把菜洗干净Wok炒锅Knife 刀Let’s cut the veggies into small pieces 把菜切一下。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

B: The veggies are ready, I better check the recipe.
Y: And while you’re doing that, here’s our question of the day. How do you say “stir fry” in Chinese?
B: That’s an easy one for the brain cells, and it should get the taste buds nice and lively too. You can send us the correct answer in an email to  Mingtian jian.
Y: Mingtian jian.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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