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Lesson 272 Cooking Vegetables Review            【字体:
Lesson 272 Cooking Vegetables Review
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Y: We’ve survived our second week in a row without meat here in the Chinese Studio. Wo shi Y, and we’ve been cooking up a storm.
B: Da jia hao, wo shi B. It’s been a fun week of it in the kitchen that’s for sure. And there’s still a few left overs to dispose of. Shall we?
Y: While we’re savouring the food, we can also review what we’ve learned during the week.

Sentences of the week
Let’s wash these veggies first.  先把菜洗干净 Cut the veggies into small pieces 把菜切一下.   Add some oil 放点儿油 Add the veggies 把菜倒进去. All in today’s Chinese Studio

B: Sanitation is important, so first up, let’s wash these veggies.
Y: Good idea, and here’s how to say it in Chinese先把菜洗干净。
B:  xian1 ba3 cai4 xi3 gan1 jing4.
Y: xian1 means first up,
B:  xian1,
Y:  ba3 is often put before the object,
B: ba3,
Y: cai4 means vegetables,
B: cai4,
Y: xi3 means wash,
B: xi3,
Y: gan1jing4 means clean,
B: gan1 jing4.
Y: xian1 ba3 cai4 xi3 gan1 jing4.
B: xian1 ba3 cai4 xi3 gan1 jing4. Let’s wash these veggies first. 

Conversation 1
A: 先把菜洗干净。
B: 好的。

 B: I’ve got a dao1, a knife. So next, let’s cut the veggies into small pieces.
Y: hao de. Ba3 cai4 qie1 yi2 xia4. 
B: ba3 cai4 qie1 yi2 xia4.
Y: cai4 means vegetable,
B: cai4,
Y: qie1 yi2 xia4 means cut into small pieces,
B: qie1 yi2 xia4,
Y: Ba3 cai4 qie1 yi2 xia4
B: Ba3 cai4 qie1 yi2 xia4  Let’s cut the veggies into small pieces.

Conversation 2
A: 都洗干净了。然后呢?
B: 把菜切一下。

B: Ready for action, where’s the cooking oil?
Y: you mean, you2.
B: Dui, you2, the cooking oil…Let’s add some oil.
Y: Good idea, fang4 dian3er you3.
B:  fang4 dian3er you3.
Y: fang4 means add,
B:  fang4,
Y:  dian3er means a little bit,
B:  dian3er,  
Y: you3, the cooking oil,
B:  you3,
Y:  fang4 dian3er you3.
B:  fang4 dian3er you3. Add some oil.

A: 需要帮忙吗?
B: 好啊。往锅里放点儿油。

B: I can see the cooking oil, you2, is nice and hot, let’s add the veggies.
Y: Run that past me again B, this time in Chinese, you can say 把菜倒进去
B:  ba3 cai4 dao4 jin4 qu4.
Y:  cai4 means vegetables, 
B: cai4,
Y: dao4 jin4 qu4 means to put into the wok,
B: dao4 jin4 qu4.  
Y:  ba3 cai4 dao4 jin4 qu4.
B:  ba3 cai4 dao4 jin4 qu4. Add the veggies.

Conversation 4
A: 油已经热了。
B: 那就把菜倒进去。

B: You know Y, I’ve got a taste for this cooking lark. What are you doing for dinner tonight? Fancy a secret recipe of herbs and spices?
Y: Err, perhaps I’ll quit while I’m ahead, better not tempt fate too much.
B: So it’s back to the drawing board. Let’s see what sort of response our listeners have to today’s question.
Y: We’ll make it an easy one. Remind us how to say “Add some oil “, in Chinese of course.
B: Don’t be shy, we do love hearing from you. Send your answer in an email to And remember, we like giving prizes away too, it could be your turn. Zhoumo yukuai.
Y: See you next week.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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