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Lesson 304 --- Review Lesson            【字体:
Lesson 304 --- Review Lesson
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Y: Well now that the apartment is filled, I guess we can just relax.
R: That’s right and we’ll definitely have a good time with all these appliances.
Y: Ok well let’s review what has been going on this week.

Sentences of the week
I would like to buy a refrigerator. 我要买个冰箱。 I need a toaster 我得买个烤面包机。Put your clothes in the wardrobe 把衣服放到衣柜里。All in today’s Chinese studio

R:  I’m going to buy a refrigerator for my apartment tomorrow, so let’s review it again, how do you say I want to buy a refrigerator?
Y: You can say: wo3 yao4 mai3 ge4 bing1 xiang1.
R: wo3 yao4 mai3 ge4 bing1 xiang1.
Y: wo3 means I,
R:  wo3,
Y: yao4, would like to do sth,
R:  yao4,
Y: mai3 to buy,
R:  mai3,
Y: ge4 is short for yi2 ge4, it’s one fridge.
R:  ge4,
Y: bing1 is ice, and xiang1 is box, so refrigerator literally means “ice box” in Chinese,
R:  bing1 xiang1,
Y: wo3 yao4 mai3 ge4 bing1 xiang1.
R:  wo3 yao4 mai3 ge4 bing1 xiang1.  I would like to buy a fridge. 

Conversation 1
A:  我要买个冰箱。
B:  那你要买个什么牌子的冰箱?

R: I told you I can’t eat cold bread, so  I need a toaster, or I won’t survive.
Y: Sure this is how you say it:  wo2 dei2 mai3 ge4 kao3 mian4 bao1 ji1.
R: wo2 dei2 mai3 ge4 kao3 mian4 bao1 ji1.
Y: dei3 means need to do sth,
R: dei3,
Y: mai3 is to buy,
R: mai3,
Y: ge4 is short for yi2 ge4, which means one toaster,
R: ge4,
Y: kao3 is to toast,   
R: kao3, 
Y: mian4 bao1, bread,
R: mian4 bao1,
Y: ji1, the machine for toasting bread,
R: ji1,
Y: wo2 dei2 mai3 ge4 kao3 mian4 bao1 ji1.
R: wo2 dei2 mai3 ge4 kao3 mian4 bao1 ji1.  I need to a toaster.

Conversation 2
A:  我得买个烤面包机。
B:  烤面包机?我也得买一个。

R: Help me Yaj, these clean clothes, where shall I put them?
Y: ba3 yi1 fu fang4 dao4 yi1 gui4 li3. How about putting your clothes in the wardrobe?
R: hao3 de. ba3 yi1 fu fang4 dao4 yi1 gui4 li3.
Y: ba3 is often put before the object,
R: ba3,
Y: yi1 fu is clothes,
R: yi1 fu,
Y: fang4 dao4 … to put to somewhere,
R: fang4 dao4, 
Y: yi1 gui4, the wardrobe,
R: yi1 gui4,
Y: li3 means inside the wardrobe,
R: li3,
Y:  ba3 yi1 fu fang4 dao4 yi1 gui4 li3.
R: ba3 yi1 fu fang4 dao4 yi1 gui4 li3.  put your clothes in the wardrobe. 

Conversation 3
A: 把衣服放到哪儿?
B: 把衣服放到衣柜里。

R: Well that wraps up the end of this week. My refrigerator is like my best friend.
Y: But before you can go play with your refrigerator lets do the quiz of the day.
R: I can’t wait. Ok here’s the quiz, how do you say “I love my home!” In chinese.
Y: Don’t forget to send your answers and you could win a prize like our other international contestants.
R: See you next week. Zhoumoyukuai
Y: Ciao Zhoumoyukuai

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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