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Lesson 306 --- Advanced Taxi Directions            【字体:
Lesson 306 --- Advanced Taxi Directions
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

 R: Ok here we are again in our Taxi Adventures. Wo Shi Raymond
Y: wo shi Yajie. And we’ve got some more crazy taxi for you today.
R: This taxi isn’t as bad as last times, but how can he drive with his eyes closed!
Y: Well we’ll find out how these things keep on happening.
R: But first the key words of the day.

Key Words of the Day
 Turn Left 左拐 Turn Right右拐 Go straight 直走Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗?All in Chinese Studio。

Y: Ok we need to find out what’s going on here. I think we need to take control of this situation.
R: Ya I have to find out how to say Turn left, turn right, go straight!
Y: One thing at a time. Firstly, turn left in Chinese is: zuo2 guai3,
R: zuo2 guai3,
Y: zuo3, the left side,
R: zuo3,
Y: guai3 is to take a turn,
R:  guai3,
Y: so you may notice that both zuo3 and guai3 are in the third tone,
R: yes, then how come “zuo3” become the second tone?
Y: That’s how it works in pinyin…. When two characters of third tone are put together, the first third tone becomes the second tone.
R: got it. How do you say turn left again?
Y: it’s zuo2 guai3, 
R: zuo2 guai3, turn left.  Then what’s the Chinese for right?
Y: it’s you4.
R: it’s easier. Like you in English.
Y: then can you guess what’s the Chinese for “Turn right”?
R: is it you4 guai3?
Y: very good. You4 guai3, Turn right. 

Conversation 1
A: 师傅,在前面红绿灯那儿左拐。
B: 前面好像不让左拐。
A: 那就右拐吧。

R: Now I would like to know the Chinese for “Go straight”? Does it have something to do with “guai3”
Y: No, this time we have different Chinese words for “Go straight”. You can say: zhi2 zou3.
R: zhi2 zou3.
Y: zhi2 literally means straight, and zou3 is to go,
R: so zhi2 zou3 literally are “Straight Go.” in Chinese,
Y: yes. zhi2 zou3,
R: zhi2 zou3, go straight.

Conversation 2
A: 然后怎么走?
B: 直走。大约再过半个小时就到了。

Y: My waist hurts but we’d better find out how much longer.
R: Ya mine too. I mean we’ve been here for a really long time.
Y: Alright, now it’s the right time for you to learn: is it far from here?
R: quickly, tell me.
Y: here it is: li2 zhe4er yuan3 ma?
R: li2 zhe4er yuan3 ma?
Y: li2 means be away from,
R: li2,
Y: zhe4er is here,
R: zhe4er, 
Y: yuan3 is far,
R: yuan3, 
Y: the syllable ma is put at the end of a question,
R: ma, 
Y: li2 zhe4er yuan3 ma?
R: li2 zhe4er yuan3 ma?  Is it far from here?

Conversation 3
B: 快到了。

Y: Well after this trip I feel like walking from now on.
R: Ya I don’t know what is going on, but I guess we’re going to walk back. But before we do our long trek, lets do a quiz of the day!
Y: Today’s quiz is how do you say, “Go straight” in Chinese? 
R: Once you know the answer send it to and you could win a prize.
Y: Mingtian Jian.
R: Mingtian Jian.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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