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Lesson 311 --- Advanced Office Chinese            【字体:
Lesson 311 --- Advanced Office Chinese
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

R: Hey boys and girls. You’re back to Advanced Office Chinese at Chinese studio, wo shi Raymond.
Y: And wo shi Yajie. We’re gong to find out more about some Chinese used in the office.
R: I just need a red stapler. Well we need to start to find out more about the office.
Y: That’s right, so hold onto your seats and get ready for the Office Chinese ride.  Here are some key words of the day.

Key Words of the Day
an annual report 年度报告Can you fax this for me? 能帮我发个传真吗? I got a raise. 我涨工资了。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

R: Hey Yajie, we’re getting closer to this deadline, but I dunno how I’m going to be able to bring this document to the UK?
Y: Well there is something called a fax.
R: Girl, I dunno how to use technology. Why don’t you show me? How do I ask you “Can you fax this for me?”
Y: neng2 bang1 wo3 fa1 ge4 chuan2 zhen1 ma?
R:  neng2 bang1 wo3 fa1 ge4 chuan2 zhen1 ma?
Y: neng2 bang1 wo3, could you help me,
R: neng2 bang1 wo3,
Y: fa1 is to send,
R: fa1,
Y: ge4 is short for yi2 ge4, which means one,
R: ge4, 
Y: chuan2 zhen1, the fax,
R: chuan2 zhen1, 
Y: the syllable ma is put at the end of a question,
R: ma, 
Y: neng2 bang1 wo3 fa1 ge4 chuan2 zhen1 ma?
R: neng2 bang1 wo3 fa1 ge4 chuan2 zhen1 ma? Can you fax this for me?

Conversation 1
A: 能帮我发个传真吗?
B: 好的,没问题。

Y: I’m not feeling so good.
R: Why is that? Had too much coffee.
Y: No I have to do the annual report.
R: but it’s only September, the annual report is supposed to be done in December. I guess I should start to. How do you say “an annual report” in Chinese?
Y: it’s nian2 du4 bao4 gao4.
R:  nian2 du4 bao4 gao4.
Y: nian2 du4 means year,
R: nian2 du4, 
Y: bao4 gao4 is report,
R: bao4 gao4, 
Y: nian2 du4 bao4 gao4.
R: nian2 du4 bao4 gao4. an annual report

Conversation 2
A:  年底会不会很忙?
B: 肯定会。我得写年度报告。

R: Hey it’s not such a good day.
Y: Why’s that?
R: I got food poisoning at the cafeteria.
Y: Well guess what? I heard you got a raise!
R: WHOOOHOO that’s great! My stomach feels better already. How do you say “I got a raise!”
Y: wo2 zhang3 gong1 zi1 le. 
R: wo2 zhang3 gong1 zi1 le.
Y: wo3 is I, the third tone,
R: wo3, 
Y: zhang3 is to raise,
R: zhang3,
Y: gong1 zi1 is wage,
R: gong1 zi1,
Y: wo2 zhang3 gong1 zi1 le. 
R: wo2 zhang3 gong1 zi1 le.  I got a raise.

Conversation 3
A: 什么事这么开心?
B: 我涨工资了!

R: Well now that everything is perfect at the office. I think its time to relax.
Y: Sounds good. I’ll get the coffee and we can relax for a while. 
R: Cool well lets ask our friendly listeners the quiz of the day.
Y: How do you say “Can you fax this for me?”
R: When you get the answer send it to us in either pinyin or Chinese characters to
Y: and you might be the lucky listener to win the CRI special prize. Mingtian Jian.
R: Mingtian Jian

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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