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Lesson 328 --- Review            【字体:
Lesson 328 --- Review
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

R: Tick Tock Tick Tock.
Y: Who?
R: Tick tock tick tock.
Y: Who?
R: Who? Who? What are you an owl?
Y: You're a clock?
R: Well anyways lets review some of our fun things in the Time Zone.
Sentences of the week
What time is it right now? 现在几点了?3 p.m..下午三点  Its 4:30 四点半了。All in today’s Chinese Studio
R: Ok Yajie, we should find out what time is it right now how do you say that?
Y: Well lets break it down. What time is it right now?
Time---shi1 jian1,
What time---ji2 dian3, how many o’clock---what time,
What time is it---- ji2 dian3, 
Right now----xian4 zai4, 
le---is used to indicate completion
What time is it right now?--- xian4 zai4 ji2 dian3 le. 现在几点了?
Now how many o’clocks?
Conversation 1

R: Oh class is over! Its 3'oclock.
Y: Ya and its time to head over and KTV.
R: You KTV at 3 O'clock  in the afternoon?
Y: Ya, its like how the Brits have Tea in the afternoon at 4pm, I have my KTV sessions at 3pm.
R: Cool well how do you say 3 p.m. in Chinese?
 3 p.m. xia4 wu3 san1 dian3. 下午三点 afternoon 3 o’clock
Xia4 wu3---afternoon

Conversation 2

R: Hey it passed 4:20.
Y: Yep sure did. Its 4:30 now.
R: Time to meet up with our friends, how do you say it’s 4:30.

Conversation 3
Y: Fun fun fun, in the sun.
R: No more crumpets and Tea.
Y: Lets quiz everyone before Time runs out.
R: How do you say.3p.m in Chinese?
Y: Cannon ball it to and then you are entered to win.
R: Entered to win that is a great book on chinese idioms or a free class at the Bridge School

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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