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Lesson 18 前面、后面、 左边、右边            【字体:
Lesson 18 前面、后面、 左边、右边
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Yajie: Perfect Chinese your way, in only five minutes a day. Welcome to Chinese Studio. Glad to have you with us again. I’m Yajie. 早上好.
Cam: And I’m Cam. 早上好(zǎoshang hǎo). What shall we learn today?
Yajie: Well, today we’ll continue learning directions. First let’s check keywords of the day!
***************Key words of the day
Today we’ll learn four words of directions, and they are: 前面,后面, 左边 右边。All in today’s Chinese Studio.
Yajie: First let’s take a look at “前面” qiánmian, front. 前, the second tone. It means front or ahead. 面, the neutral tone. We can say: 在前面 which means “in the front ” or “in front of”.
Cam: 在前面 (zài qiánmian).
Yajie: 在 means “at”. Let’s look at an example. “老师在前面”, The teacher is in front.
Cam: 老师在前面 (lǎoshī zài qiánmian)
Yajie: Sometimes we can say 在something 的前面。For example: 我在你的前面, I’m in front of you.
Cam: 我在你的前面 (wǒ zài nǐ de qiánmian).
Yajie: And the opposite of 前面is 后面 hòumian. We can say 在后面 which means at the back.
Cam: hòumian.
Yajie: We also say 在something 的后面。For example: 我在你的后面, I’m behind you.
C: 我在你的后面 (wǒ zài nǐ de hòumian.)
Yajie: We already have 前面and后面, now let’s see the other two words: 左边 and右边. They are quite easy.
Cam: 左边(zuǒbian), 右边(yòubian).
Yajie: 左边 means the left side, zuǒbian. 左, third tone. 边has the neutral tone. So it’s左边(zuǒbian).
Cam: 左边(zuǒbian).
Yajie: 右边 means the right side, yòubian. 右, the forth tone.
Cam:  yòubian.
Yajie: We can also say: 在左边means on the left;
Cam: 在左边(zài zuǒbian).
Yajie: 在右边 means on the right.
Cam:在右边. (zài yòubian.) Yajie在我的左边 (zài wǒ de zuǒbian.), yajie is on my left side.
Yajie: Well done, Cam. I think you’ve made great progress in learning Chinese!
Cam:  Xie xie.
***************Key words reminder
Today we’ve learned four words of directions, and they are: 前面, 后面,  左边, 右边. All in today’s Chinese Studio.
Yajie: OK, Maybe it’s confusing for you to learn so many new words a day.  Now let’s take a quick review of what we’ve learned today: 前面 the front, 后面the back,
Cam: 前面(qianmian), 后面 (houmian).
Yajie: 左边 left side,  and 右边 right side。
Cam: 左边 (zuobian),  and 右边 (youbian).
Yajie: And also 在前面,in the front. 在后面,at the back.
Cam: 在前面(zai qianmian),在后面(zai houmian).
Yajie: 在左边, on the left side; 在右边on the right side。
Cam: 在左边(zai zuobian),在右边(zai youbian)。
Yajie:我在你的右边 (wǒ zài nǐ de yòoubian.),
Cam: And你在我的左边 (nǐ zài wǒ de zuǒbian.), yajie is on my left side.
Yajie: Right! Well, that’s it for today. Don’t forget you can win a gift by answering the question of the day in Chinese: Where is Beihai Park? Is it somewhere behind the Forbidden City, or in front of the Forbidden City?
Cam: Just make a sentence in pinyin, or the Chinese alphabet!  You can send us questions or comments to  That’s  Or you can visit us on our website at Click learn Chinese, where you can enjoy other free Chinese-learning programs.
Yajie: Well, class is over. 再见!
Cam: 再见!

(Written by Zhao Pingping) we help you learning Chinese, remember to visit the site !
article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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