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Lesson 34 询问邮局等在哪儿?            【字体:
Lesson 34 询问邮局等在哪儿?
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Yajie: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Chinese Studio. This is Yajie.
Cam: 大家早上好(dajia zaoshang hao)。I’m Cam.
Yajie: Cam, today we’ll learn some useful sentences for those that need to get around China.
Cam: Let’s check Key Words of the Day.

***********Key words of the day
Today we’ll learn how to ask the location of something. 邮局, post office. 医院, hospital.  银行, bank. 超市, supermarket 哪儿, where. All in today’s Chinese Studio. 

Yajie: 邮局(yóujú), post office.
Cam: 邮局(yóujú)
Yajie: 邮, y-o-u, the second tone.
Cam: 邮(yóu)
Yajie: 局,j-u, also the second tone.
Cam: 局(jú)
Yajie: Togethere it’s邮局(yóujú) , post office.
Cam: 邮局(yóujú).
Yajie:  Knowing where the post office is is important.  You can send letters and packages through regular post, or you can now use the Express Mail Service.
Cam: That’s good to know.
Yajie: 在哪儿?
Cam: 在哪儿?(zài nǎr?) I remember we learned it before. It means “where is” in English.
Yajie: Yes. 邮局在哪儿?Where is the post office?
Cam: 邮局在哪儿?(yóujú zài nǎr?)

Conversations (1):

Yajie: Now comes to the second word医院, hospital.
Cam: 医院 (yīyuàn).
Yajie: 医, y-i, the first tone. 院, y-u-a-n, the fourth tone.
Cam: 医院 (yīyuàn), hospital. And doctor is 医生(yisheng), all in the first tone, right?
Yajie: Exactly. If you want to ask “where is the hospital”, you may say it in this way “医院在哪儿?”
Cam: 医院在哪儿?(yīyuàn zài nǎr?)

Conversations (2):

Cam:  I often need to go pay my phone bill, but I’m not sure where to pay it.  Where is the bank?
Yajie: Well, bank is 银行.
Cam: 银行(yínháng).
Yajie: 银行(yínháng), all in the second tone.
Cam: 银行在哪儿(yínháng zài nǎr)?Where is the bank?

Conversations (3):

Cam:  And the last really important word is supermarket.  I can’t go on without eating!
Yajie:  Supermarket is 超市。
Cam:  Okay… so where is the supermarket would be超市在哪?
Yajie:  Right!

Conversations (4):

**********Key words Reminder
Today we learned how to ask the location of something. 邮局, post office. 邮局在哪儿?Where is the post office? 医院, hospital. 医院在哪儿?Where is the hospital? 银行, bank. 银行在哪儿?Where is the bank? 超市, supermarket Where is the supermarket 超市在哪?

Yajie: Well, class is over for this time. Last time we brought up a question of “What’s his job?” One of the right answer is “他做什么工作?”. Now question for this time:
Cam: How do the Chinese say “Where is the post office”? You are welcome to write us in Chinese characters. Of course, you are also welcome if you wrote in pinyin or Chinese alphabet.
Yajie:You can send us questions or comments to  That’s  Or you can visit us on our website at Click “Learn Chinese”. You can enjoy other free Chinese-learning programs there.
Cam: Well class is over. 再见!
Cam: 再见!

(Written by Zhao Pingping)

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