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Lesson 367 Etiquette III            【字体:
Lesson 367 Etiquette III
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

R: Welcome to Chinese Studio. Wo Shi Raymond.
Y: And wo Shi Yajie. We're doing great here as it is our time to introduce some Etiquette to you all.
R: That's right we're not taking it anymore, we're putting our feet down.
Y: Ok before we go to the battlefield lets go over the key words of the day.

Key Words of the Day

Music 音乐。Smoking 抽烟turn down your music. 把音乐关小点儿声。No smoking. 这儿不让抽烟。All in today’s Chinese Studio.
R: Well Its getting loud in here.
Y: Yea I feel like my ears are getting blown away.
R: Darn these kids. they're all over.
Y: ya their music blasting from their phones.
R: Bleh tell them to turn down their music. Its giving me a migraine.
Y: Ok well this is how you say "turn down your music".
把音乐关小点儿声。 Ba3 yin1 yue4 guan1 xiao2 diaer3 sheng.

Ba3: put before the object,
Yin1 yue4: music
Guan1 xiao3: turn down
Dianer3: a little bit
sheng: volume

R: What's going on, I can't see anything in this mall.
Y: You have to say: no smoking.
R: Ok, how do you say you can’t smoke here. I'm tired of breathing crap.
Zher4 bu2 rang4 chou1 yan1.
Zher4: here
Bu2 rang4: not allowed to do sth,
Chou1 yan1: smoke cigarette, 
Y: Well that wraps up this Chinese Studio.
R: That's right we'll have more for you good behavior ed Samaritan's later.
Y: But before we go, how do you say "Turn down your music” in Chinese.
R: Send your answer to
Y: website click on learn english.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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