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Lesson 369 Rejections I            【字体:
Lesson 369 Rejections I
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

R: Welcome to Chinese studio, Wo Shi Raymond.
Y: And Wo Shi Yajie.
R: That's right and we're learning what to say for rejections!
Y: If your boss does something that he shouldn't, like give you a project before the holidays.
R: You've got to say no!
Y: So No!
R: Not to me, silly Yajie, to your boss.
Key words of the day

I am not comfortable with that. 我觉得这样不太好。I’m in the middle of something我正忙着呢。 All in today’s Chinese Studio.
R: What would you say if if I asked you out on a date.
Y: I would say no.
R: Well that doesn't stop me, You've got to be more convincing.
Y: YOU'VE got to be more Convincing!
R: Well ok, but we're working on rejections.
Y: OK so then i'd say "I am not comfortable with that" 我觉得这样不太好。

Wo3 jue2 de  zhei4 yang4  bu2 tai4 hao3

Wo3 jue2 de: I think
Zhei4 yang4: in this way
Bu4: not
Tai4: very
Hao3: good

I think in this way not very good / i’m not comfortable with that. 

Y: Alright so what if I asked you to do my report?
R: No I will not until you give me back my red stapler.
Y: No, you have to say something else.
R: Like what? "I’m in the middle of something"?
Y: Good. This is how you say it in Chinese: 我正忙着呢。

Wo3 zheng4 mang2 zhe ne.
Wo3: I
Zheng4: right now,
Mang2 zhe: be busy, in the middle of sth,
Ne: [used at the end of a sentence, indicating the notion that an action or situation is in progress]

I right now busy/ I’m in the middle of something,
Y: Well that wraps up this section of Chinese studio.
R: Thanks for listening and take care of yourself.
Y: NO. I am not comfortable with that.
R: Oh, hahahaha, I remember, you are not comfortable with taking care of yourself.
Y: Yes......... wait what?
R: How do you say "I’m in the middle of something" in Chinese?
Y: Send your answer to
R: Website.

we help you learning Chinese, remember to visit the site !
article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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