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Lesson 181--Valentine’s Day 1            【字体:
Lesson 181--Valentine’s Day 1
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Cam:  Love is in the air… welcome to Chinese Studio.  Wo shi Cam.
YJ:  And wo shi Yajie.  Cam, there are many western holidays that we celebrate here in China, such as Christmas.
Cam:  Yes, and I know the Chinese are big into Valentine’s Day as well, which falls in a few days.
YJ:  Right.  So this week, we will learn all the lingo about love.
Cam:  I love it!

Key words of the day

Valentine’s Day情人节Happy Valentine’s Day. 情人节快乐 February 14th.2月14号  What would you like for Valentine’s Day?  你想要什么情人节礼物?  All in today’s Chinese Studio.

Cam:  Okay Yaj… let’s start with the basics.  How do you say Valentine’s Day?
Yajie: it’s qing2 ren2 jie2.
Cam:  qing2 ren2 jie2.
YJ: qing2 ren2 means lover,
Cam: qing2 ren2.
YJ: jie2 means festival,
Cam: jie2.
Cam: So happy Valentine’s Day would be?
YJ: qing2 ren2 jie2 kuai4 le4.
Cam: qing2 ren2 jie2 kuai4 le4.
YJ:  kuai4 le4, happy,
Cam: kuai4 le4.
YJ: qing2 ren2 jie2, valentine,
Cam: qing2 ren2 jie2
YJ: qing2 ren2 jie2 kuai4 le4
Cam: qing2 ren2 jie2 kuai4 le4 Happy Valentine’s day! 情人节快乐

A: 给你,祝你情人节快乐!
B: 好漂亮的花! 谢谢!

B: 祝天下有情人终成眷属。

YJ:  We learned the calendar and days in an episode a long time ago.. do you remember?
Cam:  Yes… but give me a refresher.  How would I say February 14th?
YJ:  February is er4 yue4.
Cam: er4 yue4.
YJ: er4 means two or second,
YJ: yue4 means month,
Cam: yue4,
YJ: er4 yue4.
Cam: er4 yue4 February. Then how do you say 14th ?
YJ: it’s shi2 si4 hao4.
Cam: shi2 si4 hao4
YJ: shi2 is ten,
YJ: si4 means four,
Cam: si4,
YJ: shi2 si4, fourteenth, 
Cam: shi2 si4
YJ: hao4 means day,
Cam: hao4,
Y: shi2 si4 hao4
C: shi2 si4 hao4 14th
Y: then February 14th  is er4 yue4 shi2 si4 hao4
C: er4 yue4 shi2 si4 hao4

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