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Lesson 231 Animals III            【字体:
Lesson 231 Animals III
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Y: It’s animal week on Chinese Studio, and welcome in everyone. Wo shi Y.
B: Da jia hao, wo shi B, and, we’re going to the zoo, zoo, zoo, (singing).
Y: Okay, Let’s go. First up, keywords of the day.

Key words of the day
Monkey  猴子Monkey King 孙悟空Giraffe 长颈鹿Rhinoceros  犀牛
Please don’t feed the animals! 请不要给动物喂食。Where are the monkeys? 猴子在哪儿?Look over there, there’s a rhinoceros.看那儿有头犀牛。All in today’s Chinese Studio

B: We’re at the zoo, and there are so many dong4wu, animals to see. I know a few names, let’s learn a few more. Y, how about monkey?
Y: Ah, that’s  猴子。
B: hou2zi … I better learn how to say Monkey King too, although we mightn’t see him at the zoo.
Y: He has more than one names. You can say  孙悟空.
B: sun1 wu3 kong1.
Y: Or you can say 美猴王,
B: mei3 hou2 wang2
Y: mei3 means beautiful,
B: mei3,
Y: hou2 means monkey,
B:  hou2,
Y: wang2 means king, 
B: wang2, 
Y: mei3 hou2 wang2
B: mei3 hou2 wang2  Monkey King. And now here we are at the zoo, but where are the monkeys?
Y: That is 猴子在哪儿?
B: hou2 zi zai4 na3er?
Y: hou2 zi is monkey,
B:  hou2 zi,
Y: zai4 na3er means at where?
B:  zai4 na3er,
Y:  hou2 zi zai4 na3er?
B:  hou2 zi zai4 na3er?  Where are the monkeys?

Conversation 1
A: 猴子在哪儿?
B: 在那儿,咱们过去看看吧。

B: Monkeys love to eat. Gee, do you think we’re allowed to feed them Y?
Y: No, I don't think so. Look at that. It says “Please don’t feed the animals!”
B: Then what’s it in Chinese?
Y: It’s 请不要给动物喂食。
B: qing3 bu2 yao4 gei3 dong4wu wei4 shi2. 
Y: qing3 bu2 yao4, please don’t do sth,
B:  qing3 bu2 yao4
Y: gei3 means for, 
B: gei3, 
Y: dong4wu means animal,
B: dong4wu,
Y: wei4 shi2 means feed,
B:  wei4 shi2, 
Y: qing3 bu2 yao4 gei3 dong4wu wei4 shi2
B:  qing3 bu2 yao4 gei3 dong4wu wei4 shi2  Please don’t feed the animals.

A: 管理员,我们可以给动物喂食吗?
B: 对不起,请不要给动物喂食。

B: What’s that tall animal over there, Y?
Y: Which one, oh, you mean …长颈鹿, the giraffe.
B: chang2 jing3 lu4, 
Y: chang2 means long,
B: chang2,
Y: jing3 means neck,
B: jing3,
Y: lu4 means deer or animals similar to deer, 
B: lu4,
Y:  长颈鹿
B: chang2 jing3 lu4, giraffe… and look over there, there’s a rhinoceros.
Y: You can tell me in Chinese, 看那儿有头犀牛。
B:  kan4 na4er you3 tou2 xi1 niu2,
Y: kan4 na4er means look over there,
B:  kan4 na4er
Y: you3 means there is something,
B:  you3, 
Y:  tou2 is the measure word for rhino, 
B:  tou2,
Y: and here tou2 is short for yi4 tou2, which means one,
B: tou2,
Y:  xi1 niu2 means rhino,
B:  xi1 niu2,
Y:  看那儿有头犀牛
B: kan4 na4er you3 tou2 xi1 niu2,  Look over there, there’s a rhinoceros.

Conversation 3
A: 这是什么动物?
B: 这是一只长颈鹿。看那儿有头犀牛。

Key words reminder
Monkey  猴子Monkey King 孙悟空Giraffe 长颈鹿Rhinoceros  犀牛
Please don’t feed the animals! 请不要给动物喂食。Where are the monkeys? 猴子在哪儿?Look over there, there’s a rhinoceros.看那儿有头犀牛。All in today’s Chinese Studio

B: Those monkeys come back to the cage, so it’s time to go.
Y. Not before our question of the day.
B: Yes, how do you say, “Please don’t feed the animals!” in Chinese.
Y: Send us an answer to Remember, the correct answer and you could win yourself a prize. Mingtian jian.
B: Mingtian jian

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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