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Lesson 236 Pets Review            【字体:
Lesson 236 Pets Review
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Y: It’s pet week on Chinese Studio, Welcome in everyone, especially those pet lovers. Wo shi Y.
B: Da jia hao, wo shi B. It’s also the weekend, time for us to really take good care of our pets and also to review what we’ve learned during the week.

Sentences of the week
Do you like pets? 你喜欢宠物吗?It’s time for a walk 该去遛狗了。Goldfish 金鱼The water needs changing 该换水了。 I’ve also got a parrot. 我还有一只鹦鹉。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

B: Y, let’s first review the Chinese word for pets.
Y: it’s 宠物
B: chong3 wu4.
Y: chong3 means particularly cherished,
B: chong3,
Y: wu4 means animal,
B: wu4,
Y: chong3 wu4.
B: chong3 wu4.  Do you like pets, what’s the Chinese for that?
Y: 你喜欢宠物吗?
B: ni2 xi3 huan1 chong3 wu4 ma?
Y: ni3 means you,
B: ni3, 
Y: xi3 huan1 means like something, 
B: xi3 huan1,
Y: chong3 wu4, pets. And questions are formed in Chinese by adding the syllable 吗 at the end of a statement.
B:  ma .
Y: ni2 xi3 huan1 chong3 wu4 ma?
B:  ni2 xi3 huan1 chong3 wu4 ma? Do you like pets?

Conversation 1
A: 你喜欢宠物吗?
B: 当然了。我很喜欢宠物。

B: Now it’s time for a walk. How do I say it in Chinese?
Y: You can say: gai1 qu4 liu4 gou3 le. 
B: gai1 qu4 liu4 gou3 le. 
Y: gai1 means it’s time to do something,
B: gai1,
Y:  qu4 means go outside,
B: qu4,
Y: liu4 gou3 means to walk a dog,
B: liu4 gou3,
Y: gai1 qu4 liu4 gou3 le. 
B: gai1 qu4 liu4 gou3 le.  It’s time to walk a dog.

Conversation 2
A: 时间到了,该去遛狗了。
B: 我能一起去吗 ?
A: 当然了,走吧。.

Y: Do you have any other pets, B?
B: I’ve also got some goldfish. What do we call them Y?
Y: it’s jin1 yu2.
B: jin1 yu2,
Y: jin1 means gold or the color of gold,
B: jin1
Y: yu2 means fish,
B: yu2,
Y: jin1 yu2,
B: jin1 yu2, goldfish. I think the water needs changing.  Help me to say that in Chinese.
Y: hao de, You can say 该换水了。
B: gai1 huan4 shui3 le.
Y: gai1 means should do sth,
B: gai1,
Y: huan4 means change,
B: huan4,
Y: shui3 means water,
B: shui3,
Y: gai1 huan4 shui3 le
B: gai1 huan4 shui3 le The water needs changing.

Conversation 3
B: 金鱼是不错。但是你该换水了。

B: How about you Y?  Do you have any other pets?
Y: Yes, I’ve also got a parrot. 我还有一只鹦鹉。
B: wo2 hai2 you3 yi4 zhi1 ying1 wu3,
Y: wo3 means I,
B: wo3,
Y: hai2 you3 means also have,
B: hai2 you3,
Y: zhi1 is the measure word for parrot, and yi4 zhi1 means one,
B: yi4 zhi1,
Y: parrot in Chinese is ying1 wu3,
B: ying1 wu3
Y: So I’ve also got a parrot in Chinese is: wo2 hai2 you3 yi4 zhi1 ying1 wu3.
B: wo2 hai2 you3 yi4 zhi1 ying1 wu3,

Conversation 4
A: 你还养了什么宠物?
B: 我还有一只鹦鹉。

Sentences of the week
Do you like pets? 你喜欢宠物吗?It’s time for a walk 该去遛狗了。Goldfish 金鱼The water needs changing 该换水了。 I’ve also got a parrot. 我还有一只鹦鹉。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

B: Fido’s rearing to go for his walk so we better get going.
Y: I could do with the exercise too. What’s today’s question B?
B: Ok, how do we say, “Do you like pets? ” in Chinese?
Y: Send us an answer to Remember, the correct answer and you could win yourself a prize. Have a good weekend.
B: zhou1 mo4 yu2 kuai4.

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