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Lesson 240 Bicycle and Cycling Review            【字体:
Lesson 240 Bicycle and Cycling Review
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Y: It’s bike week on Chinese Studio, and welcome in everyone. Wo shi Y.
B: Da jia hao, wo shi B. It’s the weekend, and I can’t wait to get out for a bike ride. Before heading off we’ve got just enough time to review what we’ve learned during the week.

Sentences of the week
 I’ve got a flat tire 我的车胎没气了。Could you please pass me the pump? 请把打气筒递给我。I’d like a basket. 我想装个车筐。All in today’s Chinese Studio

B: So let’s review from the beginning, what do we call a bike Y?
Y:  it’s zi4 xing2 che1.
B:  zi4 xing2 che1.
Y: How do you say: I’ve got a flat tire. 
B: wo3 de che1 tai1 mei2 qi4 le.
Y: Very good. Let me try that again. wo3 de means mine,
B: wo3 de,
Y: che1 tai1 means tires,
B: che1 tai1,
Y: mei2 qi4 le, it means a flat tire,
B: mei2 qi4 le ,
Y: 我的车胎没气了
B: wo3 de che1 tai1 mei2 qi4 le. I’ve got a flat tire.

Conversation 1
A: 我的车胎没气了。
B: 别急,我来帮你打气。

B: Y, Could you please pass me the pump? What’s the Chinese for a pump?
Y: it’s da3 qi4 tong3.
B: da3 qi4 tong3.
Y: da3 qi4 means to pump,
B:  da3 qi4
Y: tong3 means a tube-shaped object.
B: tong3
Y:  da3 qi4 tong3.
B:  da3 qi4 tong3.  a pump.
Y: Could you please pass me the pump?” in Chinese it’s: qing2 ba2 da3 qi4 tong3 di4 gei2 wo3…
B: qing2 ba2 da3 qi4 tong3 di4 gei2 wo3.
Y: ba3 is often put before the object,
B: ba3,
Y: da3 qi4 tong3 is pump,
B: da3 qi4 tong3.
Y: qing2 ba2 da3 qi4 tong3 di4 gei2 wo3
B: qing2 ba2 da3 qi4 tong3 di4 gei2 wo3 Could you please pass me the pump?

Conversation 2
A: 请把打气筒递给我。
B: 好的,给你。

B: It’s getting too warm to carry my bag on my back. I’d love one of those baskets. What are they called?
Y:  They’re called che1 kuang1.
B: che1 kuang1. che1 is bicycle, 
Y: che1, Right and kuang1 means basket,
B: kuang1, 
Y:  che1 kuang1.
B:  che1 kuang1.   basket.  And back at the bike shop I want to tell the shifu I want a basket.
Y: Ok. Wo2 xiang3 zhuang1 ge che1 chuang1. 
B: Wo2 xiang3 zhuang1 ge che1 chuang1
Y: wo2 xiang3 means I’d like sth,
B:  wo2 xiang3,
Y: zhuang1 means to install,
B: zhuang1.
Y: ge4 is the measure word for basket. It’s short for yi2 ge4, which means one,
B: ge4,
Y: che1 chuang1, basket,
B: che1 chuang1
Y: Wo2 xiang3 zhuang1 ge che1 chuang1
B: Wo2 xiang3 zhuang1 ge che1 chuang1 I’d like a basket.

Conversation 3
A: 我想装个车筐。
B: 看看这个怎么样?

B: I’m feeling more confident now, if we have any mechanical problems on the way we’ll now just what to say to get some help.
Y: Indeed, and here’s a little quiz to see if you can too. Remind us how to say, “ I’d like a basket. .”
B: Send us your answer to And as usual, there’s a prize waiting for the correct answer. Make sure it’s yours. Safe cycling, zhoumo yukuai.
Y: Have a good weekend.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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