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Can’t all interpreters translate documents , and all translators interpret orally?         ★★★ 【字体:

Can’t all interpreters translate documents , and all translators interpret orally?

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-12-7     

No. Translation and interpretation are different skills, though both language-related. An analogy would be that a criminal attorney does not necessarily know patent law well enough to practice it tomorrow morning. A ballet dancer does not necessarily dance swing. Some, but not all, interpreters are well versed in written translations as well; however, most professional translators have never worked as interpreters. Competency examinations test for different skills in each category. (For example, at the United Nations, the Interpretation Department is a wholly separate entity from the Translation Department.) For court work, the lines are not so clearly drawn, but it depends entirely on the nature of the assignment. For example, tape transcripts are a hybrid form, part oral and part written, and some interpreters specialize in preparing them. But one cannot assume that any interpreter will be able to produce a good transcript.

          Different areas of the brain are used in these disciplines. People who are fast thinkers and fast reactors tend to prefer interpreting, in which decisions about language, structure and meaning have to be made in split seconds. More logic-loving, scholarly, detail-oriented people prefer translating, which takes place in isolation, and gives the translator the ability to consult many dictionary sources before making a final decision.

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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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