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高三英语词汇专项练习(二)          【字体:


作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-9-6     

1. Susan’s m______ to John Smith was not welcomed by his family.
2. Being kind and knowledgeable, the new teacher soon became p______ among the students.
3. As I entered late, he looked at me kindly without s______ me.
4. The two men lived s______ from each other.
5. Sports and games help to build up our bodies and c______ as well.
6. A______ is a continent which is the coldest and the most difficult to reach.
7. Mary tried to p______ her father to give up smoking, but she failed.
8. Plastics and rubber give off p______ gases when they are burned.
9. You can’t leave here without p______.
10. Her income is d______ what she had five years ago.(无忧教育网

1.An e______ is a large four-footed animal now living, with great tusks and a long trunk..
2.This medicine is p______ if taken in large quantities.
3.His beautiful home was the result of many years of l______.
4.The teacher told the boys to c______ all the waste paper lying about and burn it.
5.Mother is in the h______ of getting up early.
6.The doctor said, “Sleep is necessary to h______.”
7.Surely you l______ the door? I would be surprised if you hadn’t.
8.My hometown is s______ from the city by a river.
9.You’ve added too much w______ to the mixture.
10.We must p______ more food for ourselves and import less.(无忧教育网

1.Being c______, he is always making mistakes.
2.I don’t think this medicine can cure your i______.
3.I’ll get someone to p______ my door yellow.
4.A big car is too e______, and a small car may look too cheap.
5.Is she losing weight? She looks a lot t______.
6.The enemy plane was shot down the moment it a______.
7.Thoughts are e______ by means of words.
8.To my surprise, he got me a t______ for tonight’s show.
9.He spoke English so well that I look it for g______ that he was an American.
10. When did Marie Curie and her husband get radium?
In the t______ century.(无忧教育网

1.“S______ me your tongue, please.” The doctor said.
2.They were good friends and never q______ with each other.
3.The students listened to the teacher c______, and tried to remember everything.
4.We shouldn’t judge a stranger by the clothes he w______.
5.Xiao Hua made such rapid p______ that she passed the exam.
6.Scientists are working hard to turn these ideas into r______.
7.The w______ doctors were warmly praised on March 8th.
8.She is too shy to sing in p______.
9.I had no trouble in solving this p______.
10.We’ll make a j______ to London in the summer holiday next year.(无忧教育网

1. That summer the doctor changed the brace for a s______(特殊) heavy shoes.
2. It is important for us to understand the course of its d______(发展).
3. The workers are carrying p______(包裹)at the station.
4. They refused to r______(承认) the government.
5. You can’t see the stars in the d______(白天).
6. I’ve c______(收集) three hundred Chinese stamps.
7. Mr Brown patted the bay a______(慈爱) on the head.
8. Go ahead with your c______(音乐会).
9. However, his k______(知识) of French remained very week.
10. She couldn’t go to school before l______(解放).(无忧教育网

1. Physics may seem terribly dry and complicated at times, but a good teacher can make it i_____ and simple.
2. No one likes to talk to him, because he often speaks with an air of i_____.
3. The old lady w______ why the boy made fun of her.
4. No p______ has been given for anybody to enter the building.
5. She said c______ to me when she heard I had got the full marks for English.
6. He is the sort of man who draws a c______ without much thinking.
7. When building m______ cost more, the price of houses increases.
8. A______ there are four types of blood as far as I know.
9. It is d______ to skate on such thin ice.
10. The d______ from here to the town is mush the same by either of the roads.(无忧教育网

1. We should show no ______(怜悯)to the enemies of the people.
2. The Great October Socialist Revolution _____(标志着)the beginning of a new era in human istory.
3. He not only made a ______(允诺)but also he kept it.
4. ______(成百万) of other stars are even bigger and brighter than the sun..
5. The answers are ______(令人满意).
6. This Swede ______(钦佩Napoleon so much that he wanted to join the French army and fight for him.
7. The brain needs a ______不间断supply of blood.
8. Asia is separated from America by the ______(太平洋).
9. He said he felt ______(恶心).
10. We are ______(主人of our country.(无忧教育网

1. They saw that enemy e______(逃跑)in disorder.
2. You’d better take more e______(锻炼).
3. There are a lot of v______(珍贵)books in the library.
4. He devoted his w______(全部)energy to the task.
5. He d______(宣称that his statement was true.
6. The f______(力量)of gravity makes things fall.
7. The judge and the two men were s______(满意)with what the Arab had said.
8. The f______(打架)between the naughty boys was stopped.
9. U______(直到)he told me, I knew nothing about it.
10. It is a g______(真的)pleasure to meet you.(无忧教育网

1. It is also bad manners to keep s______(沉默 ) when the teacher asks you a question.
2. He m______(说服 ) give up smoking.
3. The steam engine was i_____(发明 ) by Walt.
4. She didn’t i_____( 打扰) other people when they are talking.
5. They are not r______(确实 ) true.
6. The water in the wet clothes is being turned into v______(水蒸气)and they get drier and drier.
7. May it t______(麻烦 ) you to explain the following passage?
8. The soldiers are at w______(战争 ) .
9. I know it’s m______( 肉 ) but I can’t tell whether it’s pork or beef.
10. You must c______(挑选 ) your friend carefully.(无忧教育网

1. Do you know something about Lugouqiao I¬¬¬¬______( 事件 ) ?
2. As we know, he is a r_____( 真正 ) communist.
3. She is said to have been very b______( 漂亮 ) in her youth.
4. I w______( 祝 ) you a pleasant journey.
5. In the classroom some children are learning to d______( 画 ) a picture.
6. They will e______( 配备 ) the workshop with new machine.
7. My brother often comes to see me e______( 尤其 )when he is free.
8. He fought bravely in many battles and g______( 赢得 ) their respect.
9. He wrote one of his great w______( 著作 ) , “The Civil War in France”.
10. She started working hard to i______( 提高 )her English.

11. marriage, popular, scolding, separately, characters, Antarctica, persuade, poisonous, permission, double
12. elephant, poisonous, labour, collect, habit,, health, locked, separated, water, produce
13. careless, illness, paint, expensive, thinner, appeared, expressed, ticket, granted, twentieth
14. Show, quarreled, carefully, wears, progress, realities, women, public, problem, journey
15. special, development, parcels, recognize, daytime, collected, affectionately, concert, knowledge, liberation

16. interesting, importance, wondered, permission, congratulations, conclusion, materials, Altogether, dangerous, distance
17. pity, means, promise, Millions, satisfactory, respected/admired, continuous, Pacific, sick, host
18. escaped, exercise, valuable, whole, declared, force, satisfied, fight, Until, great
19. silence, persuade, invented, interrupt, really, vapour, trouble, war, meat, select
20. Incident, true, beautiful, wish, draw, equip, especially, gained, works, improve(无忧教育网

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