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2006高考备考英语单项选择仿真练习180题          【字体:


作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-9-6     

    A. So does he       B. So is he      C. So he does      D. So he is.
120. He took the food eagerly, for he ______nothing since the day before yesterday.
   A. didn`t eat        B. had eaten         C. ate        D. hadn`t eaten
121. -----The weather here in summer is so changeable. Please take an umbrella when you go out.
A. Well, don`t worry                      B. Well, it just depends
C. Oh, take it easy                        D. OK, just in case    
122. _______ a pair of sport-shoes which was not fit for him, he could`t run as fast as the others
   A. Dressed in       B. Having on         C. Wearing       D. Putting on
123. ------I`m afraid I won`t win the game to be held this afternoon.
    ------ Take it easy. We`ll stand by you _______you don`t success.
   A. though   B. even though C. unless   D. as though           
124. -------______I come before three o`clock?
    -------No, you need`t. The meeting won`t begin until half past three.
   A. Must         B. Need         C. Shall        D. Can
125. ------How did you do in your examinations?
    -----I ______with good marks.
  A. got on        B. got over        C. got on          C. got through
126. They had a good talk last night, which had ______ three hours before they knew it.
    A. eaten up      B. eaten out      C. eaten       D. eaten away  
127. The villagers were dreaming to have their own school,_______ their children could read and write.
   A. which        B. that       C. in which        D. in that  
128. ------He didn`t go to bed last night until 12 o`clock.
    ------Yes. He ______his experiment over and over, working till midnight.
  A. played        B. showed     C. acted       D. performed  
129. ------ I was told that an accident happened some day last month.. Could you tell me where and when exactly?
   ------I`m sorry I can`t remember when ______ accident happened. I only remember it was ______ Saturday morning ,when it was snowing.
  A. the, the        B. the, a     C. a, a         D. a, the   
130. ------If my car hadn`t broken down, I would have been here on time.
    -----What a pity. You ______ten minutes late.
    A. are           B. were        C. would be     D. had been    

131. We couldn`t expect her to do the housework as well as_______ the children.
    A. look after       B. looking after        C. to look after     D. looked after
132. It has been raining for days, but the construction workers _______on the work-place.
  A. are working       B. work      C. have worked      D. were workin
133. The only thing that we have to fear is the fear _______.
   A. yourself         B. themselves         C. itself        D. oneself
134.------ Has the letter _____ to your parents been finished?
   ------No. I`m writing it.
     A. posted      B. to post      C. being posted       D. to be posted
135. The children felt very

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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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