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2004—2005学年度第一学期期中调研测试高中一年级         ★★★ 【字体:


作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-27     









1. Where is the woman now?

    A. In her own bedroom.               B. In hospital.       C. In the office.

2. What did Smith offer her?

    A. Smith offered her a computer.       B. Smith offered her a room.

    C. Smith offered her a job as a typist.

3. What does the woman want to do?

    A. She wants to know the time.        B. She wants to read a magazine.

    C. She wants to buy a watch.

4. What are they talking about?

    A. Houses.             B. Piano.           C. Space.

5. Why is Smith so successful?

A. Because he never makes any mistake.

B. Because he can answer questions quickly.

    C. Because he is always thinking of others.




6. Where is the noise coming from?

    A. The car.              B. The motor.             C. The motorbike.

7. Where did they stop their car?

    A. A factory.              B. A park place.          C. A hotel.

8. Whats wrong with the car?

    A. It needs water in the tank. B. It runs out of petrol. C. It needs heating up.


9. Where are they talking?

   A. In the classroom.             B. In the restaurant.       C. In the office.

10. What was poured on Marys desk?

     A. Water.                           B. Tea.                  C. Coffee.

Il. Is it necessary for them to type the papers?

     A. Perhaps.       B. Yes.          C. No.


12. Why was Nancy away from school yesterday?

     A. Because she was busy.   B. Because she was ill.   C. Because she was at home.

13. What is she going to do?

     A. Go home.          B. Go to clinic.          C. Go to her friends.

14. Why will they stop on the way?

     A. To buy some medicine.      B. To see a doctor.        C. To buy some food.


15. What did Peter stay at home to do?

     A. Watch TV.                     B. Work.                C. Study.

16. Why did Peter take two new subjects?

     A. To earn money.       B. To study more.         C. To find a better job.

17. What else did he do?

     A. Made many friends.     B. Read many books.     C. Enjoyed the holiday.


18. How many wonders are there in the world?

     A. One.           B. Five.             C. Eight.

19. How old is the Great Wall?

     A. Over 2000 years.         B. More than 6000 years.  C. As old as 3000 years.

20. Who are interested in visiting the Great wall?

     A. The Chinese.           B. The English.     C. The people all over the world.


第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. _________experience is the mother of wisdom, _________is well known in many European countries.

    A. a, that         B. an, who         C. \, which         D. the, that

22. Everybody went to visit the library _________Jeffery because he was absent that day.

     A. except         B. besides           C. except for         D. except that

23. The fish has gone bad!

    You _________it in the refrigerator.

     A. must not have keep                   B. must have kept

     C. should have kept                     D. should not have kept

24. How did the differences _________American English, British English and Australian English_________?

     A. between, come up                   B. among, come up

     C. between, come about                D. among, come about

25. With the old mans help, we have no difficulty _________her house and no difficulty the work.

     A. in finding, to                      B. to find, with

     C. finding, in                         D. in finding, with

26. What _________it is to jump into the river in summer to have a swim!

     A. fun     B. a fun      C. a funny thing     D. a fun thing

27. We wear sun glasses to _________the sun _________hurting our eyes.

     A. prevent , with                        B. prevent, from

     C. prevent , against                      D. prevent, at

28. Id rather __________some peaceful music before going to bed, and I also enjoy          the TV.

     A. listened to, turned down            B. listen to, turn on

     C. listen to, turning off              D. listening to, turned up

29. It ________four years ________we meet again.

     A. is, since                           B. will be , before

     C. has been, since                     D. is, before

30. The play brought the hours back to me ________I was taken good care of in a village.

     A. when           B. whom            C. which             D. that

31. He was caught by the enemy , but later he managed to escape from the prison.


     A. He must have been very lucky       B. He mustnt have been very lucky

     C. He can have been very lucky        D. He must be very lucky

32. Peter asked Jim________.

     A. what the matter was                  B. what the matter is

     C. what was the matter                  D. what is the matter.

33. ________ English is more or less the same in both British and American English but English is quite different from each other.

     A. Write, speak                        B. Written, speaking

     C. Written, spoken                     D. Writing, spoken

34. Selecting a cell phone for personal use is not an easy task because technology           so quickly.

     A. is changing                          B. has changed

     C. will have changed                    D. will change

35. This is the factory __________ my mother used to work.

     A. when          B. in which         C. that              D. on which

第二节  完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


    People often say that the Englishmans home is his castle(城堡). They mean that the home is very important and personal. Most people in Britain live in houses   36   flats, and many people own their homes. This means that they can make them individual(个人的) ;They can   37   them and change them in any way they   38    .In a crowded city the individual knows that he or she has a private space which is   39   for himself or herself and for   40   friends.

    People usually like to mark their space. Are you sitting now in your home or in a beach or a train? If you are on the beach you may have spread your   41   around you; on the train you may have   42   your coat or small bag on the seat beside you; in a library you may have one corner or chair which is your own.

    Once I was traveling on a   43   to London. I was in a section for four people and there was a table between us. The man on the   44   side to me had his briefcase on the table. There was no   45   on my side of the table at all. I was made rather   46     . I thought he thought that he owned the  47  table. I took various papers out of my bag and put them on   48    ! When I did this he stiffened and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. I had invaded (侵犯) his space ! A few minutes later I took my papers   49   his case in order to read them. He immediately   50    

his case to his side of the table. ( Of course , it is possible that he just wanted to be helpful to me ! )

36. A. rather than        B. as well as        C. as a result of       D. or rather

37. A. buy               B. leave             C. paint               D. offer

38. A. make              B. clear             C. like                D. prepare

39. A. only              B. already           C. ever                D. even

40. A. unwanted          B. unexpected        C. sick                D. invited

41. A. towels            B. sands             C. papers              D. flags

42. A. find              B. give              C. put                 D. store

43. A. plane             B. train             C. way                 D. street

44. A. opposite          B. back              C. wrong               D. good

45. A. matter            B. weight            C. light               D. space

46. A. angry             B. hurt              C. fearful             D. busy

47. A. right             B. only              C. small               D. whole

48. A. the table         B. his case           C. the seat            D. his side

49. A. into              B. for               C. off                 D. out of

50. A. hid               B. set               C. moved               D. kept






Skin - diving

    Skin - diving(潜泳) is a new sport today. This sport takes you into a wonderful new world. It is like a visit to the moon. When you are under water, it is easy for you to climb big rocks because you are no longer heavy.

    Here, under water, everything is blue and green. During the day, there is plenty of light. When fish swim nearby, you can catch them with your hands.

    When you have tanks () of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. But you must be careful when you dive in deep water.

    To catch fish is one of the most interesting parts of this sport. Besides, there are more uses for skin - diving. You can clean ships without taking them out of water. You can get many things from the deep sea.

    Now you see that skin -diving is both useful and interesting.

51. Skin- diving is a new sport. It can take you to________.

     A. the moon    B. a new world of land    C. the mountains   D. deep water

52. In deep water________.

     A. there is plenty of light                B. there is no light at all

     C. you can find a lot of blue fish            D. everything looks blue and green

53. You can climb big rocks under water easily because________.

     A. you are very heavy                         B. you are as heavy as on the land

     C. you are not as heavy as on the land        D. you have no weight at all

54. With tanks of air on your back, you can________.

    A. catch fish very easily            B. stay under water for a long time

    C. climb big rocks                   D. have more fun

55. Which of the following is NOT true?

    A. Skin - diving is a new sport. 

    B. Skin - diving is like visiting the moon.

    C. The only use of skin - diving is to have more fun.

    D. Skin - diving is not only interesting but useful.


Doctor and Robber

    One night about nine oclock, Dr. Eyck, a surgeon (外科医生), had a phone call from Dr. Haydon at the hospital in Clens Falls. The surgeon was asked to go there at once to operate on a very sick boy who shot himself while playing with a gun.

    The doctor was soon on his way to Clens Falls. It was 60 miles away. And it was snowing heavily in the city. The surgeon thought he could get there before 12 oclock.

    A few minutes later, the doctor was stopped by a man in an old black coat. Gun in hand, the man ordered the doctor to get out. Then the man drove the car down the road, leaving the doctor in the falling snow.

    It was after two oclock in the morning when the doctor arrived at the hospital in Clens Falls.

    Dr. Haydon told him that the boy had died an hour before.

    The two doctors walked by the door of the hospital waiting room. There sat the man in the old black coat with his head in his hands.

    "MR. Cunningham," said Dr. Haydon to the man, "This is Dr. Eyck. He is the surgeon who came all the way from Albany to save your boy."

56. Dr. Haydon asked Dr. Eyck to come to Clens Falls because________.

    A. the boy wounded by a shot was Dr. Eyck patient

    B. the boy needed his help

    C. Dr. Haydon was not a surgeon

    D. Dr. Eyck was his assistant

57. The surgeon was late because________.

    A. he was stopped by a beggar

    B. the weather was rather terrible

    C. Clens Falls was far away from Albany

    D. His car was taken away

58. Choose the right order of the events given in the story.

    a. Dr. Eyck was asked to come to the hospital in Clens Falls.

    b. Dr. Eyck arrived at the hospital.

    c. The boy shot himself.

    d. The boy died.

    e. The man in an old coat reached the hospital.

    f. Dr. Eyck was robbed (抢劫) of his car.

A. c, e, f, a, b, d         B. a, c, f, d, b, e

C. c, a, f, e, d, b         D. a, c, f, e, d, b

59. The boy died because________.

    A. he was too far away from hospital

    B. Dr. Haydon didnt do anything to save him

    C. Dr. Eyck was not able to arrive at the hospital in time

    D. something was wrong with Dr. Eycks car

60. Who should be responsible for (对……负责) the boys death?

     A. The boys father.   B. The hospital.    C. Dr. Eyck.         D. Dr. Haydon.


     Some time ago, I discovered that one of my chairs had a broken leg. I didnt think there would be any difficulty in getting it mended, as there are a lot of antique (古董)shops near my home. So I left my home one morning carrying the chair with me. I went into the first shop expecting a friendly reception (接待). I was quite wrong. The man wouldnt even look at my chair.

     The second shop, though slightly more polite, was just the same, and the third and the fourth. So I decided that my approach must be wrong.

     I entered the fifth shop with a plan in my mind. I placed the chair on the floor and said to the shopkeeper, "Would you like to buy a chair?" He looked at it over carefully and said, "Yes, not a bad chair. How much do you want for it?" "Twenty pounds." I said. "OK," he said, "I will give you twenty pounds." "Its got a slightly broken leg," I said. "Yes, I saw that, it is nothing. "the shopkeeper answered.

     Everything was going according to my plan and I was getting excited. "What will you do with it?" I asked. "It will be easy to sell once the repair is done." "I will buy it." I said. "What do you mean? You just sold it to me." "Yes, I know, but I have just changed my mind, I am sorry. I will give you twenty - seven pounds for it." "You must be crazy." he said. Suddenly the penny dropped. "I know what you want. You want me to repair your chair." " You are right," I said, "What would you have done if I had walked in and asked you to mend the chair?" "I would not have agreed to do that. We dont do repairs, not enough money in it, and too much trouble. But! will mend this for you. Will you pay it for five? ". He was a very nice person and was greatly amused (感到有趣)by the whole thing.

61. We can learn from the passage that in the first shop the writer________.

A. was rather impolite                 

B. was warmly received

C. asked the shopkeeper to buy his chair

D. asked the shopkeeper to repair his chair.

62. The underlined word" approach" in the second paragraph means________.

    A. plan for dealing with things               B. decision to sell things

    C. idea of repairing things                   D. way of doing things

63. The expression" the penny dropped" in the last paragraph means the shopkeeper

    A. changed his mind                           B. accepted the offer

    C. saw the writers purpose                   D. decided to help the writer

64. How much did the writer pay for the repair?

    A. 5.             B. 7.                 C. 20.               D. 27.

65. From the text, we can learn that the writer was

    A. honest           B. careful              C. smart              D. funny


Long Time No See!

    "long time no see" is a very interesting sentence . When I first read this sentence from an American friends e - mail, I laughed. I thought it was a perfect of Chinglish.

    Obviously, it is a word - by - word literal translation of the Chinese greetings with a ruled English grammar and structure! Later on, my friend told me that it is a standard American greeting. I was too thrilled to believe her. Her words could not convince me at all. So I did a research on google, com. To my surprise, there are over 60 thousand web pages containing "Long time no see". This sentence has been widely used in e-mails, letters, newspapers, movies, books, or any other possible place. Though it is sort of informal, it is part of the language that Americans use daily. Ironically, if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word, the software will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.

    Nobody knows the origin of the Chinglish sentence. Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chans movies. In the 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers successfully created a world - wide famous Chinese detective(侦探) named "Charlie Chan" on wide screens. Detective Chan likes to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom by quoting(引用) Confucius(孔夫子).  "Long time no see" was his trademark. Soon after Charlie Chan, "Long time no see" became a popular phrase in the real world with thanks to the popularity of these movies.

    Some scholars refer America as a huge pot of stew. All kinds of culture are mixed in the stew together, and they. change the color and taste of each other. American Chinese, though a minority ethnic(少数民族的成员) group in the United States, is also contributing some changes to the stew! Language is usually the first thing to be influenced in the mixed stew.

    You can have some other examples than adoptions from Chinese, such as pizza from Italian, susi from Japanese, and deja vu from French etc. There is a long list! Americans do not just simply borrow something from others, They will modify it and make it their own, so you would not be surprised to find a tofu and peanut butter hamburger in a restaurant, or to buy a bottle of iced Chinese green tea with honey in a grocery store. Since Americans appreciate Chinese culture more and more nowadays, I believe more Chinese words will become American and keeps adding richness and


66. The writer himself felt surprised at________.

    A. reading "Long time no see"

    B. knowing the expression is standard American English

    C. seeing the literal translation of the expression

    D. finding out Americans use the expression every day

67. The word "trademark" in the third paragraph probably means________.

    A. design of goods                    B. Confucius words

    C. Charlie Chans creation            D. representative of Charlie Chan

68. According to the passage, it can be inferred that________.

    A. Charlie Chun made the phrase" long time no see"

    B. Hollywood made" Long time no see" popular

    C. the huge pot of stew changes all kinds of culture

    D. all kinds of culture can be changed in the. huge pot of stew

69. The main idea of the last paragraph is that

    A. some other examples are introduced into English

    B. you will be surprised to find a tofu in a restaurant in America

    C. there used to be iced Chinese green tea with honey in grocery store

    D. American English should be enriched from different cultures

70. Which of the following statements is not true?

    A. informal language sometimes doesnt go with grammar and structure.

    B. Language in Microsoft system is ruled by grammar and structure.

    C. "Long time no see" has been used in at least four media(媒体) mentioned in the passage.

    DThere are four languages mentioned to be adopted in the American stew









    * * 普通中学做

    Sarah and Janet have been friend ever since they                   71.________

start school. They do everything together: study, read,                72.________

watch TV, play sports and listen music. If one has a                   73.________

problem, the other is there to help. When Sarah was in                 74.________

third grade, some of the other students were making fun                75.________

of her because of she was shy. Janet told the other students           76.________

to stop making fun of Sarah, and she helped Sarah overcome             77.________

her shyness. In the fifth grade, Janet has problems with maths         78.________

Sarah helped her with her homework and patient explained every         79.________

exercise to Janet. Finally Janet even got a A in the maths exam.       80.________

* * 重点中学做

     Have good manners is seen by many people as a sign of             71.________

cultural understanding and good taste. Knowing about the good          72.________

manners of different countries is interested and very useful.          73.________

Good manners is not only about the way we talk, but also               74.________

about all other things what we do when we communicate                  75.________

to other people. When meeting people, Westerners usually               76.________

shake hand. Americans and northwestern Europeans expect                77.________

a strong handshake, and some shook for several seconds.                78.________

People in the Middle East countries embrace and kiss each.             79.________

Spanish people like stand very close to you when they talk to you.     80.________


    请以an unforgettable experience为题,写一篇开放性作文。文章的开头已经给出,请你根据下面提供的情景,续写这篇文章。

    During the first week of October I went on a holiday to

    注意:1. 字数100左右。

    2. 文章有条理,书写清楚。

    3. 文中应有至少3个定语从句。






1. M: Are you feeling better today?

   W: Yes, thanks. I think I can go home tomorrow.

   M: No, Im afraid you will stay in hospital a few more days.

2. M: I still cant understand, Betty. Why are you working for Smiths company?

   W: He offered me a job as a typist and I need the job.

3. M: If you are looking for the Time, I think Ive got the last copy.

   W: Oh, Well, I think I will get some newspaper to read instead.

4. M: Do you like a one - room or a two - room house?

   W: Two - room, I think there is enough space to put my piano.

5. M: Smith always seems to know other peoples problems.

   W: That is true. I think thats why he has been so successful in his work.




    W: Frank, Do you hear that strange noise?

    M: Yes, I have noticed it for a while, It seems to be coming from the motor.

    W: What shall we do?

    M: I dont know. Perhaps if we slow it down we can stop at the next park place

and check what is the matter.

    W: Ok, Lets do it.

    M: Oh, it is burning hot. We have run out of water.

    W: How is the motor itself ? Is it OK?

    M: I think its all right. Lets wait till it cools down a bit.

    M: Hello, Mary. Im terribly sorry I poured my coffee on your desk. Because I

was very careless .

    W: Never mind. Ill clean it up.

    W: Oh, my dear, lot me see what papers they are.

    M: Perhaps I can do some typing for you.

    W: Thank goodness, there is no need for that. I have got these in my computer,

It is easy to make another copy of them.

    M: Im really sorry to cause you so much trouble.

    W: Thats all right.


    M: Hi! Nice to meet you, Nancy Where were you yesterday?

    W: I didnt come because I was sick.

    M: You still look a little sick. You ought to go back to bed.

    W: I am going home now.

    M: Did you drive today?

    W: Oh. No, I dont have a car.

    M: I can take you home. Would you tike a ride?

    W: Yes. Thanks a lot. Could you stop at the chemists on the way? I need to buy some medicine.


    W: Where did you go during vacation?

    M: I didnt go anywhere. I stayed home.

    W: Did you work?

    M: Oh, no. I took two courses in summer school.

    W: Why did you do that?

    M: Because I wanted to get ahead a little.

    W: How were those courses?

    M: They were interesting and I met a lot of people.

    W: You were very busy then.

    M: Yes, I enjoyed the summer very much.


    The Great Wall of China is one the eight wonders of the world. It lies across North China like a huge dragon. The Great wall was built more than 2000 years ago. It was built as a defense the enemy. Now it is more than 6000 kilometers long from east to west, 6-7 meters high, and45 meters wide. In most places, it is wide enough for five horses or ten people to walk side by side a long the top. Today the Great Wall has become a great place of interest. It attracts tens of thousands of people from different parts of the world every day. So more and more people have come to know the famous Chinese old saying: "He who dose not reach the Great Wall is not a true man."





    15BCBAC    610BBACC    1115CBAAC    1620BACAC



    2125CACCD    2630ABCBA    3135ACCAB


    3640ACCAD    4145ACBAD    4650ADBCC



    A5155DDCBC    B5660BDCCA

    C6165DDCAC    D6670BCADC





71. friendfriends             72. startstarted

73. listenlisten to           74. othersother

75. the third                   76. because ofbecause

77.                           78. hashad

79. patientpatiently          80. aan


71. HaveHaving / to have       72.

73. interestedinteresting      74. isare

75. whatthat/which或去掉       76. towith

77. shake handshake hands      78. shookshake

79. each后加other               80. standstanding







    During the first week of October, I went on a holiday to Xian, which is really a very beautiful city.

    On October 1st, my parents and I got there by air. On reaching the land of xian, I felt very excited, because this was my first visit to Xian which I dreamed of for many years. My uncle came to meet us at the airport. How happy I was when I saw him, whom I didnt meet for many years.

    We paid a visit to the Da - yan tower at once. What I saw was a great tower and a very huge square.

    On October 2nd, with my uncle guiding we went to the Bell Tower. Happily I struck the old bell and enjoyed a good performance. Then we enjoyed a JiaoZi dinner.

    On October 3rd, we paid a visit to the zoo where I make friends with monkeys.

    In short I was very happy in Xian city.

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