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Reactor: 反应堆          【字体:

Reactor: 反应堆

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-24     

  2月27日,伊朗与俄罗斯签署了关于“布什尔”核电站核燃料供应和废料归还协议,为该核电站的最终投入运行扫清了障碍。外电报道如下:Iran and Russia ignored U.S. objections and signed a nuclear fuel agreement Sunday that is key to bringing Tehran's first reactor online by mid-2006.

  The long-delayed deal, signed at the heavily guarded Bushehr nuclear facility in southern Iran, dramatized President Bush's failure to persuade the Russians to curtail support for the Iranian nuclear program during his summit with Vladimir Putin on Thursday in Slovakia.

  Under the deal, Russia will provide nuclear fuel to Iran, then take back the spent fuel, a step meant as a safeguard to ensure it cannot be diverted into a weapons program. Iran has also agreed to allow the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency, the International Atomic Energy Agency, to monitor Bushehr and the fuel deliveries.

  Reactor在此表示“反应堆”,此外还有“电抗器,反应器,反动者,引起(或经受)反应作用的人或物”等含义,例如:A nuclear reaction(核反应);reactor-converter(反应堆转换器);reactor- up/down(反应堆功率上升/下降);fission-type reactor(核裂变反应堆)。


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