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No-confidence vote: 不信任票          【字体:

No-confidence vote: 不信任票

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-24     

  3月15日,哈佛大学艺术与科学系通过了对哈佛校长劳伦斯·萨默斯的不信任案,这对最近几个月来饱受失言之苦的萨默斯来说无疑是雪上加霜。外电报道如下:Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences passed a no-confidence vote against President Lawrence Summers on Tuesday, the latest setback for the embattled university leader who has come under fire for his managerial style and comments on women in science.

  The vote, 218-185, was largely symbolic. The faculty group is one of 10 that comprise the university, and Summers reports to the Harvard Corporation, the university's governing board, which has expressed its support for him.

  The unexpected passage of the vote was nonetheless a significant setback to Summers' efforts to rebuild his standing with Harvard's faculty in the wake of the uproar over his comments about women in science at an academic conference in January.

  The measure stated simply: "The Faculty lacks confidence in the leadership of Lawrence H. Summers."

  No-confidence vote表示“不信任票”,和vote of confidence(信任票)对应,no-confidence motion意为“不信任案”。


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