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[图文]Living room 客厅         ★★★★ 【字体:

Living room 客厅

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-20     

1. clock 時鐘       8. VHS player 錄影機       15. picture 畫
2. bookshelf 書架   9. stereo system 立體音響  16. potted plant 盆栽
3. TV 電視機        10. magazine rack 雜誌架   17. armchair 扶手椅
4. videotape 錄影帶 11. magazine 雜誌          18. coffee table 茶几
5. speaker 喇叭     12. floor lamp 立燈        19. newspaper 報紙
6. TV stand 電視櫃  13. sofa 沙發              20. rug 地毯 
7. DVD (digital versatile disk) player 數位影音光碟機  14. cushion 靠墊;坐墊  21. remote control 遙控器
1.  What's on? 現在在演什麼?
2.  Could you pass me the remote? 可以請你把遙控器拿給我嗎?
3.  Pass me a cushion, please. 請遞給我一個靠墊。(www.51education.net整理)
4.  Keep your feet off the sofa. 腳不要放在沙發上。(www.51education.net整理)
5.  This is boring -- change the channel. 這節目好無聊喔──轉台吧。(www.51education.net整理)
6.  Have you seen this movie? 你看過這部電影嗎?
7.  Don't tell me the ending. 不要告訴我結局。(www.51education.net整理)
8.  Who stars in this? 這是誰主演的?
9.  Is this a repeat? 這是重播的嗎?
10.  Is this live? 這是現場直播的嗎?
11.  There are no subtitles! 沒有字幕!
12.  Turn it up a bit, please. 請大聲一點。(www.51education.net整理) 
13.  Would you like a snack? 要來點小點心嗎?
俚語  Slang
couch potato 電視迷(couch︰沙發或長椅)
the box 電視(口語用法;因為電視的外觀方正像盒子一樣)
the tube 電視(口語用法;tube原指電視的映像管)
chill out 放輕鬆(chill︰寒冷)
kick back 完全放鬆
a quite night at home 寧靜的居家夜晚
make yourself at home 不要拘束(就像在自己家一樣) 
成語 Idioms
pull the rug out from under (someone's) feet  破壞(某人)的計畫
 pull 當動詞是「拉;扯」的意思。(www.51education.net整理)rug 是「地毯;門毯」。(www.51education.net整理)字面上看來就是從某人的腳下把地毯抽掉,想當然耳,某人一定會因為站不穩而跌倒。(www.51education.net整理) 後來用在「停止某人原有的支援或資源,而且通常是突然停止」,也就是「破壞(某人)的計畫」的意思。(www.51education.net整理)
My company pulled the rug out from under my feet when it cut the entire budget for my project.
Dialogue 1.

John:   What are you doing tonight? 約翰︰ 妳今天晚上要做什麼?
Mary:   Oh, not much. I was thinking of spending a quiet night at home watching TV. 瑪麗︰ 喔,沒什麼。(www.51education.net整理)我想要在家裡看電視,享受一個寧靜的夜晚。(www.51education.net整理) 
John:  Is there anything good on TV tonight? 約翰︰ 今晚有什麼好看的電視節目嗎?
Mary:   There's a great movie on channel seven. 瑪麗︰ 第七台有一部很棒的電影。(www.51education.net整理)
John:  Really? What time does it start? 約翰︰ 真的?幾點開始?
Mary:   Nine. Why don't you come over and watch it with my roommates and me? 瑪麗︰ 九點。(www.51education.net整理) 你何不過來和我還有我的室友一起看?
Dialogue 2.

Danny:  Hi Sandra! Come in and make yourself at home. 丹 尼︰ 嗨,珊卓拉。(www.51education.net整理)請進,不要拘束。(www.51education.net整理) 
Sandra:   Thanks. What are you watching? 珊卓拉︰ 謝啦。(www.51education.net整理)你在看什麼? 
Danny:  It's a DVD I rented. It stars Jackie Chan. 丹 尼︰ 這是我租來的 DVD。(www.51education.net整理)成龍主演的喔。(www.51education.net整理)
Sandra:  Oh yeah. I've seen this one. In the end he . . . 珊卓拉︰ 哦,這一部我看過了。(www.51education.net整理)最後的結局是他……
Danny:  Don't tell me the ending! I want to find out for myself! 丹 尼︰ 先不要告訴我結局!我要自己看!

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