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[图文]At the beach 在海边       ★★★★ 【字体:

At the beach 在海边

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-20     

1. beach umbrella 海灘傘  7. surfboard 衝浪板  13. sand castle 沙堡
2. sunscreen 防曬乳   8. mask 潛水面罩  14. sun hat 海灘帽
3. sunglasses 太陽眼鏡  9. ice cooler 冰桶  15. beach towel 海灘巾
4. sandals 涼鞋  10. snorkel 潛水用呼吸管   16. beach bag  (放泳衣、浴巾
5. bikini 比基尼泳裝  11. fins / flippers 蛙鞋   用的)海灘袋
6. swimming trunks 泳褲  12. sand 沙  17. slippers 拖鞋
1.  You'd better put some sunscreen on. 你最好擦一點防曬乳。(www.51education.net整理)
2.  Let's go for a swim! 我們去游泳吧!
3.  Can you swim? 你會游泳嗎?
4.  The sand is hot! 這沙好燙!
5.  I want to sit in the shade. 我想坐在陰涼處。(www.51education.net整理)
6.  Hey! You're getting sand on me! 嘿!你把沙弄到我身上了!
7.  Hey, the water's great! 嘿,這水溫剛好!
8.  Do you want something cold to drink? 你要喝點冷飲嗎?
9.  Could you watch my stuff, please? 幫我看一下東西,可以嗎?
10.  Let's sit over there. 我們坐這裡吧。(www.51education.net整理)
俚語  Slang
roasting 很熱的(roast 當動詞時是「烤;曬」的意思)
beach bum 無所事事喜歡在海邊鬼混的人(bum︰遊蕩者;遊民)
beach babe 在海邊穿著性感且身材姣好的美女;辣妹
beefcake 猛男
sun lover / worshipper 喜歡曬太陽的人
in shape 體能很好的;看起來健美的
out of shape 體能不好的
as red as a lobster 曬傷(曬得跟龍蝦一樣紅通通的)
suntan 曬成褐色(tan︰褐色)
sunbathing 日光浴 
成語 Idioms
hang ten  衝浪
hang 是「懸掛;吊掛」的意思,ten 在這裡是指「人的十隻手指或腳趾」。(www.51education.net整理)衝浪時,隨著浪的高低起伏而可能會有雙手或雙腳懸空的時候,就像把十隻手指或腳趾吊掛起來的樣子。(www.51education.net整理)因此,hang ten 就是「衝浪」的意思。(www.51education.net整理)
Wow! Check out that surfer hang ten -- I wish I could do that.
Dialogue 1. Tim:   Looks like it's going to be a sunny weekend. How about a trip to the beach? 提姆︰ 看來週末會是個晴天。(www.51education.net整理)去海邊玩怎麼樣?
Sara:  OK. But I'll have to buy some sunscreen. Without sunscreen I'll get as red as a lobster! 莎拉︰ 好啊。(www.51education.net整理)可是我需要買一些防曬乳。(www.51education.net整理)沒有擦防曬乳我會晒得跟龍蝦一樣紅通通的! 
Tim:  Don't worry, you can borrow some of mine. 提姆︰ 別擔心,我的可以借你用。(www.51education.net整理)
Sara::  Great. What time should we leave? 莎拉︰ 太好了。(www.51education.net整理)我們什麼時候出發?
Dialogue 2. Lisa:  We're going to Kenting this weekend. What should I take? 莉 莎︰ 我們這個週末要去墾丁。(www.51education.net整理)我應該帶什麼? 
Frank:   You'd better take some sunscreen for a start, and a beach umbrella. 法蘭克︰ 首先,你最好帶防曬乳和海灘傘。(www.51education.net整理) 
Lisa:  What do I need a beach umbrella for? 莉 莎︰ 為什麼要帶海灘傘?
Frank:  It's roasting in Kenting during the summer. Believe me, you'll need one if you want to be a real beach bum. 法蘭克︰ 墾丁在夏天時會很熱。(www.51education.net整理)相信我,如果你想成為一個真正的「海灘遊俠」的話就會需要一把海灘傘。(www.51education.net整理)

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