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[组图]英国机场试行“裸体扫描”       ★★★ 【字体:


作者:soosun    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2009-10-14     




An X-ray machine which produces ''naked'' images of passengers has been introduced at Manchester Airport, enabling staff to instantly spot any hidden weapons or explosives.

An X-ray machine which produces "naked" images of passengers has been introduced at Manchester Airport, enabling staff to instantly spot any hidden weapons or explosives.

The full body scanner, which is being trialed, will also show up any breast enlargements, false limbs, piercings, and a clear outline of passengers' private parts.

Some travelers might not want to be scanned because of the graphic nature of the images, bosses admit.

They can refuse to undergo the virtual strip search at Terminal 2, opting for the traditional "pat down" search instead.

But the black and white image will only be seen by one officer in a remote location before it is deleted, Sarah Barrett, head of customer experience at the airport, said.

"Most of our customers do not like the traditional 'pat down' search, they find it too intrusive, but they still want to be kept safe.

"This scanner completely takes away the hassle of needing to undress. The images are not erotic or pornographic and they cannot be stored or captured in anyway," she said.

The scanner, made by the firm RapiScan Systems, makes the check-in process much quicker for passengers, who will not have to remove their coats, shoes or belts.

Frequent fliers do not need to worry about radiation from the low-level X-ray, she said, and a dental X-ray transmits 20,000 times more radiation.

"Passengers can go through this machine 5,000 times a year each without worrying, it is super safe and the amount of radiation transmitted is tiny," Ms Barrett said.

The scanners, which cost £80,000 each, were also trialed at Heathrow Airport in 2004. The Department for Transport will decide whether to install them permanently at the end of the trial, which is expected to last for a year.

Electromagnetic waves are beamed on to passengers while they stand in a booth, and a virtual three-dimensional "naked" image is created from the reflected energy.

Security officials in the United States have pioneered their use at New York and Los Angeles airports, and they are gradually being rolled out in other airports in the country.



The Miss Plastic Hungary beauty pageant was held Friday in Budapest, Hungary. To qualify for the pageant, the Hungarian residents had to prove they'd gone fully under the knife - mere Botox or collagen injections did not count. Organizers claimed contestants were expected to show "a perfect harmony of body and soul." Pageant queen was a 22-year-old girl, winning an apartment in Budapest.


在上面的报道中,beauty pageant就是“选美大赛”的意思。Pageant本身就有“选美大赛”的意思,还有一个常见的意思是“盛装庆典,游行”,刚刚结束的60周年国庆庆典上的“群众欢庆游行”就是mass pageant

其他表示“比赛”的词还有match,game和competition。Match一般指竞技比赛,指事先安排好的正规比赛。如球类比赛、拳击等。如:I saw the box match on TV.(我在电视上看到了那场拳击比赛。)Game常指游戏、运动,若指每个比赛中的一局、一场等要用game,如:Our team won the first- three games. (我们队赢了头三局。)Competition指通过个人的体力、智力、技能的竞赛而获得名次的各种比赛,可以是体育方面的,也可以是其他方面的。如:He was in competition with 10 others, so he did well to win the race. (他与十个人竞争,他跑得快,才赢得了比赛。)

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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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