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【幽默】“鸟”入鳄口          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-31     

      A guy walks into a bar with a pet alligator(产于美洲的鳄鱼) by his side. He puts the alligator up on the bar. He turns to the astonished patrons. http://www.51education.net来自无忧英语教育幽默笑话频道

"I'll make you a deal. I will open this alligator's mouth and place my genitals inside. Then the gator will close his mouth for one minute. He will then open his mouth and I will remove my unit unscathed(没有受伤的). In return for witnessing this spectacle, each of you will buy me a drink."

The crowd murmured their approval(赞成、承认). The man stood up on the bar, dropped his trousers, and placed his privates in the alligator's open mouth. The gator closed his mouth as the crowd gasped. After a minute, the man grabbed a beer bottle and rapped the alligator hard on the top of its head. The gator opened his mouth and the man removed his genitals unscathed as promised. The crowd cheered and the first of his free drinks was delivered. The man stood up again and made another offer.

"I'll pay anyone $100 who's willing to give it a try".

A hush fell over the crowd. After a while, a hand went up in the back of the bar. A woman timidly(胆小、羞怯) spoke up. "I'll try, but you have to promise not to hit me on the head with the beer bottle".

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