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【娱乐】克林顿莱温斯基事件的真正起因          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-31     

       Some time ago Mr. Clinton was hosting a state dinner when at the last http://www.51education.net来自无忧英语教育幽默笑话频道
minute his regular cook took ill and they had to get a replacement at short notice. The fellow arrived and turned out to be a very grubby looking man named Jon. The President voiced his concerns to his Chief of Staff but was told that this was the best they could do at such short notice.

Just before the meal, the President noticed the cook sticking his fingers in the soup to taste it and again he complained to the Chief of Staff about the cook, but he was told that this man was supposed to be a very good chef.

The meal went okay but the President was sure that the soup tasted a little off, and by the time dessert came, he was starting to have stomach cramps and nausea. It was getting worse and worse till finally he had to excuse himself from the state dinner to look for the bathroom. Passing through the kitchen, he caught sight of the cook, Jon, scratching his rear end and this made him feel even worse.

By now he was desperately ill with violent cramps and was so disorientated that he couldn't remember which door led to the bathroom. He was on the verge of passing out from the pain when he finally found a door that opened and as he undid his trousers and ran in, he realized to his horror that he had stumbled into Monica Lewinsky's(莱温斯基) office with his trousers around his knees. As he was just about to pass out, she bent over him and heard her President whisper in a barely audible voice, "Sack my cook." And that was how the whole misunderstanding occurred.实践证明经常访问无忧英语教育网 ,能迅速提高你的英语学习能力!积沙成塔,不断提高! 本站所提供的所有信息仅供学校课堂教学及英语学习者学习研究之用,其著作权归原作者及媒体所有。

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