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【科技】Google愚人节搞怪项目汇总          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-29     


在过去的一天里,你被抓弄了多少次呢?还是你抓弄了别人多少次呢?不过也有点像和菜头说的,我们每天都在愚人节,到了愚人节,我们反而没有什么感觉。你昨天有没有去玩一下Google的人肉搜索搜索呢?下面带来的是Google昨天的愚人项目汇总。 http://www.51education.net来自无忧英语教育幽默英语
Virgle火星定居计划:virgin和google一同策划了这个计划,但是要再过100年才能实施。(我好想回家啊! 火星!)
环保型Google Gtalk:可以帮你把句子缩到最短,已保护环境。
Google Dajare搜索全世界的笑声(日本):搜索全世界的笑声,让全世界的人都可以使用。
Google Cash现金(俄罗斯):给俄罗斯用户收支Google广告费用的一种工具。
Google Docs 飞机:在Google Docs给你提供了一架飞机——事实上只是教你怎么折纸飞机。
YTRickRollsYou- “We’re no strangers to love, You know the rules and so do I … Never gonna give you up, Never gonna let you down … We’ve know each other for so long” - click on any feature videos on YouTube (no, this is not rickroll).
Google Weblogs - New service from Blogger that “Publish text to the web in reverse chronological order.” OMG, this is going to be SO COOL!
AdSense for Conversation: AdSense will display ads that are relevant to the conversations that you engage in on a headgear that Google provides for you to wear. AlsoAdSense for Phone Calls (Portuguese).
FrankRank: a new AdWords ranking algorithm inspired by Frank the hand turkey.
gmail custom time

Google has tons of pranks for this year’s April Fool’s Day, including Gmail Custom Time, Virgle: The Adventure of Many Lifetimes, Google Wake Up Kit, and more!

Gmail Custom Time: It enables you to send email back until April 1, 2004.
Google Human Search (Chinese): searches 250 million volunteers by their personal characteristics.
Virgle: Virgin and Google team up together to create Project Virgle to build a second Earth on Mars - just in case Earth gives up on us - in the next 100 years.
Google Wake Up Kit - The kit from Google Calendar is designed to wake you up by whatever means possible - including “a bed-flipping device … for forceful removal from your sleeping quarters.” Google Calendar also added a “I’m Feeling Lucky” button that sets you up for dates with celebrities.
gDay - Brought to you by the Google Australia team, it let’s you to search contents on the Internet even before it’s created! - “Hi guys, I am from the future.”
Scratch-and-sniff books - Google Books is “now able to capture some of the smells during the scanning process” and you can smell them in the preview pages!
Greener Google Talk: To reduce the amount carbon dioxide produced by instant messaging, Google Talk will now shorten the number of characters used in a IM message by “abbreviating words and dropping vowels” - the so-called IM-speak.
Google Dajare (Japanese): The mission of this project is “to organize the world’s laughter, (allow) people around the world (to) have access to what(ever) they want.”
YTRickRollsYou - “We’re no strangers to love, You know the rules and so do I … Never gonna give you up, Never gonna let you down … We’ve know each other for so long” - click on any feature videos on YouTube (no, this is not rickroll).
Google Cash (Russian) - Now you can install the Google Cash portable right from your office or home and make payments for advertising cash roubles - designed exclusively for Russian AdWords users. (I thought the machine is designed to print money to pay for the users’ online advertising campaigns…)
Yogurt: the new Orkut!
Google Docs Airplane: Stop typing the boring documents, fold an airplane instead! Go to Google Docs and create a “New airlane!“
Google Weblogs - New service from Blogger that “Publish text to the web in reverse chronological order.” OMG, this is going to be SO COOL!
AdSense for Conversation: AdSense will display ads that are relevant to the conversations that you engage in on a headgear that Google provides for you to wear. Also AdSense for Phone Calls (Portuguese).
FrankRank: a new AdWords ranking algorithm inspired by Frank the hand turkey.
Happy April Fool’s Day everyone! :)


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