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【男女】网恋英语版—我们不可分开          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-29     

        N: You have established an incredible chemistry(关系). http://www.51education.net来自无忧英语教育幽默英语

  B: Yes, and we were inseparable(不可分开的)since then.

  N: You or she?

  B: What?

  N: Inseparable.

  B: Both, it was magic from the moment we met online and it was a dream from the moment I saw her in person. (两个都是,从我们在网上相遇的时刻就注定了,以及我们后来的见面起就注定了,注定了我们不可分开。)

  N: Why not propose on(求婚)her?

  B: I had not thought about it.

  N: Then she will not leave you. (这样她就不会离开你了)

  B: Maybe you are right.

  N: Did you cry when she was the way home? (她回去的时候,你哭了么?)

  B: No, but I cried inside, I never felt so empty in all my life. (没有,但是我在心里流泪,我从来没有感觉这么空虚过。)

  N: I can understand,brian.

  B: No, you cant.

  N: Yes, I can.

  B: You think you can.

  N: So you were looking for love when you met her? (你们相遇就是为爱情而相遇?)

  B: Actually not, I just wondered what the girl I was talking over phone looked like. (实际上不是的,我只是想知道电话里的那个女孩长的什么样子。)

  N: So what you think about the coming days? (那你以后怎么办?)

  B: I have no idea, all I know is that we will be together somehow. (我也不知道,我想以后我们会在一起的。)

  N: You think that will happen?

  B: I beg your pardon? (对不起,再说一遍?)

  N: You think you and she will be together?

  B: I just imagine. (只是想象而已。)

  N: And did she come back home?

  B: Yes, she went home yesterday.

  N: Distant?

  B: No, just lives 200 kilometers away.

  N: That's not far away.

  B: Yes, but the 200 kilometers between us seemed a lifetime away. (但是200公里的路对我们来说就像一生那么漫长。)

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