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Lesson 144 天气预报 tiānqì yùbào            【字体:
Lesson 144 天气预报 tiānqì yùbào
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

M: Péngyǒumen, dàjiāhǎo! 欢迎收听Learn Chinese Now, 我是ML.

S: Dàjiāhǎo! Wǒshì Stuart. Today is a revision lesson, 复习课。

M: But before we 复习,we've still got something left from the last lesson.

S: In the last lesson I said, yīshēng hái jiànyìwǒ duōzuò duànliàn. The doctor also advised me to do more exercise. He said, walking, jogging, and playing tennis are all suitable sports for me. Tāshuō, zǒulù, pǎobù, hé dǎwǎngqíu dōushì shìhé wǒde yùndòng.

S: zǒulù, walking, 走路.

M:跑步,jogging, pǎobù.

S: And playing tennis, dǎwǎngqíu, 打网球.

M: Remember the word 打? We met it in 打电话 to ‘make a phone call'. But as we said, the word originally means ‘to hit' or ‘to beat'.

S: And in Chinese we ‘hit' any kind of ball game, rather than play it.

M: Right. So ‘playing tennis' is 打网球 in Chinese. Tennis is 网球,wǎngqíu.

S: So, if ‘lánqíu' is ‘basketball', how do we say ‘playing basketball' in Chinese?

M: Duìle, 打篮球,dǎ lánqíu.

S: Back to our text. zǒulù, pǎobù, hé dǎwǎngqíu, they are all suitable sports for me. Tāmen dōushì shìhé wǒde yùndòng.

M: 适合,SHI HE, fourth tone second tone, suitable, suitable for. Shì hé. 适合我,suitable for me, shìhé wǒ.

S: Tāmen dōushì shìhé wǒde yùndòng. Tāmen dōushì shìhé wǒde yùndòng.

S: Ok! Now let's go over what we learnt in the past week.

M: Since it's been non-stop rain these few days, 这几天一直在下雨, poor Stuart caught a cold. 他感冒了。

S: Ur, the weather's getting colder and colder. Tiānqì biànde yuèláiyuè lěngle. I hope tomorrow will be a sunny day so I can get some sunshine. Wǒ xīwàng míngtiān shìge dàqíngtiān, zhèyàng wǒjìu kěyì shàitàiyángle. 变得, BIAN DE, to change; or here, getting.

M: 可是天气预报说明天要下雪,而且还可能刮大风。But the weather report said tomorrow it will snow, and perhaps be quite windy!

S: Oh, no!

M: Too bad! Stuart seemed even worse!

S: Yes. I have a headache, a sore throat, and a fever. Wǒ tóuténg, hóulong yě téng, hái fāshāo. 我头疼,喉咙也疼,还发烧.

M: 你吃药了吗?

S: Méine! Wǒ xiàbānhòu qùyīyuàn kànyīshēng. Wǒ xiàbānhòu qùyīyuàn kànyīshēng.

M: Obviously the medicine was effective. Stuart recovered very quickly. Hey, Stuart, 你看起来好多了!You look much better today.

S: Dāngrán. Wǒ ànshí chīyào, měitiān hē hěnduō shuǐ, bìngqiě hǎohǎo xīuxi le jǐtiān. Wǒ ànshí chīyào, měitiān hē hěnduō shuǐ, bìngqiě hǎohǎo xīuxi le jǐtiān.

M: That's good.

S: Besides, yīshēng hái jiànyìwǒ duōzuò duànliàn. Tāshuō, zǒulù, pǎobù, hé dǎwǎngqíu dōushì shìhé wǒ de yùndòng.

M: Humm, I can't agree more – you DO need to lose weight, Stuart!

S: Heng! I'm going to aerobics right now.

M: So we'll see you next lesson. Zàijiàn!

S: Zàijiàn! we help you learning Chinese, remember to visit the site !
article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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