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Lesson 161 那个男孩儿十二岁            【字体:
Lesson 161 那个男孩儿十二岁
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

M: Péngyoumen. Nǐmen hǎo! Huānyíng shōutīng Xiànzài Xué Hànyǔ. Wǒ shì ML.

S: Wǒ shìStuart. ML, jīntiān wǒmen xué shénme?

M: More family members, and more practice asking people's age.

S: Hao3 zhu2yi4. Mrs. Deng, played by ML, told me… 邓女士告诉我

M: 我有一个儿子, 两个女儿 wǒ yǒu yí gè érzi, liǎng gè nǚ'ér.

S: How old are they 他们几岁了?Tāmen jǐ suì le?

M: My son is six, 儿子六岁 érzi liù suì. The elder daughter is ten, the younger is eight 大女儿十岁, 小女儿八岁 dà nǚ’ér shí suì, xiǎo nǚ’ér bā suì.

S: Now I know. Mrs. Deng has one boy, and two girls. 现在我知道,邓女士有一个男孩儿,两个女孩儿 xián zái wǒ zhīdào. Dèng nǚshì yǒu yí gè nánháir, liǎng gè nǚháir.

M:Hear ‘boy' and ‘girl'? Listen again, 再听一遍。

S:Dèng nǚshì yǒu yí gè nánháir, liǎng gè nǚháir.

M: Duìle! Boy is 男孩儿 nánháir.

S: So say, That boy is 12. Hen3 hao3. 那个男孩儿十二岁 nèige nánháir shí èr suì.

M: Now I'll say the same thing, but with a small change. Listen. 那个男孩子十二岁 nèige nánháizi shí èr suì.

S: Hear it? Tīng1 dào le ma? Instead of nánháir, ML said nánháizi. Both are ok in Chinese.

M: It's the same with 女孩儿. You've guessed what nǚháizi means. It is? Yes, girl, nǚháizi.

S: So, Listen - ting1, and repeat - chong2fu4 these short sentences using hái and háizi.

M: 这个小孩子很可爱 zhèige xiǎo háizi hěn kǎ’ái. Or, 这个小孩儿很可爱 zhèige xiǎo háizi hěn kǎ’ái.

S: 那个男孩子八岁 nèi ge nánháizi bā suì. Or, 那个男孩儿八岁 nèi ge nánháizi bā suì.

M: Where is that girl? 那个女孩子在哪儿 nèi ge nǚháizi zài nǎr? Or, 那个女孩儿在哪儿 nèi ge nǚháizi zài nǎr?
S: I don't know, wǒ bù zhīdào.

M: Right, we've learnt sons and daughters, kids, boys and girls. Now let's start on brothers and sisters. Mr. Bai, do you have any brothers or sisters? 白先生,您有兄弟姐妹吗 Bǎi xiānsheng, nín yǒu xiōngdì jiěmèi ma?

S: Xiōngdì jiěmèi. Guessed what it means? Duì le. Brothers and sisters.

M: Word by word, 兄 XIONG xiōng, means ‘elder brother' xiōng.

S: 弟 DI dì, means ‘younger brother'.

M: So you can guess what jiě and mèi mean. Méi cuò. 姐 JIE jiě, is elder sister, jiě.

S: And 妹MEI mèi, is younger sister, mèi.

M: So let's finish by asking, do you have any brothers or sisters?

S: 你有没有兄弟姐妹 nǐ yǒu méi yǒu xiōngdì jiěmèi?

M: Or, same thing, 你有兄弟姐妹吗 nǐ yǒu xiōngdì jiěmèi ma?

S: Hěn hǎo. Xiàn zài wǒmen xià kè. we help you learning Chinese, remember to visit the site !
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