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Lesson 169 这是我姐姐的女儿            【字体:
Lesson 169 这是我姐姐的女儿
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

M: Péngyǒumen. Nǐmen hǎo! Huān yíng   shōu tīng Xiàn zài Xué Hàn yǔ. Wǒ shì ML.

S: Dà jiā hǎo. Wǒ shì Stuart. Let's start with a real test. Everybody say, This is my big sister's daughter. She is nine. She goes to primary school, grade 4.

M: Hěn hǎo 这是我姐姐的女儿。她九岁. 她上小学四年级 zhè shì wǒ jiějie de nǚér. Tā jiǔ suì. Tā shàng  xiǎoxué sǐ niánjí

S: And do you remember how to say, Who is this? Duì le. 这是谁 zhè shì shéi?

M: Who? 谁 shuí SHUI shuí, is often pronounced ‘shéi', SHEI, shéi. So you could say, 这是谁?Zhè shì shéi? Now for a brief conversation, still looking at photos, zhàopiàn.

S: 这是谁 zhè shì shuí?

M: 这是我哥哥的女儿 zhè shì wǒ gēge de nǚer.

S: 她上中学了吗 tā shàng zhōng xué le ma?

M: Shì de. 二年级 èr niánjí.

S: What subjects does she like most? 她最喜欢什么学科 tā zuì xǐhuān shénme xuéké?

M: Maths. 她最喜欢数学 tā zuì xǐhuān  shùxué.

S: Ah, 这是谁 zhè shì shéi?

M: 我丈夫的弟弟 wǒ zhàngfu de dìdi. 他上大学了 tā shàng dāxué le.

S: What does he study? 他学什么 tā xué  shénme?

M: Zoology, and also chemistry 他学动物学, 也学化学 tā xué dòngwu xué, yě xué huàxué.

S: What year will he graduate? 他哪年毕业 tā něi nián bìyè?

M: 他明年毕业 tā míng nián bìyè.

S: Now for the new things. I asked, 她最喜欢什么学科?

M: tā zuìxǐhuān shénme xuékē? 最喜欢 , literally, ‘most like', meaning ‘like the most'. The zuì is the same zuì as in ‘best' 最好的zuì hǎo de.

S: Or ‘worst' 最差的 zuì chà de. Everybody say, on your own, ‘this is the worst, that is the best'.

M: Hěn hǎo. 这是最差的,那是最好的 zhè shì zuìchà de, nà shǐ zuì hǎo de.

S: Back to, tā zuì xǐhuān shénme xuékē?

M: 学科 XUE KE xuékē is an ‘academic subject' xuéke.

S: So, everybody say, What subject do you like most?

M: Fēicháng hǎo. 你最喜欢什么学科 nǐ zuì xǐhuān shénme xuékē?

S: And many subjects end in 学, like in ‘number xué, shùxué, maths.

M: If 化 HUA huà means ‘change' ‘transform', can you guess what 化学  huàxué is? I bet you said ‘chemistry' the science of transforming substances, huàxué.

M: And we'll finish with –

S: Ah, who's this? 这是谁 zhè shì shéi?

M: 我丈夫的弟弟 wǒ zhàngfu de dìdi. He goes to university 他上大学了。Tā shàng dà xuéle.

S: Lastly, I asked, What year will he graduate? 他哪年毕业? 毕业 BI YE bìyè, to graduate, bìyè.

M: Next year. 他明年毕业 tā míng nián   bìyè.

S: And we will míng tiān jiàn.

M: zaì jiàn! we help you learning Chinese, remember to visit the site !
article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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