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新东方美国口语教程 lesson 9 [very good]         ★★★ 【字体:

新东方美国口语教程 lesson 9 [very good]

作者:ibbimm    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-4-24     

Lesson Nine  Daily Activities 日常活动

The doctor discovered that Im over weight. 医生发现我有些超重(一般现在时)

Many people didnt believe that the earth is the round. 很多人不相信地球是圆的(一般现在时)

The moon goes around the earth. 月亮绕着地球转(一般现在时)

What is a typical day for you?  一般你的一天是怎么度过的?

She is a typical Brooks.

What do you do everyday? 每天你都做什么?

Whats your daily activity? 你每天干什么?

Routine 日常的琐事,按部就班的事儿

Whats your daily routine? 你的一天是怎么过的?

I usually wake up at 6:30.  我通常六点半醒。

wake sb. up         把某人叫醒

I was woken up. 我被叫醒

My husband gets up later than I do.  我先生起床比我晚。

use the bathroom 去卫生间(

use the washroom 去卫生间

relieve oneself 去卫生间

brush your teeth 刷牙

clean your face 洗脸

put on the make-up 上妆

It takes time to get the kids dressed.  给孩子们穿好衣服得花上一段时间。

dress a Christmas tree    装饰圣诞树

Take your time please.   请您别着急。

It takes time to get well. 病好是要花时间的

It takes time to recover. 病好是花时间的

it takes time to master English. 学好英语是需要耐心的

We have oatmeal and toast for breakfast.  我们早点吃麦片和面包片。

English breakfast: 英式早餐(丰富)

toast 面包片,不是土司 oatmeal 燕麦粥  butter 黄油   jam 果酱

marmalade 橘子酱  meat    sausage 香肠   bacon 熏肉(

egg 鸡蛋   tea     black tea 英式红茶   milk 牛奶

juice 果汁  yoghurt 酸奶        

continental breakfast: 大陆式早餐(欧洲大陆)

    toast 面包片  butter 黄油   jam 果酱  coffee 咖啡

Susan drives the children to school in the morning and picks them up after school.


pick sb. up = collect sb.  去接某人

It is time to go to school. Hurry up!  该上学了。快点!

Wake the children up. 叫醒孩子  

Dress the children up. 给孩子穿衣

Its time for sth.. 该做某事 it is time for school

Its time to do sth. 该干…. It is time to go to school

Its time to go. 应该走了

Its time to make dinner. 应该做饭了

David leaves for work at 8 o’clock every morning.  David每天早晨八点钟离开家上班。

go to work     上班

Im working. 我在上班

Ann often goes shopping in the supermarket after getting off of work.  Ann下班后常常去超市购物。

be off work 下班

Im off work now. 我下班了(

I'm off duty now. 我下班了

Grandma prepares a big dinner for us every time we visit her house.  每次去奶奶家,她都给我们做丰盛的晚饭。

After lunch, I usually take a nap and then watch a soap opera. 吃完午饭,我通常小睡一会儿,然后看一部肥皂剧。

do some kinds of housekeeping   做家务

have a lunch  吃午饭  take a nap 小睡一会

soap opera  肥皂剧  TV series

high tea 台茶   dinner 正餐     breakfast 早餐

lunch 午餐     supper 晚餐

Lisa enjoys housekeeping and her husband also helps around the house. Lisa喜欢做家务,她先生也常常帮忙收拾房间。

sweep the floor 扫地

mop the floor 拖地

do the washing 洗衣服

weed the garden 除草

homework      家庭作业

housework     家务活

I have a lot of homework to do. 我有很多作业要做

Jerry often does his homework till midnight.  Jerry做作业常常做到半夜。

He stayed up studying. 一直熬夜学习

I am used to going to bed at around 11 and I fall fast asleep.  我习惯了十一点左右上床,并很快入睡。

be used to = be accustomed to      习惯于做某事

Im used to going bed early. 我习惯早睡

I'm used to exercising in the morning. 我习惯做早操

go to bed = go to sleep 睡觉(

fall fast asleep  睡的快

insomnia         失眠

toss and turn   辗转反侧

Im a light sleeper. 睡的轻

I like reading magazines in my spare time.  我闲暇时喜欢读杂志。

in spare time = in free time 在空闲时间


usually           通常情况下

often  经常

every morning 每天早晨

everyday  每天 

be used to       习惯于做某事

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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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