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新东方美国口语教程 lesson 5 [very good]         ★★★ 【字体:

新东方美国口语教程 lesson 5 [very good]

作者:ibbimm    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-4-24     

Lesson Five  Describing Objects 描述物体

What color is your phone book?  你的电话簿是什么颜色的?

red  红色  orange 橙色 yellow 黄色  green 绿色  blue 蓝色 

purple 紫色  pink 粉色   grey 灰色     black 黑色   white 白色   sand     土黄色

what color is it? 它是什么颜色的?

The book has a red cover.  这本书的书皮是红色的。

My book has a red cover. 我的书皮是红色的

cover      n.    book cover  书皮  cover girl 封面女郎

This is the cover story. 这就是头条新闻

cover      v. 覆盖  

In the morning we covered 10000 meters. 我们一上午走了1万米

Ill cover it. 我来付帐

take cover 以…为掩护

You cant take cover under a tree when its storming. 在暴风雨中你不能在树下躲避

What kind of computer do you have?  你的电脑是什么样的?

What brand is your car? 你的车是什么牌子的? 

It's a BMW.    宝马

I bought a Toyota. 我买了一辆丰田(

What kind is it? 哪个型号的

Whats the model? 哪个型号的

What size automobile do you want?  您想要多大的汽车?

What size car is it? 这个车是多大的?

I want a small one. 我想要个小的

What table shape do you take?  您想要什么样的桌子?

angle       三角形   round    圆形   square       正方形  rectangular     长方形   oval       椭圆形  

What shape do you want? 你要哪个形状的?

What material shirt do you take? 你想要什么质地的衬衣?(

What material shirt do you wear

Its cotton. 棉的

What style do you want? 你买什么风格的?

How much does your laptop weigh?  你的手提电脑有多重?

How much is it? = What is the price of it?  多少钱?

How big is this apartment?  这套公寓有多大?

Its about 120 square meters.120平米。

How big is the living-room? 客厅有多大?

How big is the apartment?公寓有多大

Well, its about 60 square meters. 大约60平吧

How big is it? = Whats the coverage (of this apartment)? 面积多大?

What is the width of the bookcase?  这个书架有多宽?

wardrobe 衣柜

How wide is it? = Whats the width of it? 多宽?

How long is it? = What's the length of it? 多长?

How high is it? = What's the height of it? 多高?

What’s the lengh of the Great Wall?

The cabinet is four meters long.  这个柜子有四米长。

The wardrobe is 2 meters long.

I’d like a small one, but my husband prefers a big one.我想要部小车,但我先生喜欢大车。

prefer A to B   相比B更喜欢A      

I prefer kiwifruit to the apples. 相比苹果来说我更喜欢猕猴桃

prefer to do A rather than do B  

I prefer to walk rather than take a bus. 相比坐公共汽车我更喜欢走

Will you measure this door?  量量这扇门好吗?

    Measure v. 测量

Noboday can measure the depth of this lake. 没人能测出这个湖有多深

Can you measure the importance of the return of HongKong to the embrace of the motherland? 你能够估量出香港回归的重要性吗?

You cant measure a student by his score. 你不能仅仅通过成绩来判断好坏

Will you measure this door?  量量这扇门好吗?

measure tape   卷尺

measure n.

take the measure of sb. 摸请某人的老底

reticent           沉默寡言的

measurement n.      度量衡

the metric system of measurement 公制度量法

measurable adj.      可衡量的

epidemic disease     流行性疾病

We find the loss is measurable. 我们发现损失可以估量

half measure   折中

Whats the half measure? 有什么折中办法吗?实践证明经常访问无忧英语教育网 ,能迅速提高你的英语学习能力!积沙成塔,不断提高! 本站所提供的所有信息仅供学校课堂教学及英语学习者学习研究之用,其著作权归原作者及媒体所有。

文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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