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三资企业及分支机构 -- 注册、变更及相关登记手续代理 翻译样本         ★★★ 【字体:

三资企业及分支机构 -- 注册、变更及相关登记手续代理 翻译样本

作者:admin    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-11-25     

Documents for the establishment of
Beijing Office of Foreign-funded Companies

1. 董事会决议(原件)
A resolution to be made by the board of directors (original)

2. 办事处负责人任命书(原件)
An appointment letter to be signed by the chairman of the company to appoint the responsible person of the office and sealed with the company stamp (original)

3. 负责人简历、身份证复印件
Resume and ID copy of the responsible person of th office

4. 营业执照复印件加盖总公司印章
Copy of the business license of the company with its seal on

5. 总公司所在地工商局签发的致北京市工商局核转函(原件)
An approval to issued by registration office with which the head office was registered to allow the office to be set up (original)

6. 相关表格
Other related forms

The service charge for FESCO for the registration is RMB3000.00 plusRMB300.00 for the cost and the FESCO service charge for the follow-up services is RMb3500.00 plus RMB800.00 for the cost.

Note: Items 1-3 of the above should be written on the company paper of the head office with heading and should be signed and sealed with the company stamp.

联系人: 杨晓霞 Contact person: Miss Yang Xiaoxia
电话:85611117 传真:85626059
Tel: 85611117 and fax: 85626059
List of documents for the establishment
of foreign funded companies

一. 名称登记核准
Name checking

1. 《名称预先核准申请书》
"Application Form for Name Checking"

2. 出资方资格证明
Qualification Certificate of the investors

3. 指定委托书
Authorization Letter

二. 立项审批(独资企业不做此项)
Application for approval for project listing (It is not required for
The wholly-owned companies)

1. 立项申请报告
Application letter for project listing

2. 双方意向书(投资双方法定代表人签字)
Letter of intent to be signed by the investors' legal persons

3. 项目建议书
Proposal for the project

4. 可行性研究报告
Feasibility study report

5. 中方法人营业执照(复印件加盖公章)外方股东资格证明(复印件及翻译件)
Copy of business license of the Chinese investor with its stamp on
Copy of the registration certificate of the foreign investor with Chinese translation

6. 产权证明
Ownership certificate of the office building

7. 环保影响评价
Environment assessment report

8. 特殊项目需相关审批文件
Approvals from the various departments for different purposes

9. 中方以国有资产投资的,要国有资产管理局的认定文件
Approval from the State Land and Resources Management
Ministry if the Chinese investor use the State assets for

三. 北京市商务局审批
Procedure for obtaining approval from Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce

1. 立项批复
Approval reply for project listing

2. 可行性报告(独资企业提供此项)
Feasibility study report (It is required from both JV and wholly-owned companies)

3. 申请书
Application letter

4. 新企业章程
Articles of association of the foreign-funded companies

5. 新企业董事会成员名单、委派书
Name list of the board of directors and their appointment letters Of the foreign-funded companies

6. 董事会成员简历及身份证明
Resume, ID cards or passport of the directors

7. 名称预先核准通知书
Notice of name checking

8. 生产、经营场地租赁协议、产权证明(复印件加盖出租方公章)
Office or factory-site lease contract and the ownership certificate With the owner's stamp on

9. 出资方银行资信证明
Bank credibility letters of the investors

10. 出资方资格证明
Business license or certificate of incorporation of the investors

四. 领取企业法人代码通知单
Application for notice for code number of the company

1. 名称预先核准通知单
Notice of name checking

2. 区县商务局批复
Written reply from the sub-bureaus of commerce of the various
districts or counties

五. 领取批准证书
Application for approval from the municipal government

1. 区县外北京市商务局批复
Written reply from the districts and countries

2. 组织机构企业法人代码通知单
Notice for code number

3. 相关表格
Some related forms to filled in

六. 领取营业执照
Application for obtaining registration certificate

1. 外商投资企业设立申请书
Application of the foreign-funded companies for their establish-ment

2. 合资、合作合同(独资企业不提供此项)
JV contracts or agreements (not required from the wholly-owned Companies)

3. 新企业章程
Articles of association of the foreign-funded companies

4. 审批机关批复及批准证书副本(1)
Duplicate of the written reply and the approval

5. 投资方法定资格证明
Business license or the certificate of incorporation of the investors

6. 投资各方银行资信证明
Bank credibility letters of the investors

7. 名称预先登记核准通知书原件
Original notice of name checking

8. 指定委托书
Authorization letter from the companies to the sponsor for the procedures

9. 股东名录及董事、经理成员名录各一份
Name lists of the shareholders, board members and managers of Foreign-funded companies
Documents for the Establishment
of Wholly-owned Enterprises

一. 设立独资企业需预先确定事项
I. Some items to be decided at the preliminary stage

1. 企业名称
Name of the enterprise

2. 企业地址
Address of the enterprise

3. 注册资本
Registered capital

4. 生产经营范围
Production scope

二. 申报材料
II. Documents to be prepared

1. 投资方签署的外商投资企业登记注册申请书
Application letter to be signed by the investors

2. 可行性研究报告
Feasibility study report

3. 公司章程
Articles of association

4. 董事会成员名单
Name list of the board of directors

5. 董事长的任命文件和身份证明、照片2张
Appointment letter to be signed by the president of the head office to appoint the chairman and the copy of his ID card or passport and his 2 photos

6. 其他董事会成员任命、个人简历、护照复印件、照片1张
Appointment letters for the appointment of other board members, copies of their ID cards or passports, resume and one photo from each of the directors

7. 投资方资格证明
The certificate of incorporation of the investor

8. 投资方银行资信证明
The original bank letter to be issued by the bank of the investor

9. 涉及城市建设和环境保护的,应提交有关主管部门的批件
Other related approvals from the various government departments such as the ones from the environmental and construction departments

10. 从事国家有关专项规定的经营项目,还应提交有关主管机关的批准文件
The approvals for special purposes

11. 相关申报表
Other related application forms

The time for the procedures is about 2 months and the service charge is RMB12,900 plus RMB7,000.00 for the follow-up service excluding the registration fee which is 0.08% of the registered capital and capital inspection fee which is 0.2% of the registered capital.
Procedures for the JV establishment

一. 设立合资企业需确定事项
Items to be decided for the establishment of JV companies

1. 企业名称
Name of the JV companies

2. 企业地址及相关场地租约
Lease contracts for the company address or factory site

3. 注册资本
Registered capital

4. 生产经营范围
Production scope

5. 双方投资额及投资比例
Investment amount from each side and the investment ratio

二. 工商名称查询
Name checking in the registration office

三. 申报材料
Documents for the establishment of JV companies

Letter of Intent

1. 可行性研究报告
Feasibility study report

2. 公司章程
Articles of association

3. 合资合同
JV contract

四. 提供文件
Other documents

1. 注册证书复印件
Business license or certificate of incorporation of the investors

2. 银行资信证明
Original bank credibility letter

3 董事会成员名单
Name list of board members

4. 董事会成员任命、个人简历、照片、护照复印件
Appointment letters of the board members, their resume, photos and copies of their ID cards or passports

五. 工商登记文件
Documents required for the registration in the registration office

1. 正副董事长签署的中外合资企业登记注册申请书一式三份
Application forms to be signed by the chairman of the JV companies for the JV registration (in three sets)

2. 公司章程及审批机关的批准文件及批准证书副本
Articles of association of the JV companies, approval documents of the departments concerned and the duplicate of the approval for the JV establishment

3. 项目建议书,可行性研究报告及批准文件
Project proposal, its feasibility study report and their approvals

4. 投资者所在国颁发的营业执照(中方要加盖工商局章)
Business license or certificate of incorporation of the investors with their stamps on

5. 银行资信证明
Bank credibility letters

6. 企业董事会名单及董事会成员、正副董事长的委派文件和上述人员的身份证明
Name list of the board members of the JV companies, the appointment letters of the board members and chairman and vice-chairman of the board and their ID cards or passports

7. 涉及城市建设和环境保护的,应提交有关主管部门的批件
Approvals from the construction and environmental departments

8. 从事国家有关专项规定的经营项目,还应提交有关主管机关的批准文件
Other approvals from the departments concerned for special projects

9. 相关申报表
Other relevant documents

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