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纳尼亚传奇影片片段二在线欣赏       ★★★ 【字体:


作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-9-2     


  Movie Script II 电影对白二:

  Susan: Why are they staring at us?

  Lucy: Maybe they think you look funny.

  Mr. Beaver: Wait, stop being fussy. You look lovely

  Peter: We have come to see Aslan.

  Aslan: Welcome, Peter, son of Adam. Welcome Susan and Lucy, daughters of Eve. And welcome to you, beavers. You have my thanks. But where is the fourth?

  Peter: It's why we are here, sir. We need your help.

  Susan: We have a little trouble on the way.

  Peter: My brother has been captured by the White Witch.

  Aslan: Captured? How could this happen?

  Mr. Beaver: He betrayed them, your Majesty.

  Oreius: And he has betrayed us all.

  Aslan: Appease, warriors. I'm sure there's an explanation.

  Peter: It's my fault, really. I was too hard on him.

  Susan: We all were.

  Lucy: Sir, he's our brother.

  Aslan: I know, dear one. But that only makes the betrayal all the worse. It's maybe harder than you think.


  be hard on someone,表示“对某人过于严厉“。例如:Stop being hard on him, he's just a little boy. 别对他太严厉了,他只是个小孩而已。

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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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