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[图文]奥斯卡最佳影片《撞车》片段在线(视频)       ★★★ 【字体:


作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-9-2     


  Movie Script II 电影对白二:

  Shaniqua: Good morning, Carol. Who do I have?

  Carol: Hold a moment, please. Mr. Trujillo called and cancelled, but you have a walk-in, Mr. Ryan.

  Shaniqua: Send him in.

  Shaniqua: Mr. Ryan?

  Ryan: Yeah.

  Shaniqua: My name is Shaniqua Johnson. I believe we spoke last night.

  Ryan: Oh yeah, I wanted to apologize about that. I haven't been getting too much sleep. My father's in a lot of pain.

  Shaniqua: I'm sorry to hear that.

  Ryan: And this doctor he's been seeing says he's got a urinary tract infection. But he's been taking this medicine for a month now, and he keeps getting worse.

  Shaniqua: And he's been back to see Dr. Robertson?

  Ryan: Yeah. Between you and me, the man's an idiot.

  Shaniqua: Really?

  Ryan: No offense. But the guy sees a hundred patients an hour and I think his nurses are doing most of the work.

  Shaniqua: Mmm. If you're unhappy, your father's welcome to see a doctor outside the network.

  Ryan: And if this new doctor says it's not an infection, says it's a prostate and it needs to be operated on, is that gonna be covered?

  Shaniqua: Not unless Dr. Robertson authorizes...

  Ryan: And what good is that gonna do?

  Shaniqua: I'm sorry, there's nothing else I can do.

  Ryan: All right, you know what I can't do? I can't look at you without think about the five or six more qualified men who didn't get your job.

  Shaniqua: It's time for you to go.

  Ryan: I'm saying this because I'm hoping that I'm wrong about you. I'm hoping that someone like yourself, someone who may have been given a helping hand, might have a little compassion for someone in a similar situation.

  Shaniqua: Carol, I need security in my office.

  Ryan: You don't like me, that's fine. I'm a prick. My father doesn't deserve to suffer like this. He was a janitor. He struggled his whole life. Saved enough to start his own company. Twenty-three employees, all of them black. Paid-em equal wages when no one else was doing that. For thirty years he worked side by side with those men, sweeping and carrying garbage. And then the city council decides to give minority-owned companies preference in city contracts. And overnight my father loses everything. His business, his home, his wife, and everything. Not once does he blame your people. Now I'm not asking you to help me. I'm asking that you do this small thing for a man who lost everything, so people like yourself could reap the benefits. And you know what it's gonna cost you? Nothing. Just a flick of your pen.

  Shaniqua: Your father sounds like a good man. And if he'd come in here today, I probably would've approved this request. But he didn't come in. You did. And for his sake, it's a real shame. Get him the hell outta my office.


  1. walk-in表示“没有经过预约而来的人”。

  2. between you and me 习语,表示“咱俩私下说;不向外人讲;你知我知,别告诉别人。”

  3. be wrong about sb,表示“误解某人,把某人想错了。”

  4. Just a flick of your pen. 大笔一挥,就能完成。

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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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