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Hit man: 职业杀手          【字体:

Hit man: 职业杀手

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-24     

  12月12日,美国电影学会(AFI)公布了2004年十大最佳影片名单,《蜘蛛侠Ⅱ》和《超人特攻队》名列榜首。外电报道如下:The superhero adventures "Spider-Man 2" and "The Incredibles" made the American Film Institute's list of 2004's top 10 movies. Also on the list released Sunday were the not-yet-released Howard Hughes film biography "The Av
iator" and boxing drama "Million Dollar Baby."

  Rounding out the group's list, which did not rank the films, were the hit-man thriller "Collateral"; the quirky romances "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and "Sideways"; the football drama "Friday Night Lights"; the drug-smuggling drama "Maria Full of Grace"; and "Kinsey," a film biography of sexuality researcher Alfred Kinsey.

  The institute's top 10 television programs of the year were HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm," "Deadwood," "The Sopranos" and "Something the Lord Made," ABC's "Desperate Housewives" and "Lost," FX's "Nip/Tuck" and "The Shield," Fox's "Arrested Development" and Comedy Central's "South Park."

  其中影片《借刀杀人》(Collateral)围绕一个声名狼藉的跨国贩毒集团的暗杀行动展开故事,电影明星汤姆·克鲁斯在片中饰一名冷酷无情的职业杀手。Hit man表示“杀手”,特指受雇于犯罪组织的职业杀手,此外还有“受雇写谩骂文章的人”的含义。

  (中国日报网站编)实践证明经常访问无忧英语教育网 ,能迅速提高你的英语学习能力!积沙成塔,不断提高! 本站所提供的所有信息仅供学校课堂教学及英语学习者学习研究之用,其著作权归原作者及媒体所有。

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