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Reprisal: 报复行为          【字体:

Reprisal: 报复行为

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-24     

消息传出,有犯罪嫌疑的巴勒斯坦武装组织“阿克萨烈士旅”的成员甚至因为害怕报复而躲避起来。外电报道如下:When news spread that a suicide bomber killed five Israelis in a Tel Aviv nightclub last weekend, members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade sought refuge.

  Fearing reprisal from Israel, the Palestinian militants huddled inside a grungy dorm room near what used to be Yasser Arafat's bunker. But they weren't there to cheer the attack. Instead, they frowned on the blast that shattered the Israeli-Palestinian truce declared last month.

  "We are not with this operation. The timing is wrong,'' said an Aqsa member wearing black-and-white Fila sneakers who called himself Abu Yazan. "We are now talking about a period of [truce]. The rules state that we do not attack.''

  The comment was a rare jab at a suicide bomber - especially coming from a fellow militant - and it reflects a growing consensus among Palestinians that the attack had damaged the standing of newly elected President Mahmoud Abbas, as well as the livelihoods of Palestinians.

  Reprisal意为“报复行为”,特指国家间的暴力性报复,或报复性的劫掠或拘捕。例如:letters of reprisal(报复性拘捕证);make reprisal(s)(进行报复,采取报复手段)。


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