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學外語八字真言﹕耳濡目染 持之以恆         ★★★ 【字体:

學外語八字真言﹕耳濡目染 持之以恆

作者:soosun    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2006-6-19     

很多人常來問﹐如何學好外語 : English being the most popular 外語 being referred to. 也有不少人問“如何說﹐寫﹐得地道的英文﹖“
  One of the most popular questions you will find on an “English Corner” type board is: “How do I go about learning English well ?” You will also find the related question :” How can I become so fluent that I can speak and write like a native-speaker ?”
  其實你不用問別人﹐只需問自己以下這個假設的問題﹕如有老外問你﹐”我如何學好中文, 我如何練得地道的中文。“你會怎樣答他﹖”
  There is actually no need for you to ask someone else that question; you only have to ask yourself the following hypothetical question.
  If a foreigner were to ask you: “ How do I go about learning Chinese well ? How can I become so fluent that I can mimic the speech and writing of a Chinese?”, what would you have said to him ?
  你一定會說﹕多聽﹐多讀﹐多練習 (寫﹐說) 。
  所以你不用去問別人“我如何學好英語。” 你已有答案。
  You probably would tell him to read a lot, listen more and practice writing and speaking as much as possible. On top of that, you would tell him that knowing a bit of Chinese tradition, culture, history, myths and legends, folklore, children’s rhymes … will all contribute to his proficiency in the language.
   So , there you have it. You do not need to go around asking other people how you could become proficient in English. You have the answer all along. All you need to do is to apply those same principles you would have given to this foreigner and apply them to your own situation.
   I am not here to endorse or condemn any particular method of learning. One must realize that different people would thrive under different techniques. (However, I do object to certain hypes and misleading promotional methods used by certain schools.) Just remember the old saying :” All roads lead to Rome” 條條大路通羅馬。“ All you need is to keep the principle of : 耳濡目染 持之以恆
  (Note: Different longer and shorter versions of this post have appeared and may appear in other boards under different names.)
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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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