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香港选举相关英语词汇(3)          【字体:


作者:佚名    文章来源:不详    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-6     

特别点票 special count
特别功能界别 special functional constituency
特别功能界别投票站 special functional constituency polling station
特别规定 special provision
特别会议 special session
特别投票站 special polling station
特刊 special supplement
特派监察团〔民意审核专员办事处〕 Independent Monitoring Team [Assessment Office]
特权 prerogative
特殊利益组别 special interest group
提出动议 move a motion
提交……省览 table
提交参考;备考;以供参阅 for information
提交参考;以供参考 for reference
提交决定 for decision
提交考虑通过;提交通过 for ratification
提交联合国定期报告的补充资料 supplementary report to the United Nations
提交日期 submission date
提交省览;以供省览 for noting
提交讨论;以供讨论 for discussion
提交文件 present a paper
提名 nomination
提名表格 nomination form
提名公告 notice of nomination
提名顾问委员会 Nominations Advisory Committee
提名候选人程序 procedure for the nomination of candidates
提名名单 nomination list
提名期 nomination period
提名人 nominator
提名人最低年龄规定 minimum age requirement for nomination
提名书 nomination paper
提名无效 invalid nomination
提前投票 advancement of the poll
提要;提纲 synopsis
体育、演艺、文化及出版界功能界别 sports, performing arts, culture and publication functional constituency
体育、演艺、文化及出版界界别分组 sports, performing arts, culture and publication subsector
替代的决议 substitute resolution
条例草案;法案〔临时立法会〕;法律草案 bill
停任 cessation of office
同期进行登记 simultaneous registration
铜英勇勋章 Medal for Bravery (Bronze) [MBB]
铜紫荆星章 Bronze Bauhinia Star [BBS]
统筹委员会 co-ordinating committee
投寄选举函件通知书 notice of posting of election communication
投寄选举函件证明书 certificate for posting of election communication
投票;选票 ballot
投票安排 polling arrangement
投票安排;投票办法 voting arrangement
投票保密 secrecy of ballot
投票保密 secrecy of votes
投票表决;投票选举 vote by ballot
投票车 mobile poll
投票程序 procedure for voting
投票程序 voting procedure
投票方法 voting method
投票间 polling booth
投票间 polling compartment
投票间 voting compartment
投票率 turn-out rate of electors
投票率 voter turnout rate
投票率 voting rate
投票模式 voting pattern
投票年龄 voting age
投票权 entitlement to vote
投票权;选举权 right to vote
投票权;选举权 voting right
投票权;选举权;选民范围 franchise
投票人〔界别分组〕;选民 voter
投票人数 voter turnout
投票日;选举日 election day
投票日;选举日 polling day
投票时间 polling hours
投票通知卡 poll card
投票箱 ballot box
投票站 polling station
投票站工作人员 polling staff
投票站及点票站工作人员职位申请书 Application for Polling and Counting Staff
投票站事务员 Polling Assistant
投票站主任 Presiding Officer
投票制度 voting system
投票助理员 Polling Officer
投全票 voting en bloc
投诉处理会〔选举管理委员会〕 Complaints Committee [Electoral Affairs Commission]
团体成员 corporate member
团体投票人 company voter
团体投票人 corporate voter
团体选民 corporate elector
推选委员会〔负责推举第一任特别行政区行政长官人选〕 Selection Committee [for recommending the candidate for the first Special Administrative Region Chief Executive]
退出竞选的虚假声明 false statement of withdrawal
退出竞选通知书 Withdrawal of Candidature
外籍人士 alien
外交部〔中国〕 Ministry of Foreign Affairs [China]
外交接触 diplomatic contact
违反规定的行为 infringement
违例竞选资料 offending election material
违宪 unconstitutional
违宪审查权 power to inquire into the constitutionality of laws
维持地方关系 preservation of local ties
委派代表投票 proxy voting
委派代表投票;委派他人代为投票 vote by proxy
委任程序 appointment process
委任通知 notice of appointment
委任议席 appointed seat
委任议员 appointed member
委任制度 appointment system
委员会报告 committee report
委员会审议阶段〔临时立法会〕 committee stage [Provisional Legislative Council]
委员会审议阶段修订建议 committee stage amendment
未成年人 minor
未经填划的选票 unmarked ballot paper
未决算法律责任 unliquidated liabilities
未用的选票;未予使用的选票 unused ballot paper
未用捐款 unspent donation
未予发出的选票 unissued ballot paper
文告 proclamation
文件;选票 paper
文康广播事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Panel on Broadcasting, Culture and Sport [Provisional Legislative Council]
文康市政上诉委员会 Municipal Services Appeals Boards
稳定香港协会有限公司 Federation for the Stability of Hong Kong Limited
问题;质询;议题〔临时立法会〕 question
无党派议员 non-affiliated member
无结果的表决 inconclusive vote
无竞争的选举;无对手的选举 uncontested election
舞弊行为 corrupt practice
务实方针 pragmatic approach
习惯法;习俗法 customary law
夏季休会 summer recess
衔接 convergence
现届任期 current term of office
现况报告;情况报告 situation report [sitrep]
现任议员 incumbent councillor
现有分界 existing boundary
现状 status quo
限制可投选票制 limited vote system
限制选举权 restriction on voting right
宪法惯例 constitutional convention
宪法推断 constitutional presumption
宪制;宪法 constitution
乡村选举 rural election
乡村选举制度 rural electoral system
乡事委员会 rural committee
乡事组织 rural body
乡议局 Heung Yee Kuk
乡议局功能界别〔前称乡事界功能组别〕 Heung Yee Kuk functional constituency [formerly known as Rural functional constituency]
乡议局界别分组 Heung Yee Kuk subsector
乡议局主席 Chairman, Heung Yee Kuk
相差幅度规定 margin rule
相对多数 relative majority
相对多数点票制 relative majority system of counting
相对多数选举制〔亦称“得票最多者当选”投票制〕 relative majority system of voting [also known as "first past the post" voting system]
相互承认和执行仲裁裁决;相互执行仲裁裁决 reciprocal enforcement of arbitration awards
相互适用的法律 reciprocal legislation
相互司法协助;司法互助 mutual legal assistance
相互执行判决 reciprocal enforcement of judgements
相应修订 consequential amendment
香港本土人士 Hong Kong belonger
香港革新会 Reform Club of Hong Kong
香港工会联合会〔工联会〕 Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions [FTU]
香港工商专业联会〔工商联〕 Business and Professional Federation of Hong Kong [BPF]
香港公民协会 Hong Kong Civic Association
香港公义促进会 Association for the Promotion of Public Justice (Hong Kong)
香港雇主联合会界别分组 Employers' Federation of Hong Kong subsector
香港观察社有限公司 Hong Kong Observers Limited
香港励进会 Progressive Hong Kong Society
香港民主促进会〔民主会〕 Hong Kong Democratic Foundation
香港民主民生协进会〔民协〕 Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood [ADPL]
香港民主同盟〔港同盟〕〔一九九四年与汇点合并组成民主党〕 United Democrats of Hong Kong [UDHK] [merged with Meeting Point to form Democratic Party in 1994]
香港民主协会有限公司 Association for Democracy of Hong Kong Limited
香港明天更好基金 Better Hong Kong Foundation, The
香港前景研究社 Hong Kong Prospect Institute
香港市场研究社 Survey Research Hong Kong Limited [SRH]
香港特别行政区 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [HKSAR]
香港特别行政区成立日 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day
香港特别行政区基本法委员会〔全国人民代表大会〕〔中国〕 Committee for the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [National People's Congress] [China]
香港特别行政区行政长官 Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
香港特别行政区政府土地基金 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Land Fund
香港特别行政区政府宪报 Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette
香港特别行政区政府宪报副刊 supplement to the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette
香港特别行政区政府宪报号外 Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette Extraordinary
香港协进会有限公司 Hong Kong Belongers Association Limited
香港协进联盟〔港进联〕 Hong Kong Progressive Alliance [HKPA]
香港议会学会 Hong Kong Parliamentary Academic Society
香港永久性居民 Hong Kong permanent resident
香港政策透视 Hong Kong Policy Viewers
香港职工会联盟〔职工盟〕 Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions [CTU]
香港中国企业协会界别分组 Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association subsector
香港中外联盟 Hong Kong Alliance of Chinese and Expatriates
香港自由民主联会有限公司〔自民联〕 Liberal Democratic Federation of Hong Kong Limited [LDF]
详题 long title
新闻界发表的声明;新闻公报 press statement
项目小组 ad hoc group
消除种族歧视委员会 Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
小派别 clique
小旗 pennant
小区独特性 community identity
小区干事 community organizer
小区感 community sensitivity
小区关系处〔廉政公署〕 Community Relations Department [ICAC]
小组 sub-subsector
小组委员会 sub-committee
效忠 allegiance
协商产生的候选人 consensus candidate
协议范本 model agreement
协议和谅解 agreement and understanding
卸任主席 outgoing chairman
卸任主席 retiring chairman
新华社 Xinhua News Agency
新会期 new session
新界社团联会 New Territories Association of Societies [NTAS]
新界原居民 indigenous resident of the New Territories
新闻议会 press council
新闻自由 freedom of the press
新香港联盟〔新港盟〕 New Hong Kong Alliance [NHKA]
新香港学会 New Hong Kong Society
信任票 vote of confidence
信息科技界功能界别 information technology functional constituency
信息科技界界别分组 information technology subsector
信息政策事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Panel on Information Policy [Provisional Legislative Council]
信息自由 freedom of information
刑事司法互助 Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
行使权力 exercise of a power
行业组别;职业类别 occupational group
行政长官会同行政会议 Chief Executive in Council
行政分界 administrative boundary
行政复议〔中国〕 administrative review [China]
行政管理权 executive power
行政会议〔前称行政局〕 Executive Council
行政会议备忘录〔前称行政局备忘录〕 Executive Council Memorandum
行政会议秘书〔前称行政局秘书〕 Clerk to the Executive Council
行政会议议事程序〔前称行政局议事程序〕 Executive Council proceedings
行政机关 executive authority
行政机关 executive machinery
行政命令 executive order
行政区 administrative district
行政区分界 administrative district boundary
行政上诉委员会 Administrative Appeals Board
行政失当 maladministration
行政事宜工作小组〔临时立法会〕 Working Group on Administrative Matters [Provisional Legislative Council]
行政指引 administrative guidelines
行政制度 administrative system
行政制度 system of administration
行政主导 executive-led
形式;模式;方式 modality
休会 recess
休会;散会 adjourn
休会辩论 adjournment debate
休会待续〔临时立法会〕 adjournment
修订法例 legislative amendment
修订令 amendment order
修订选举广告声明书 Corrective Declaration of Election Advertisements
修正案〔临时立法会〕;修订 amendment
须申报的利益 declaratory interest
须予登记的个人利益〔临时立法会〕 registrable interests [Provisional Legislative Council]
虚假登记 false registration
虚假多数票 false majority
虚假声明 false declaration
虚假声明;失实声明 false statement
虚假赞助 false sponsorship
宣布当选 declared elected
宣传板 publicity board
宣传车辆 publicity van
宣传计划 publicity programme
宣传刊物 promotional literature
宣传物品 campaign material
宣传资料 publicity material
宣读议案 reading
宣誓 swear
宣誓;誓词 oath
宣誓就职 swearing-in
宣言 manifesto
悬空席位 vacancy
选举 election
选举安排 electoral arrangements
选举按金 election deposit
选举查询热线〔廉政公署〕 Election Enquiry Hotline [ICAC]
选举呈请;选举呈请书 election petition
选举程序 election procedure
选举程序 election proceedings
选举程序 election process
选举程序 electoral procedure
选举程序;选举过程 electoral process
选举代理人 election agent
选举代理人委任通知书 Notice of Appointment of Election Agent
选举代理人详情的公告 Notice of Particulars of Election Agents
选举贷款基金 election loan fund
选举登记主任 Electoral Registration Officer
选举法 electoral law
选举方案 electoral package
选举方式 mode of election
选举分组 electoral division
选举公告 election notice
选举公告 notice of election
选举管理委员会〔选管会〕 Electoral Affairs Commission [EAC]
选举管理委员会秘书处 Electoral Affairs Commission Secretariat
选举管理委员会主席 Chairman, Electoral Affairs Commission
选举广告 election advertisement
选举广告声明书 Declaration of Election Advertisements
选举规定 electoral provision
选举函件;竞选刊物 election communication
选举会议 election meeting
选举贿赂行为 electoral bribery
选举机构;选举方法 electoral machinery
选举结果 election result
选举结果公告 notice of result of election
选举开支 election expenses
选举开支代理人 election expense agent
选举开支及接受选举捐赠之申报书及声明书 Return and Declaration of Election Expenses and Donations
选举开支限额 election expenses limit
选举开支预算 Estimates of Election Expenses
选举论坛 election forum
选举民意调查 election poll
选举前民意调查 pre-election opinion poll
选举区域 electoral area
选举权 electoral franchise
选举权;投票权 suffrage
选举日期 election date
选举事务处 Registration and Electoral Office [REO]
选举事务主任 Electoral Officer
选举事项 electoral matter
选举投票;民意测验 poll
选举团 electoral college
选举委员会 Election Committee
选举委员会点票区 Election Committee counting zone
选举委员会界别分组 Election Committee subsector
选举委员会界别分组选举 Election Committee subsector election
选举委员会投票站 Election Committee polling station
选举委员会小组选举 Election Committee sub-subsector election
选举委员会选票 Election Committee ballot paper
选举委员会正式登记册 Election Committee final register
选举文件 electoral document
选举文件 electoral paper
选举舞弊 election corruption
选举宣传运动 election publicity campaign
选举延期 postponement of an election
选举政策 electoral policy
选举制度 electoral system
选举中的违法行为 electoral offence
选举周期 election cycle
选举主任 Returning Officer
选举助理 election assistant
选民 elector
选民登记 registration of electors
选民登记 voter registration
选民登记表格 registration form
选民登记册 electoral register
选民登记册 register of electors
选民登记册 voter register
选民登记计算机系统 Electoral and Registration System [EARS]
选民登记家访周 Voter Registration Week
选民登记率 voter registration rate
选民登记期 registration period
选民登记运动 voter registration campaign
选民登记运动 voter registration drive
选民登记运动;选民登记工作 registration exercise
选民登记运动;选民登记工作 voter registration exercise
选民登记周期 registration cycle
选民范围;全体选民;选民;选民人数 electorate
选民记录 electoral record
选民名册 electoral roll
选民人数;总选民人数 size of the electorate
选民限额 quota of electors
选民自愿登记制度 voluntary voter registration system
选民总名册 General Electoral Roll
选民总名册登记申请书 Application for Registration in the General Electoral Roll
选票 ballot paper
选票的处置 disposal of ballot papers
选票基数 quota of votes实践证明经常访问无忧英语教育网 ,能迅速提高你的英语学习能力!积沙成塔,不断提高! 本站所提供的所有信息仅供学校课堂教学及英语学习者学习研究之用,其著作权归原作者及媒体所有。

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