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劳工界功能界别 labour functional constituency
劳工界界别分组 labour subsector
类似司法的性质 quasi-judicial nature
类似司法的职能 quasi-judicial function
累积选票 aggregate preference votes
历史档案处 Public Records Office
立法程序 legislative proceedings
立法程序时间表 legislative timetable
立法会〔前称立法局〕 Legislative Council
立法会会期 legislative session
立法会选举 Legislative Council election
立法会选举事宜专责委员会 Select Committee on Legislative Council Elections
立法会选民名册 Legislative Council electoral roll
立法会议员津贴事宜委员会〔临时立法会行政管理委员会〕 Committee on Members' Allowances [Provisional Legislative Council Commission]
立法机构 legislative organ
立法机构的延续 continuity of the legislature
立法机关 legislature
立法权 legislative power
立例释义 legislative interpretation
利益冲突 conflict of interest
利益登记表 register of interests
利益范围 sphere of interest
联邦;联盟 federation
联邦政府 federal government
联邦制 federal system
联合国宪章 Charter of the United Nations
联合委员会 joint committee
联合选举广告 joint election advertisement
联会辩论 conjoin debate
联机查询 on-line equiries
联络委员会 liaison committee
联盟 coalition
联票 joint ticket
联系制度 liaison system
廉政公署〔前称总督特派廉政专员公署〕 Independent Commission Against Corruption [ICAC]
两层架构 two-tier system
两次投票制 double ballot system
两个市政局 municipal councils
两议院制立法机关 bicameral legislature
谅解备忘录 memorandum of understanding
列席 in attendance
列序票 ordinal vote
临时报告 provisional report
临时建议 provisional recommendation
临时空缺 casual vacancy
临时立法会 Provisional Legislative Council
临时立法会参考数据摘要 Provisional Legislative Council Brief
临时立法会大楼 Provisional Legislative Council Building
临时立法会法律顾问 Counsel to the Provisional Legislative Council
临时立法会会议厅 Provisional Legislative Council Chamber
临时立法会界别分组 Provisional Legislative Council subsector
临时立法会秘书〔前称立法局秘书〕 Clerk to the Provisional Legislative Council
临时立法会秘书处 Provisional Legislative Council Secretariat
临时立法会秘书处秘书长 Secretary General of the Provisional Legislative Council Secretariat
临时立法会内务委员会主席 Chairman, House Committee of the Provisional Legislative Council
临时立法会事务委员会制度 Provisional Legislative Council Panel System
临时立法会问题 Provisional Legislative Council question
临时立法会行政管理委员会 Provisional Legislative Council Commission
临时立法会议程事项登记册 Council Agenda Item Book
临时立法会议员薪津委员会 Independent Commission on Remuneration for Members of the Provisional Legislative Council
临时立法会主席 Chairman, Provisional Legislative Council
临时立法会主席 President, Provisional Legislative Council
临时区议会 Provisional District Board
临时区议会会议常规 Provisional District Board Standing Orders
临时区议会秘书处 Provisional District Board Secretariat
临时区域市政局 Provisional Regional Council
临时区域市政局大楼 Provisional Regional Council Building
临时区域市政局会议常规 Standing Orders of the Provisional Regional Council
临时区域市政局会议厅 Provisional Regional Council Chamber
临时区域市政局主席 Chairman, Provisional Regional Council
临时市政局 Provisional Urban Council
临时市政局会议规程 Standing Orders of the Provisional Urban Council
临时市政局会议厅;临时市政局大楼 Provisional Urban Council Chamber
临时市政局议员会见市民办事处 Provisional Urban Council Ward Office
临时市政局主席 Chairman, Provisional Urban Council
临时委员会 interim committee
临时选民登记册 provisional register
临时选区 provisionally demarcated constituency
领事保护 consular protection
领事团 consular corps
领土完整 territorial integrity
流动人口;暂住人口 transient population
流动投票站 mobile polling station
旅游界功能界别 tourism functional constituency
旅游界界别分组 tourism subsector
履行责任 performance of a duty
律政人员 legal officer
律政司司长〔前称律政司〕 Secretary for Justice [formerly known as Attorney General]
律政司政务总监〔前称律政署政务总监〕 Administrator, Department of Justice [formerly known as Chambers Manager]
绿皮书 green paper
论政团体 political commentary group
落选者 losing candidate
买票 vote buying
冒充行为 personation
冒名投票 personation at voting
贸易及工业事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Panel on Trade and Industry [Provisional Legislative Council]
每季检讨报告 quarterly review
每季进度报告 quarterly progress report
每一议席所代表的人口 population per seat
每月进度报告 monthly progress report
秘密会议 secret session
秘密协议 secret deal
密切关系 substantial connection
免费投寄〔选举广告〕 free postage [election advertisement]
民间团体促进民主政制联会 Joint Association of People's Organizations for Promotion of Democracy
民权党 Citizens Party [CP]
民选代议制度 elected representation
民选议席 elected seat
民选议员 elected member
民意调查 opinion survey
民意调查 public opinion poll
民意调查 public opinion survey
民意调查;民意测验 opinion poll
民意调查公司 polling company
民意汇集处〔一九八七年〕 Survey Office [1987]
民意汇集处监察委员 Monitor, Survey Office
民意汇集文件 compendium
民意汇集专员〔一九八七年〕 Commissioner, Survey Office [1987]
民意牌 opinion card
民意审核专员〔一九八四年〕 Commissioner, Assessment Office [1984]
民意审核专员办事处〔一九八四年〕 Assessment Office [1984]
民政部〔中国〕 Ministry of Civil Affairs [China]
民政事务处〔前称政务处〕 District Office
民政事务局〔前称政务科〕〔政府总部〕 Home Affairs Bureau [formerly known as Home Affairs Branch] [Government Secretariat]
民政事务局局长〔前称政务司〕 Secretary for Home Affairs
民政事务局局长法团 Secretary for Home Affairs Incorporated
民政事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Panel on Home Affairs [Provisional Legislative Council]
民政事务专员〔前称政务专员〕 District Officer
民众 populace
民主 democracy
民主参与 democratic participation
民主党 Democratic Party [DP]
民主发展 democratic development
民主发展;民主进程 democratization
民主公义协会 Association for Democracy and Justice
民主监督 democratic supervision
民主建港联盟〔民建联〕 Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong [DAB]
民主台 Democracy Forum
民主政府;民主政制 democratic government
民主政制促进联委会 Joint Committee on the Promotion of Democratic Government
名单投票制 list system
名单投票制 list voting system
模拟选举 mock election
内部投票程序 internal voting procedure
内部咨询文件 internal consultation document
内阁 cabinet
内务会议〔临时立法会〕 in-house meeting [Provisional Legislative Council]
内务守则〔临时立法会〕 House Rules [Provisional Legislative Council]
内务委员会〔临时立法会〕 House Committee [Provisional Legislative Council]
能完全自决的年龄 age of full capacity
拟稿;草案 draft
拟略名单〔临时选民登记册〕 list of proposed omissions [provisional register]
年龄规定 age qualification
年龄组别 age group
派别 faction
配额 quota
批发及零售界功能界别 wholesale and retail functional constituency
批发及零售界界别分组 wholesale and retail subsector
批注 endorsement
批注;批签;通过 endorse
毗连的区域 contiguous area
偏离人口配额 departure from the population quota
偏离人口配额的幅度;人口相差幅度 margin of population deviation
票数均等;相同票数 equality of votes
票数相等 tie of votes
票站调查 exit poll
平等代表权;具同等代表性 equal representation
平等机会委员会 Equal Opportunities Commission
平等选举权 equal suffrage
凭借作用;联票效应 coat-tail effect
迫使他人进行或不进行拉票活动 pressurize to canvass or not to canvass
普通法 common law
普选 popular election
普选;普选权 universal suffrage
普选权 universal franchise
普选原则 principle of universality
欺诈性投票 fraudulent voting
祇限有关人士阅览的文件;限阅文件;祇限内部传阅的文件 restricted paper
启联资源中心〔启联〕〔一九九三年三月解散〕 Co-operative Resources Centre [CRC] [dissolved in March 1993]
起草委员会 drafting committee
起立表决 rising vote
弃权票 abstention vote
洽谈伙伴 negotiating partner
签署人 subscriber
签署为提名人 subscribe [nomination of candidates]
前期工作 preliminary work
前 Frontier, The
谴责 censure
谴责票 vote of censure
强制登记 compulsory registration
强制投票 compulsory voting
强制选民登记 mandatory voter registration
青年事务委员会 Commission on Youth
清稿 fair copy
区徽 regional emblem
区界说明 boundary description
区旗 regional flag
区事顾问 District Affairs Adviser
区议会 District Board
区议会选举 District Board election
区议会选区分界 District Board electoral boundary
区域层面 regional level
区域法院〔前称地方法院〕 district court
区域法院法官〔前称地方法院法官〕 Judge of the District Court
区域市政局 Regional Council [RegCo]
区域市政局功能界别 Regional Council functional constituency
区域市政局辖区 Regional Council Area
区域市政局辖区内各区的临时区议会界别分组〔新界各临时区议会界别分组〕 Provisional District Boards for the Districts in the Regional Council Area subsector [New Territories Provisional District Boards subsector]
区域议会 District Council
区域组织 district organization
取消登记资格 disqualification from registration
取消委任议席 abolition of an appointed seat
取消选民资格 disqualification of a voter
取消议席 abolition of a seat
全部由直选议员组成的立法会 fully directly elected Legislative Council
全港人口 territorial population
全国人民代表大会〔中国〕 National People's Congress [NPC] [China]
全国人民代表大会常务委员会〔全国人大常委会〕〔中国〕 Standing Committee of the National People's Congress [NPCSC] [China]
全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长〔中国〕 Chairman, Standing Committee of the National People's Congress [China]
全国人民代表大会界别分组 National People's Congress subsector
全国人民代表大会香港地区代表〔香港地区全国人大代表〕 Hong Kong deputy to the National People's Congress
全国委员会〔中国人民政治协商会议〕 National Committee [Chinese People's Political Consultative Committee]
全面咨询 comprehensive consultation
全民投票;公民投票 plebiscite
全民投票;公民投票 referendum
全票 unanimous vote
全票制 block vote method
全票制 block vote system
全权代表;全权委员 plenipotentiary
全体撤换 en masse removal
全体会议;全体代表会议 plenary meeting
全体会议;全体代表会议 plenary session
全体委员会〔临时立法会〕 committee of the whole Council [Provisional Legislative Council]
权力 power
权力范围 scope of authority
权力机关;权力机构 organ of power
权力下放 devolution
缺席投票 absentee voting
确定的名册 definitive roll
确定选民资格 ascertainment of the qualifications of electors
确认 affirmation
人口分布发展趋向 demographic trend
人口分布工作小组〔规划署〕 Working Group on Population Distribution [Planning Department]
人口偏差 population deviation
人口预测专责小组 Ad Hoc Sub-Group on Population Forecasts
人口准则 population criteria
人力事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Panel on Manpower [Provisional Legislative Council]
人权 human rights
人权教育活动资助计划 Community Participation Scheme on Human Rights Projects
人权事务委员会〔联合国〕 Human Rights Committee [United Nations]
人权委员会 Commission on Human Rights
认可程序〔点票〕 approved programme [vote counting]
任期 tenure
任期 tenure of office
任期 term of office
荣誉勋章 Medal of Honour [MH]
入境权 right to land
三层议会 three-tier councils
三层政府架构 three-tier government structure
三读 third reading
三权分立〔立法、行政、司法〕;分权而立;分权 separation of powers
三议席功能界别 triple-member functional constituency
擅用他人名义 namedropping
商界(第二)功能界别 commercial (second) functional constituency
商界(第二)界别分组 commercial (second) subsector
商界(第一)功能界别 commercial (first) functional constituency
商界(第一)界别分组 commercial (first) subsector
上诉法院 appellate court
上诉通知书 notice of appeal
上诉途径 avenue of appeal
上诉委员会 Appeal Committee
上限 ceiling
设定上限 capping
社会福利界功能界别 social welfare functional constituency
社会民主阵线 Social Democratic Front
申报利益关系;表明立场 declaration of interest
申诉专员 Ombudsman, the
申诉专员公署 Office of the Ombudsman
申索通知书 notice of claim
身分证明文件 identity document
审裁官 Revising Officer
审核工作 vetting exercise
审议 scrutinize
胜出票数〔当选人比得票次多者多出的票数〕 plurality
剩余票 surplus vote
失明选民 blind elector
失实陈述 misrepresentation
失效选票 exhausted vote
施政报告 policy address
施政报告辩论 Policy Debate
实报实销的办事处租金津贴 accountable office rental allowance
实物抵付形式的捐赠 donation in kind
使失去投票权 disenfranchise
使用选民登记册数据承诺书 Undertaking on the Use of Electoral Records
世界人权会议 World Conference on Human Rights
市级国会 municipal congress
市区;市区范围 urban area
市政服务 municipal services
市政局 Urban Council [UC]
市政局功能界别 Urban Council functional constituency
市政局辖区 Urban Council Area
市政局辖区内各区的临时区议会界别分组〔香港及九龙各临时区议会界别分组〕 Provisional District Boards for the Districts in the Urban Council Area subsector [Hong Kong and Kowloon Provisional District Boards subsector]
事实报告 factual report
事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 panel [Provisional Legislative Council]
适应化的综合条例草案 omnibus adaptation bill
誓师大会〔政治团体〕 launching ceremony [political organizations]
首读 first reading
首份临时选民登记册 first provisional register
首席代表〔中英联合联络小组〕 Senior Representative [Sino-British Joint Liaison Group]
受薪官员 salaried functionary
授权 empower
授权令 warrant
授予投票权 enfranchise
书面申述 written representation
疏忽遗漏印制资料 inadvertent omission of printing details
数据文件;参考文件 information paper
双边协议 bilateral agreement
双边协议计划 bilateral programme
双票 double vote
双议席选区;双议席选举组别 double-member constituency
双议席选区;双议席选举组别 double-seat constituency
双语法例咨询委员会 Bilingual Laws Advisory Committee [BLAC]
双重代表 double representation
双重投票 double voting
双重投票权 double voting right
双重效忠 conflicting loyalties
顺利过渡;平稳过渡 smooth transition
说帖;发言讲稿 speaking note
司法补救 judicial remedy
司法管辖权;司法管辖区 jurisdiction
司法合作 legal co-operation
司法互助 reciprocal judicial assistance
司法机构 Judiciary
司法机构行政事务工作小组 Working Party on Judiciary Administration
司法机构政务长 Judiciary Administrator
司法及法律事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services [Provisional Legislative Council]
司法解释 judicial interpretation
司法权 judicial power
司法人员 judicial officer
司法人员推荐委员会 Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission
司法审查〔中国〕;司法复核 judicial review
司法统领 judicial leader
司法宣誓 Judicial Oath
司法职位 judicial office
司法制度;司法体系 judicial system
私人身分 private capacity
私人条例草案 Private Bill
私人展示位置〔选举广告〕 private spot [election advertisement]
思想、信念及宗教自由 freedom of thought, conscience and religion
四五行动 April 5th Action Group
损坏的选票 spoilt ballot paper
损毁选票 mutilated ballot paper
所属党派 party identity
太平山学会有限公司 Hong Kong Affairs Society Limited
太平绅士 Justice of the Peace [JP]
太平绅士制度本地化 Localization of the Justice of Peace System
贪污;舞弊 corruption
淘汰点票 elimination count
淘汰准则 elimination criteria
讨论文件 discussion paper实践证明经常访问无忧英语教育网 ,能迅速提高你的英语学习能力!积沙成塔,不断提高! 本站所提供的所有信息仅供学校课堂教学及英语学习者学习研究之用,其著作权归原作者及媒体所有。

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