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[图文]Car 图解         ★★★★ 【字体:

Car 图解

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-20     

 1. sun visor 遮陽板  8. parking brake 手煞車  15. radio 音響
 2. windshield 擋風玻璃   9. rearview mirror 後視鏡  16. key 鑰匙
 3. instrument panel 儀表板  10. windshield wiper 雨刷  17. gear shift 排檔桿
 4. side mirror 照後鏡  11. gas gauge 油箱   18. dashboard
 5. speedometer 速度計  12. air conditioner 冷氣   擋風玻璃下的平台
 6. steering wheel 方向盤  13. air vent 排氣管  19. glove compartment 
 7. ignition 點火裝置  14. cigarette lighter 點煙器  置物箱
1.  My car won't start. 我的車子發不動。(www.51education.net整理)
2.  The battery's dead. 電瓶沒電了。(www.51education.net整理)
3.  I'm out of gas. 我沒油了。(www.51education.net整理)
4.  I need to get gas. 我要去加油。(www.51education.net整理)
5.  Turn left here. 在這裡左轉。(www.51education.net整理)
6.  Turn right here. 在這裡右轉。(www.51education.net整理)
7.  Go straight. 直走。(www.51education.net整理)
8.  Keep going. 繼續走。(www.51education.net整理)
9.  Can I give you a ride? 我可以載你一程嗎?
10.  I'll pick you up at three. 我三點的時候會去接你。(www.51education.net整理)
11.  I can drop you off. 我可以讓你下車。(www.51education.net整理)
12.  Should we take your car or mine? 我們應該開你的車還是我的車? 
13.  Hey, slow down! 嘿,慢一點! 
14.  Watch out there's a speed camera! 注意,那裡有一台測速相機!
15.  I'm looking for a parking space. 我正在找停車位。(www.51education.net整理)
俚語  Slang
A gas guzzler. 耗油的車
A good driver. 好駕駛
A bad driver. 壞駕駛
A reckless driver. 莽撞的駕駛
Put the pedal to the metal! 加速!油門踩到底!
  (pedal 是指油門的踏板;metal 是指車內的地面)
Let's go for a cruise! 我們去兜風吧!(cruise︰巡航;漫遊)
Hop in! 上車吧! 
成語 Idioms
drive somebody crazy  把某人逼瘋
drive 在這裡作及物動詞使用,是「迫使;促使」的意思。(www.51education.net整理)這句成語也可以說成 make somebody crazy。(www.51education.net整理)
John is always complaining about something -- he's really starting to drive me crazy.
Dialogue 1. Sammi:   Hi Bob! Where are you going? 珊米︰ 嗨,鮑伯!你要去哪裡?
Bob:   Oh. Just to the supermarket to get a few things. 鮑伯︰ 喔,只是要去超市買點東西。(www.51education.net整理) 
Sammi:  I'm going there also. Hop in! I can give you a ride. 珊米︰ 我正好也要去。(www.51education.net整理)上車吧!我可以載你一程。(www.51education.net整理)
Bob:   Gee! Thanks Sammi, today is my lucky day. 鮑伯︰ 好耶!謝啦,珊米,今天真是我的幸運日。(www.51education.net整理)
Dialogue 2. Kyle:  Would you like to go out for dinner on Saturday? 凱爾︰ 你星期六要一起去吃晚餐嗎? 
Sarah:   Sure, where are we going? 莎拉︰ 好啊,去哪兒吃? 
Kyle:  That Japanese restaurant we went to last month. It's great and there's free parking too! 凱爾︰ 去上個月我們去過的日本料理店。(www.51education.net整理)那裡的食物很棒,而且還能免費停車!
Sarah:  Cool. Will we take your car or mine? 莎拉︰ 酷。(www.51education.net整理)我們要開你的車還是我的車?
Kyle:  Mine. I'll pick you up at six! 凱爾︰ 開我的車。(www.51education.net整理)我六點去接你! 

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