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HSK Dates           ★★★ 【字体:
HSK Dates
作者:soosun    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-13 

 HSK Dates

The HSK is held in China and in foreign countries every year.

HSK in China

1. Beginners' HSK: twice a year
First time: 9 a.m. (Beijing time), 2nd Sunday of May
Second time: 9 a.m. (Beijing time), 3rd Sunday of December

2. Elementary and intermediate HSK: three times a year
First time: 9 a.m. (Beijing time), 2nd Sunday of May
Second time: 9 a.m. (Beijing time), 1st Sunday of July
Third time: 9 a.m. (Beijing time), 3rd Sunday of December

3. Advanced HSK: once a year
Beijing: 9 a.m. (Beijing time), 4th Sunday of May
Shanghai and other cities: 9 a.m. (Beijing time), 2nd Saturday of May

Note: For HSK dates in Hong Kong and Macao, please contact local HSK centers.

HSK abroad

The HSK is held once a year in foreign countries on either March 15, May 17, September 20 or October 25. The specific date is set by the HSK organizer of the relevant country in light of its local conditions. For details, please contact the HSK examination places abroad according to our website.

article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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