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Lesson 47 你累不累?            【字体:
Lesson 47 你累不累?
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

M: Dajia hao. Huan ying dao Xianzai Xue Hanyu. Wo shi ML.
S: Nimen hao, wo shi Stuart.
M: Stuart, what lesson do we learn today? 今天我们学第几课, jin tian women xue di ji ke?
S: 今天我们学第四十七课.
M: 没错, not wrong, mei cuo! Lesson 47, di si shi qi ke. Jin tian women xue di si shi qi ke.
S: Now, you guys at home try to answer this. ‘Yesterday, what lesson did we learn?’ Zuo tian, women xue le di ji ke? ……….
M: Dui le. 昨天我们学了第四十六课, zuo tian women xue le di si shi liu ke?
S: Now ask, ‘what lesson do we learn tomorrow?’
M: 明天我们学第几课, ming tian women xue di ji ke?
S: And the answer is? …. Dui le.
M: 明天我们学第四十八课, ming tian women xue di si shi ba ke.
S: Feichang hao.
M: Stuart, are you hungry? 你饿吗,ni e ma?
S: 是的,我饿, wo e, 我非常饿, wo feichang e.
M: Or, I could ask,Stuart, 你饿不饿, ni e bu e? ‘ni e ma’和‘Ni e bu e’ 一样, the same, yi yang.
S: So we’ve just learnt another way to ask a question. What was the first? Right, just put a little ma on the end. Ni e ma?
M: Or we can say, ‘you hungry not hungry?’ 你饿不饿? Ni e bu e?
S: Now use this type of question to ask, ‘are you tired, lei, tired?
M: Dui le, ‘你累不累, ni lei bu lei.
S: Now try, ‘are you going?’ ….
M: right! 你去不去, ni qu bu qu?
S: Now try, ‘do you like Chinese food?’ ….
M: Dui le! 你喜欢不喜欢中餐, ni xihuan bu xihuan zhongcan?
S: Hen hao. Now try to use it for the Ok in ‘we’ll go eat, Ok?’
M: Dui le. 我们吃饭去, 好不好. All together, women chi fan qu, hao bu hao? 再来一次, once again, zai lai yi ci. women chi fan qu, hao bu hao?
S: 我们吃中餐,好不好, say it, women chi zhongcan, hao bu hao?
M: 好,我们吃中餐, hao, women chi zhongcan.
S: But now. It’s homework, gongke, time.
M: Using both types of question, practice asking someone, ni, or some people, nimen, ‘are you hungry, tired, clever and, eating – that’s chi bu chi; drinking – he bu he; going – qu bu qu; and, coming – lai bu lai.
S: Hao, nimen you nimen de gongke. You have your homework.
M: So we can call it a lesson. Hao hao xuexi. Zai jian. we help you learning Chinese, remember to visit the site !
article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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